Thursday, March 01, 2007

There are two ways

Dear family of the late Mr. Sim,

Initially, many singaporeans pitied your family. But, thanks to the Health Minister's clarification, Singaporeans now know that actually Mr. Sim was an educated man who had known everything about HOTA. It was your family who had been at fault for having no respect for his wish to save lives, and that's why the police had to step in to make sure you people showed some respect!

Our government is a very honest government; it will never lie to its citizens. So we all believe what Mr. Khaw said. I have only one little question for you: why was the very educated Mr. Sim working as a forklift operator?

66.6% of Singaporeans

28 February 2007
Channel NewsAsia
By Dominique Loh

"...While Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan empathised with what the man's family members were going through, he said the wishes of the dead should also be respected.

Mr Khaw said: "The donor was (probably) around 21 or 22 when HOTA was introduced in this House. I remember there was widespread public debate. He was an educated man. I'm sure he was fully aware of HOTA and the fact that if he did not opt out, it would mean that he wanted to save lives in the event of a sudden death. So we should respect their wishes."

, 如果他们向部长投书伸冤, 结局会如何。 唉, 电池人实在不知该如何回答, 才能不伤她的心。 还好, 许文远及时出来,替电池人解围。

听一听卫生部长, 在国会里, 是如何向全国人民解释此事吧! 亲眼读一读,他如何说明沈先生是个受过高教育的知识分子, 非常了解 hota, 非常愿意捐献器官, 因此我们应该尊重他的意愿!

他言下之意, 是不是告诉新加坡人,你们一家人无法和你哥相比 -- 你们没受过教育, 蛮不讲理,不肯尊重受过高教育的亲人的意愿 -- 所以警察只好出来主持正义, 帮沈先生完成心愿? 这就需你们自己去思索了。

你们认为部长不知道, 当晚在中央医院所发生的真正情况吗? 你们认为警察部队敢隐瞒真相, 不报告给卫生部长和内政部长知道吗?你们认为没有政府人员在读我网站, 然后报告给政府知道?你们还有什么, 是部长不早就知道的东西,可以上书给他?

哦, 我忘了告诉你,许部长还说了一句话: "Our communication experts advise us this is not the time to start (a celebrate organ donation day)".

呵呵, 原来人家还有通讯专家在幕后, 指导他们现在应该如何向愤怒的新加坡人解释,该说什么,几时说,如何说, 应该用什么词汇来误导, 来挑拨, 来自圆其说, 来含血喷人

注意哟,是 “experts“, 有个 “s" 在后面。是一整组人,一整队学过心理学的通讯专家们, 在教政府如何应付你们哇!

你们呢?有没有专家在替你们出头?没有!一个都没有。 只有一个表面上说一大把话,却连个身份都不敢透露的电池人, 以及和他一样不敢透露姓名的读者!

还好有这么一个人 - 他公开姓名,身份。 他说愿意帮你们联络外国媒体,国际人权组织,揭穿真相。 既然公开说了, 自然不能, 也不会反悔。 他不像电池人一样是个缩头龟 -- 他曾无怨无悔地站在那 Neo 身边,一同面对警察的凌辱, 也曾为正义做过牢。 他是个敢伸张正义的人。 那你们还在等什么? 对了,那 Neo 好像也学过心理学,正好可以拿来对付那些“通讯专家”!

就连在小学读书的小妹妹都不怕,你们被如此欺压,亲人丧命,还怕什么?为什么不豁出去,让死去的亲人得以伸冤?如果他的死,能够换来所有新加坡人清醒过来,不再受警察欺压,明白今天的新加坡已经和当年不一样了,他在天之灵, 应该感到安慰。

以往, 肉没被扎到, 不了解新闻自由的可贵, 人权的重要。现在深深体会到了,那又该如何行动呢? 答案还不明显吗? :)

Morpheus: To your left there is a window: open it... use the scaffold to get to the roof.
Neo: No way. No way. This is crazy.
Morpheus: There are two ways out of that building: one is that scaffold, the other is in their custody. You take a chance either way: I leave it to you.

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At Friday, March 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From/AS What Our EDUCATED HELL Minister Kxxw (MOH-Minister of HELL) hv say...

I Also ASUMED that He is Not Only BRAIN DEAD but hv oso HEART DEAD..

So we should respect HIS WISH to harvest his organs... 2 Save More Life...!!!

At Friday, March 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actly my mum was worry abt Us ( the rest of her children) tat the police migth even attack us fr behind cuz we Say Out the TRUTH of their Bad/UGLY side...

She hv already lost a son... She is afraid this might cuz another or more even WE R JUZ Fright 4 Our RIGHT...

For what she/WE hv encounter... No doublt that SHE/We will Fear abt thgs like this...

She hv Heart & other health Problem... WE as her children juz dun 1 2 let her b 2 worry... but yet oso cant Swoller this Yuan1 Qi4...

Anyway,I thk 4 Wat the "HELL Minster" say will only make ppl...(even ppls tat didnt tend 2 opt out b4)... They WILL Want To Opt Out Aft His "Golden Word"... (Ppls will c his TRUE Col)...

Hao3 Xi4 Zhai4 Hou4 Tou2

At Saturday, March 03, 2007, Blogger The Human Battery said...

Your mum needn't worry. They won't dare to do anything physical to you people. But be prepared for them to torture you mentally i.e. to hear more lies, like what you read in this post. They will keep coming up with more and more lies. Now, they concentrate on saying that you people are selfish, and the police was helping your bro to fulfill his wish. Later, if this lie doesnt work, they will invent even more lies!

In fact, currently, some pap moles are already writing such nonsense for their pap masters in this thread: See msg 17, 28 and others by those 2 running dogs. But ok lah, that's the beauty of freedom of speech - it allows many other forummers who have a sense of justice to scold the two of them upside down. Haha!

At Tuesday, March 06, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can my mum not to worry…
My brother is the closest to her almost all sibling… follow by Me…as we are staying in the same unit…
The FEAR of losing another 1 at her age now with Heart Problem is really HORRIBLE & TERRIBLE… ( She Feel Very PAIN & Helpless in a way that…My bro hd die of Such a Injustice Tragic Death…but she oso afraid that somethg might happen to us while trying to ask for justice of my late bro…!?!)

I thk it Hard to say that they wont do anythg to us people...

Like I say...
Is My bro Organ that been ROBBED by them... but Yet is Me- the 1 that kana handcuff...

Well…It make me feel that actly my brother DIDN’T commit any crime… He DIDN’T Steal,Rob,murder ect… But He Was sentence to Death… or Even WORST then that… as death convict still can remain their Full body right…!?!

I thk the only ‘crime’ that my bro hv commit is that-
He is TOO HEALTY... then he got A Very MILD stroke…
WORST Of ALL Is That His ORGAN Is DAME GOOD… follow by the “serious crime” he commit is He is Brain Dead…
In SGH + Brain Dead + Very GOOD ORGAN He Has= Sure DIE + Must Die= Die Faster…

There is Many case of People Brain Dead in Changi Hospital… they are given chance up to 1 weak or even A month…

At Wednesday, March 07, 2007, Blogger The Human Battery said...

Why SGH rush through the process?
Is it because some VIP need such transplant urgently?
When did they do the blood test to check your bro's kidney condition?
Is that done when he is still alive?
Why no CT scan done until 4 days later?

All these questions, which you, I and other singaporeans have raised, can only be answered when there is an open inquiry - similar to the inquiry in the commando dunking case, the naval collision case, and the notorious NKF case. But such an open inquiry will occur only if there is enough pressure to force the govt to do so! We have already exerted some pressure. A few thousands people have read your English and Chinese letters on various forums and on this blog. Many people have opted out of HOTA. But the pressure is still not enough to get MOH to act.

How are things going on with Uncle Yap? If he can get international human rights organisation to pay attention to this, the impact will be much greater. Also, if you have any further tussle with the authorities, remember to take videos/photos of their unruly behaviour using your hp. That will create a lot of pressure on them to act properly. In fact, the police treated Chee better than they treated you, precisely because Chee's Hong Lim Park standoff occured in the public, whereas your incident occured in a hospital, away from public's eye.

Don't worry. They don't dare to charge you in court or do anything to you publicly. If they do that, Singaporeans will be enraged. They will only dare to pretend-pretend to scare you privately. So the point is: you must make sure things occur in the public. And whatever they do to you, you expose it to the public. Once everything is in public, they will not dare to go overboard. Uncle Yap has lots of experience on how to go about such things. If he can give you advice on the next step to take, it will be very helpful.

Basically, it boils down to this: when you have a lot of people knowing what happen and is on your side, then the govt will be on your side too (eg. NKF case now). But if the public does not know about it, the govt will not be on your side, and they will try to hide things away (eg. NKF case in the past). Standing up for justice does take some courage. But in your case, it is your own family member you are standing up for. If you dont dare to do that, who else will stand up for him?

At Saturday, March 10, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

2b honest… We also get the pressure too as some of the outsider think Negatively abt us due to some wrong report fr some newspaper…
My family health is getting weak after my brother case & TILL NOW… We CANT hv a gd sleep since then… esp my Mum… I see her wake up in middle of the night.. Walking in & out of my brother room…
She is old & got heart problem ect…(My Dad oso hospitalize)… We are afraid that she might cant take it anymore…
It better for her mind & body to be rest for few days…

If we have any further tussle with the authorities, Do u thk we will remember to take videos/photos of their unruly behaviour using your HP at that point of time leh…
Or even if we remember…
Do U thk they will not FORCE(Organ oso can Robbed redi...) Us to Delete it of even confiscated…
Anyway… they Will & Hd Plan All that… They separated us into 2 place…Door were Closed (usually Open) with 3-4 Police or security guard at 1 entrance…

I reli thanks U So Much & oso 2 All peoples the hd support us…even as counsel & advise us…

I & My Mum dare to Standing up for justice but not 2 all silbing as they hd their own family... I understand in their position that they will b worry if another might happen 2 us if...( the Opp is 2 power...!?!)

At Saturday, March 10, 2007, Blogger The Human Battery said...

I am sorry to hear that your mom is not coping well. I think a good balance between out-right confrontation and not doing anything, is to simply peacefully let more and more people know the truth. Talking to people is not an offence and nobody can do anything bad to you for doing something perfectly legal - talking.

For example, since the day you posted the 2 english and chiense letters on my blog, till todate, literally thousands of people have read the letters. People have copied the letters and posted them on various online forums. Many also emailed their friends to tell them to come to this blog to read the letters. The Singapore Democratic Party has also put up a link to this blog: (thanks to Uncle Yap?)

So, that's a very good start. But if your aim is to get the authorities to conduct an open investigation/inquiry to answer all the questions and doubts, thousands of people is not enough. Must be hundreds of thousands. And for that, Uncle yap can help you much better than I. Not only does he has more contacts, I believe he also has lots of experience and knowledgge abt how to do things in a way that will not give the authorities any excuse to find trouble for you.

Oh, another way is to file a police report or go to court thru a lawyer, to request that your bro's case be classified as "unnatural death". All unnatural death must be investigated openly by the Coroners in open court (验尸庭)。It is absolutely legal to make such a request. Nobody can punish you for that. But I think the chance that the court/police will grant your request is low, unless there is enough pressure from hundreds of thousands of people. So it is back to that lor.

Oh, Low Thia Kiang has demanded an ans to this case, are you aware? I will blog about it.


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