Saturday, June 23, 2007

100 Red Pills

Today, I celebrate my 105th post.

Some are categorised: In Chinese (28 posts), Organ Robbery (with insider's info) (18 posts), Quotes (10 posts) . The rest are not.

Altogether, more than 100 red pills have been dispensed

An average of one pill every two days.

As of 23 Jun 07. this site has received a 3 months average of 2,125,689 page views and users (Alexa).


Thank you for reading.

Human Battery: Good Bye!

Friday, June 22, 2007


联合早报记者 韩宝镇 22/06/07






电池人: 66.6% 的蠢材显然不受“这一堂课”的教誨。也没关系啦,就让这些不受教的家伙去自生自灭好了!



Thursday, June 21, 2007



...前阵子和一位部长吃饭,向他提起不少老人感觉被边缘化,他竟睁大眼睛“哪有”?" - 洪艺菁, 联合早报 2007-03-24 之《老人非得“有用”?》

洪艺菁的言论最有可读性。(她是初生之犊不畏虎)? 那些早报“元老”如严孟达,蔡深江,林义明应该和她多多学习,少写些令人作呕的作品!



洪艺菁的下一句话是: “幸好不是每位部长都有这种想法。




“... 阿利是二战时136部队的成员之一。他经常回想自己奋勇作战的往事... 他最感慨的是自己过去付出得再多,现在似乎什么都不重要了。因为在许多人眼里,他只是个没用的老人。“为什么人们总是说希望提高老人的生产力,让他们为经 济作出一些贡献?我为国服务了大半辈子难道还不够吗?老人就非得有用吗?老人就不能毫无生产力地静悄悄安心退休吗?” ”

其实,毫无生产力的老人家是最可爱的了 - 家有一老,如有一宝!


电池人: 不过,也不是每个人都会老的。那些当走狗的,就认为自己是长生不老的!否则他们何以不兔死狐悲,物伤其类?


Wednesday, June 06, 2007

I'm tired

So, 4th Jun 2007's Zaobao reported that Matthais Yao's South East CDC gave a 52 years old single-parent mother $200 because she did not even have enough money to buy the long pants and shoes that were required of the food court cashier job (which the CDC found for her). Some months later, the woman "returned" Matthais Yao the $200 personally.

The first thing that came to my mind was of course how the CDC had wasted no time in calling the reporters to write about it! (Com'on, don't tell me it's the woman who called the newspaper instead?)

But my lasting impression is on the attitude of the woman and her 25 years old daugher:


Why is the daughter not happy with the mom asking for help from the CDC? What is there to be ashamed of? Social welfare is our rights, not a privilege bestowed on us by some gods in white! That's why we pay tax during our good times. It's so that when times are bad, we get welfare!


Why is she embarrassed? Why is she so full of gratitude? Why is it that even though her money situation is still tight, she wants to "return" the money so that the CDC can help others with this $200?!?!? The CDC did no charity at all! It is a contract between citizens and goverment: I pay you tax, you go invest it, so that when I, or my fellow citizens need money, you distribute MY money back to me/them!


Why did she say that the money is not hers, and therefore she must return it?

The money is of course hers!

She has paid her tax (even if "only" in the form of GST).

Her husband had paid his tax before his death. (the high HDB price is a form of tax).

Her daughter has paid her tax, and most importantly,

Her son (now in prison) has paid a lot of tax!!! Serving NS for nearly free is already paying high tax! If not for this young man, SAF would have to pay $X to employ a driver/cook/whatever, and now they pay him only $Y, then $X-$Y is the high tax he paid for 2 years!

And with all these tax paid, she is entitled to some welfare when she needs it.

So, what is there to be so grateful about?

But, alas, not only is she grateful, I further speculate that maybe she is so grateful that she will vote for Matthias Yao (again?) in the next election.

Entitlement and Rights!
Responsibility of a government to provide (some) welfare!

Just which part of these 3 things does she not understand?

Everytime I read about such news, I tell myself:

F*** it!
This Matrix Island is hopeless!
No change is possiible with these submissive peasants!

More importantly, it is not a matter of possibility, but of necessity: No change is necessary for these submissive peasants! Why would we, who have taken red pills, want to change the life of these submissive peasants who pop blue pills everyday?

I mean, just look at how absurd the whole situation is: These people don't find any problem with their Matrix Masters. We go in, agitate the water, stir some shit, open their mind. So then they become very dissatisfied with the situation. And then, having made them unhappy, we help them fight the matrix master so that they can become happy again!

Why don't we just leave them in their happy dream world right from the start?

At times like this, I look back at what I have written. and tell myself that I make much more sense when I write like that! So I want to say:

Give up, Neo!

Give up,

And you too, Morpheus!

No point at all!

They don't deserve your sacrifices!

You all are liberated. The world is your osyter. Now go!

Leave those who are not ready behind. They are happier in the Matrix!

(But I am not saying that you should abandon human batteries forever. The one who should leave permanently are the Matrix Master and his Machines, not you. But bid your time. The Matrix Master is not going to be around forever. When the situation is right, we will take back our little Island)

Cypher: I'm tired, Trinity. Tired of this war, tired of fighting... I'm tired of the ship, being cold, eating the same goddamn goop everyday...

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I hate this place

First, he ordered mee siam mai hum!

Now he ordered 40 sticks of satay!

Just what is his problem?

Let's count!

First, did he have any sense of proportion as to how much satay his stomach could accomodate (taking into account the ketaput and cucumber and onion)?

Probably not.

Maybe that's why he ordered 40, thinking that any less would constitute an unreasonable "gastronomic sacrifice" that no stomach should be expected to make, just because it's the stomach of a politician!

Really is yao gui + tam jia!

And that's problem number 1.

If this human battery were to be the one eating satay, he would order 10 first, then if not enough, another 10, then if still not enough, another...

That's because this human battery grew up poor and his mummy had taught him not to waste food! So he would rather err on the side of "under-ordering", then over.

This human battery would never have started with 40 and if cannot finish, throw away the remainder.

The man is poor at judging proportions and when in doubt, tends to err on the side of excessive indulgence!

And that's problem number 2.

He had to cross the causeway to find kindness.

Why couldn't any satay man on this Matrix Island show him the same kindness?

Because no satay man here dare contradicts his words!

He orders 40, and you give him 25?

You never die before is it?

How dare you treat his words like shit, argue back and imply that he has poor judgement?

The one in Malaysia probably didn't know that his daddy was waiting with a hatchet in the cul-de-sac!

And that's problem number 3.

He was so surprised by the honourable act of a satay man;

"Wiow, there actually exist someone who is willing to be paid a fair amount and who expects nothing more. Can you belive that?"

Surrounded by greedy men, he has not seen an honourable act in years. No wonder he find it worthy of mention!

And that's problem number 4.

Upon knowing the kind act, he should have insisted on 40 sticks or even double-up to 80; Give a treat to his body guards and driver, and let the satay man goes home happily to his wife and kids.

But alas, he does not subscribe to the adage: "one good turn deserves another".

And that's problem number 5.

He ordered 40. Satay man came with nearly half of that - 25.

But he didn't know it until it's time to pay, where-upon he was pleasantly surprised.

He can't count, is poor at visual estimation, and is generally not too good with money!

And that's problem number 6, 7 and 8.

Neither is his accompanying wife! (That explains a lot!)

And that's an even larger problem number 9!

His Public relation people told him to come up with some down-to-earth stories to relate to the people.

And the best he could think of is mee siam mai hum, and 40 satays for 2,

...both of which shows that he is out of touch with reality!

For in reality, mee siam doesnt come with hum, and 40 stick of satay is excessive for 2 persons!

But, he doesn't know that!

He should stick to true stories about sipping birdnest. That will make his stories more authentic and convincing.

And that's problem number 10.

He forgot the ultimate kindness that human batteries have shown him when they bestow milliions of dollars upon him each and every year, while poverty has risen on the Matrix Island!

And that's the most unforgivable problem number 11!

Agent Smith: I hate this place. This zoo. This prison. This reality, whatever you want to call it, I can't stand it any longer. It's the smell, if there is such a thing. I feel saturated by it. I can taste your stink and every time I do, I fear that I've somehow been infected by it.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Humanities is important

“The great strength of the totalitarian state is that
it forces those who fear it to imitate it.”

“The broad masses of a population are
more amenable to the appeal of rhetoric
than to any other force.”

“The great masses of the people
will more easily fall victims
to a big lie than to a small one.”

“Success is the sole earthly judge
of right and wrong.”

“The victor will never be asked
if he told the truth.”

“How fortunate for leaders,
that men do not think.”

Who said that?


Did you study Hitler and his words in school before?

Did you secondary school's history book:
- went beyond the history of this Matrix Island?
- went beyond memorising dates to include debates about different viewpoints?

How many years of history did your school allow you to study, and how was it taught?


Human Battery: Humanities is important. It liberates the mind! And that's why you were not allowed to study it, and to study it in the right way. Haha!


Sunday, June 03, 2007


In the previous post, I said: "READ".

Read what, you may ask?

Here's some recommendation - how about the life, work and words of the following people?

"There is a kind of dictatorship that can come about through a creeping paralysis of thought, readiness to accept paternalistic measures by government, and along with those measures comes a surrender of our own responsibilities and therefore a surrender of our own thought over our own lives and our own right to exercise the vote. The free system gives the right to every citizen to do something for himself. Because he has the right, the opportunity is always there" - General Dwight David Eisenhower, 34th US president, Supreme Allied Commander in WW II, Europe.

"We cannot possibly reconcile the principle of democracy, which means cooperation, with the principle of governmental omniscience under which everyone waits for an order before doing anything. That way lies loss of freedom, and dictatorship" - Lewis H. Brown

"A free market includes the free exchange of views, the ability to read what people write, regardless of what their views are, the whole area of freedom of speech, of religion, of discussion, of the press, is really an aspect of a free market. It is an area in which individuals should be free to cooperate with one another, to exchange views, to say what they believe."- Milton Friedman, 1912-2006.

"The history of mankind is a history of the subjugation and exploitation of a great majority of people by an elite few by what has been appropriately termed the 'ruling class'. The ruling class has many manifestations. It can take the form of a religious orthodoxy, a monarchy, a dictatorship of the proletariat, outright fascism, or, in the case of the United States, corporate statism. In each instance the ruling class relies on academics, scholars and 'experts' to legitimize and provide moral authority for its hegemony over the masses". - Ed Crane

"It is a paradox that every dictator has climbed to power on the ladder of free speech. Immediately on attaining power each dictator has suppressed all free speech except his own" - Herbert Clark Hoover (1874 - 1964)

You can never get all the facts from just one newspaper, and unless you have all the facts, you cannot make proper judgements about what is going on." - Harry Truman

"The best test of a civilised society
is the way in which
it treats its most vulnerable and weakest members."

-Mahatma Gandhi

What the people really want to hear is the truth.
It is the exciting thing - to speak the truth."

- Winston Churchill

Don't say I bias hor. Here's a quote from LKY for comparision:

"I am often accused of interfering in the private lives of citizens. Yes, if I did not, had I not done that, we wouldn't be here today. And I say without the slightest remorse, that we wouldn't be here, we would not have made economic progress, if we had not intervened on very personal matters - who your neighbour is, how you live, the noise you make, how you spit, or what language you use. We decide what is right. Never mind what the people think." - Lee Kuan Yew, 1987

How is he, compared to the rest?

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” - CS Lewis

When you have an efficient government,
you have a dictatorship"
- Harry S. Truman, 33rd US president:

"When dictatorship is a fact,
revolution becomes a right"
- Victor Hugo

And I reserve the best for the last:

"You can't get rich in politics,
unless you're a crook."

- Harry S Truman

Human Battery: 开卷有益!


Saturday, June 02, 2007


66.6% of the people support the Matrix Masters.

Look back at my figures: Less than 10% of those aged 40 and above got into university. So, even if we were to assume that all those graduates supported the Matrix Master, that would still leave us with 66.6% - 10% > 55% who had artifically (i.e. not based on "natural" educational principles) been deprived of a university education and who still whole-heartedly supported their own deprivation!!

Just what kind of people would deprive themselves and their children of a good education (that students with similar academic abilities in other developed countries get to enjoy) and still happily support their Matrix Master for doing so?

I tell you what I think: these are human batteries high on drugs!

Blue pills. Forced-fed to them everyday!

These blue pills cause them to be drowsy and giddy, such that their minds are never clear. Thus affected, such a mind is only capable of absorbing noise from the TV. It is no longer capable of absorbing knowledge, of discerning truth from lies and facts from fictions.

In fact, reading worsen the side effects of the blue pills, causing unbearable headaches such that all reading and knowledge-acquiring activities have to cease:

Tell me, when is the last time you visited your friends' or relatives' home, and noticed a study room instead of a mahjong room or home theatre room?

It has been said that you can judge the IQ of a city by the number of bookstores it has. In Taipei, there are 24 hours bookstores, pack with customers even in the wee hours. In Shanghai, young people are eagerly reading for free at various bookstores.

On this Island, our human batteries are very busy at midnight too...!

That's why we are now advocating midnight shopping. Because it makes business sense! Shopping, especially at midnight, tends to somewhat alleviate the drowsy side effects of the blue pills. You shoud try it one day. Very rejuvenating!

But, if you want to leave the Matrix...

Human Battery: READ!
Reading liberates the mind.
Start with the Animal Farm

Friday, June 01, 2007

Do you believe

Straits Times May 27, 2007
MORE Singaporeans expect to keep working beyond the retirement age than people elsewhere in the world, according to a new global survey. Six in 10 Singaporeans polled said they expected to keep working for as long as possible, compared to the global average of four in 10. Three-quarters of those Singaporeans who expected to stay in the workforce said that this was because they wanted to. Many older Singaporeans said they feared not being useful and missing colleagues after retirement...

First, it was ranked 140th. Then 149th. And now, 154th.

I think it should be ranked 1st for creativity - the ability to creatively quote out of context an otherwise legitimate survey to suit its purpose!

Morpheus: Do you believe that my being stronger or faster has anything to do with my muscles in this place? Do you think that's air you're breathing now?