Sunday, December 10, 2006

What good is a phone call?

146th-ranked newspaper: "(MHA) also said the prison authorities had examined the food provided for Chee and 'found no reason to believe' it was the cause of his purported nausea".

SDP: "The medical doctor at the Queenstown Remand Prison had found traces of blood in Dr Chee's urine. He had suffered from abdominal pains and his blood pressure was also extremely low that evening.

146th: "he has refused all medical tests and treatments at the hospital, the ministry said".

SDP: "Perhaps the MHA should have told Mr Low (of TODAY) that Dr Chee had done a chest X-ray, a CT scan and urine test. The doctor had also examined his abdomen and had told us that he was suffering from abdominal tenderness".

SDP: "When asked if he had found any "unusual" substances in Dr. Chee's urine, the hospital doctor said that he did not consider the possibility of the presence of this substance and therefore did not run the specific urine tests to ascertain this. When asked if a doctor conduct an independent urine test on Dr Chee, the prison authorities advised that the family should 'write in for this unusual request.'"

The Human Battery is reminded of a wise Chinese saying:


(To frame a person, there needn't be any worry that there will be lack of words).

Neo: You can't scare me with this Gestapo crap. I know my rights. I want my phone call.
Agent Smith: Tell me, Mr. Anderson... what good is a phone call... if you're unable to speak?


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