Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The triumph of evil

So, you were fully aware of how the police treated "Ah Neo". But you didn't care. You couldn't be bothered. You didn't want to support him. You kept consoling yourself: "Oh, that's because he is a politician mah . He had only himself to blame. They wouldn't do such things to me - a diam diam (quiet), guai guai (obedient) Human Battery".

You were WRONG!

Let me give you the insider's information of how more than 20 police men and security guards treated ordinary citizens worse than they had treated Chee. That's right, worse! In Chee's case, the police knew that it was under the watchful eyes of foreign journalists and their cameras. So they tried as hard as they could to appear civilised. But away from the public's view, this is how they treated ordinary citizens: (emphasis and colours added by me).

English Version
Mr Policeman, are you Professional?

I am writing with regards to the recent tussle at Singapore General Hospital (SGH) on 6 February 2006 in relation to the removal of organs of my cousin, Sim Tee Hua (the deceased).

The incident has attracted much attention from the media, and what happened that fateful night has drastically changed my perception of the professionalism of the police force in Singapore. I had always believed in what the government prided about our police force - a professional well-trained force, possessing the ability to handle all contingencies and are always well-prepared to handle all kinds of scenarios - moreover, a Singapore Quality Award (SQA) standard agency.

However, what I witnessed at SGH on 6 February 2007 (at about 1 am) were policemen who acted as if they were superior and greater than others, unlike the friendly police that the government pictured them to be.

The so-called professionally trained policemen we (I and my relatives) encountered that night were not at all friendly, warm or even professional. There was no calm advice or words of comfort given. Instead, they were yelling out orders like we were some second, third class citizens who were not worth a mention. Some of the policemen were aggressive and rough. Is this our so-called professionally trained police? If this is so, I am terribly worried for our country's future.

During our exchange that night, I had previously highlighted some potential problems to the policemen which might occur:-

(1)My auntie (the deceased's mother) is old and has heart problems. If the authorities insisted on the removal of the Tee Hua's organs by force, it may agitate and add on to her grief and I was afraid that she might suffer a heart attack as a result.

(2)And if she (Tee Hua's mother) were to suffer a heart attack, her children would definitely be even more emotionally uncontrollable. Who knows what might happen next?

(3)That night, the deceased's mother and sisters were still reeling from anguish over his sudden 'death'? and were unable to manage their emotions. Hence, handling the matter authoritatively would undeniably cause a heated uproar.

(4)I had pointed out to them (the policemen) that many times, the root causes of many confrontations between two parties or more were that the matters were improperly handled with inadequatesensitivity and that the parties did not have (sufficient) avenues to voice out their thoughts.

(5)Moreover, other patients would be affected if a confrontation were to occur in the hospital. I had already suggested to the police and the hospital staff that they carefully consider the undesirable consequences.

In the end, the authorities decided to use force (to proceed with the removal of the deceased's organs) and an ugly confrontation took place. A few of the policemen acted boorishly and they were even more tensed up than us (the family members of the deceased)! The policemen even commanded and rebuked my relatives. Despite our grief, some of us even had to calm the policemen down. It was fortunate that my male relatives were relatively more composed, otherwise the situation might have gotten out of control.

(1) Ten male policemen were unable to control the deceased's emotionally unstable sisters and the struggle lasted for 15 minutes. (It was reported in medical studies that the strength of a person who is emotionally unstable is ten times more than at normal).

[Human Battery: Eh, I thought they have platoons of female police officers to handle female citizens? No meh? I saw that on TV when they confronted Chee Siok Chin outside CPF building and at Hong Lim Park! Oh I see, in Chee's case, the police put up a public wayang show for us to see. Away from public's eye, they actually sent 10 male police officers to grab a female citizen for 15 minutes! Ta Ma De!]

(2) In the midst of the confrontation, the deceased was forcefully pushed into the operating theatre through another door without our knowledge. The Tee Hua's mother who was in the ICU fell down to the floor in the midst of the chaos. The deceased's sisters who were outside the ICU, upon seeing that their mother had fallen, requested to the approximately 10 policemen who were guarding the ICU entrance to allow one or two of them to go in and take a look at their mother (in case she really suffered a heart attack as feared). To our horror, our request was bluntly rejected and a policewoman rudely ordered us to shut up!

(3)Just as the deceased was being forcefully pushed into the operating theatre, a policeman who was guarding the door taunted my cousin-in-law (by using hand gestures), challenging him to dash into the operating theatre. This caused even more frustration to the already grieving, emotionally disconcerted family members of the deceased. May I ask, should this be how a professionally trained police officer be behaving under the circumstances where a family who had just witnessed a loved one being wheeled into the operation room for organs removal and they could do nothing to protect him?

(4) After the deceased was pushed into the operating theatre, my 15-year-old nephew who was relatively more calm started to comfort my cousins. An insensitive policeman actually yelled at my nephew, rudely ordering him to stay silent! Should he (that policeman) not have been more thoughtful and compassionate?

(5)The 20 to 30 policemen and security officers present were entirely of no help and they were unable to manage just a few of my emotional female cousins. Had it been the brothers or male friends of the deceased who were emotionally agitated, the situation would have been even more heated and out of control.

(6)Of the 20 of us, there were 15 females, most of which were rational and trying to comfort the emotionally agitated ones. If the police could not effectively handle a few women, would they be able to handle a riot?

(7)Had the police and the hospital staff heeded my advice and considered my concerns that night, there could have been a win-win situation for all of us and this unnecessary tussle would certainly have been avoided.

(8)Should not a professionally trained police force be able to foresee and plan for possible contingency? In the midst of carrying out their duties, the emotions of the public should not be so insensitively disregarded.

(9)Would the outcome be different if the police and hospital had reported the matter to higher authorities? What will the consequences be if the deceased's mother really suffered a heart attack as a result of the heartrending confrontation which has been handled so inconsiderately? ?is this the outcome all parties wish to expect?

(10) On that night, the police and the hospital staff handled the matter thoughtlessly to the extent of using force and authority to wheel the deceased into the operating theatre, despite our cries of objection. They did not take into account the feelings of the deceased's family members; naturally, the family still harbored hope (though announced brain dead, the deceased's heart was still beating g). By such indiscreet actions, the police and hospital had cruelly dashed any hopes the family had left to save the deceased. Their insensitivity and no-room-for-peaceful-settlement approach was the main reason for the cause of this confrontation.

(11) We requested for another night, which is to wait till Wednesday 8pm for the transplant to take place if my cousin did not regain consciousness by then. In fact, our family did not have any objections in donating the organs to needy patients. Moreover, the deceased was a very helpful person when he was alive, and without doubt he would have loved to leave his organs for better use in this world. However, our small request was not acceded to, leading to the ugly situation. May I ask, could what happened that night be avoided if they had displayed more humanity and compassion when communicating with the deceased's family members? The organ transplant officer wanted to help and diffuse the situation but her hands were tied. Wouldn't the situation had been better resolved if someone of a higher authority were around to speak to the deceased's family members?

Chinese Version





(1) 我阿姨(死者母亲)年纪大又有心脏病,如果强行采取行动我阿姨受了刺激,怕会引发心脏病暴发。

(2) 如果我阿姨心脏病暴发,可能会引起子女的情绪失控,而出现无法预料的后果。

(3) 当晚我阿姨和我表妹(死者姐妹)的情绪还相当激动,更不适合以强硬的手段强行处理,恐怕会引起强烈的冲突场面。

(4) 我还向他们指出世界各地的暴动事故,很多时候都是因为很小事故,因情绪无处宣泄,处理不当而引发希望他们了解。

(5) 而且这里是医院,如果引发冲突可能会对其他病人造成影响,希望警方与院方商量考虑后果。


(1) 当晚整10位男警员控制不了我的两位情绪失控的表妹(死者的姐妹),而且拉扯15分钟。(医学研究人在情绪失控下体力可暴增几陪於平时)


(3) 在我的表弟(死者)被强行推进手术室时,驻守在手术室门外的一位警察,还以挑衅式的手式叫我的表妹夫往前冲向他,以制造混乱埸面,请问这是受过专业训练警察的行为吗?

(4) 当晚我表弟(死者)被推进手术室后,我的外甥(15岁)在安抚我表妹情绪时,有位警察还大声喊骂我外甥别吵,而不是温和的鼓励我外甥我安抚表妹,什至我表姐被允许进入房间劝导外甥女时,有位警察还相当激动的叫骂,请问这样的行为对吗?

(5) 当晚在医院内外的2、30位警察与院方警卫,完全无法真正控制我的几位情绪失控的姐妹,如果当晚情绪失控的是我的兄弟或表弟(死者)朋友,那埸面一定很火暴,而警方与院方好像没把它考虑在内。

(6) 当晚我们家属约有20人其中5个男性而其它都是女流之辈,大多数女性亲戚也都很理智的劝导其他几位情绪失控的女性亲戚,警方都无法有效的控制埸面,如果遇到暴动,请问我们的警察是否能应对考验?

(7) 如果警方与院方都有考虑我当晚提出的意见,是否就可平息这不必要的纠纷,正如政府时常强调的两羸局面,而不是双输局面。

(8) 一支专业训练的警察部队,是否应把所有可能会出现的问题都考虑在内,不应忽视当事人的感受认为市井小民人微言轻言不足信。而太过高估自己权力与实力,以至引发不必要的后果?

(9) 当晚如果警方与院方都能向高层汇报局势,是否会有不同的结果?如果当晚我阿姨(死者母亲)心脏病暴发,而引发伤亡事故那是警方与院方所希望看到的结果吗?



How come I have such insider's information? I hear you ask :) Read my previous post.

Oh, I should point out that the closely-knitted family combined all their resources and brainstormed to draft these letters. They sent them to our 146th-ranked newspapers. They were not published.

Bloggers amd forummers, tell me, why are you blogging about the politics and current affairs of this Matrix Island? Is it not because you want to "expose the truth", to provide an alternative view that the "main-stream media" refuse to publish? Is it not because you are for truth and for justice?

If you answer yes, then this is the opportunity. Here is a family that wants help to expose the truth. My blog's traffic is nothing. Some of you have way much higher traffic than me. Some of you post regularly to various online forums. Quote what the family wrote. Provide a link to my blog so that readers can judge the authenticity of the letters for themselves, when they read first-hand the comments that his sister left. Help spread the truth.

Remember how the Matrix Masters initially hid the truth about the commando dunking "murder"? Remember how they eventually had a full investigation leading to a court case, when more and more people exposed the truth on online forums? Help this poor family as you have helped in the other case.

Lest some of you decide that this doesn't concern you, let me remind you again that if it can happen to a politician, it can happen to an ordinary citizen. And since it has already happened to an ordinary citizen, it can happen to you and I and our loved ones. Not the same type of incidents, but some other time, some other place, some other event, yet the same abuse, even when we are completely innocent and totally obedient...

Help spread the truth!

Ok, this is a serious matter. So I will not "play play" with a Matrix quote. Read this:

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)



At Tuesday, February 27, 2007, Blogger vagabondblogger said...

I can't imagine something like that happening - it all sounds very surreal. My sympathies to you and your family for your horrible ordeal.

At Tuesday, February 27, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The love of money is the root of all evil... and the profits of snatched fresh organs are very great.

Tell you all the truth: don't expect any of those snatched organs to save that poor heartlander across the block who had been queueing for a transplant for years. NOPE. The rich ones get priority... especially those rich medical tourists from overseas. Medical tourism - great boost for GDP eh?

To those still alive: opt out of HOTA now. If you still want to donate your organs, consult a lawyer and draft a voluntary organ pledge. This is kindness. This is free will and choice.

At Tuesday, February 27, 2007, Blogger denzuko1 said...

this is how the garment try to show that they are pro-family.

At Tuesday, February 27, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was shocked and agreed with your concern.

Please send these article to Assoc Prof HO Peng Kee, ho_peng_kee [at] mha.gov.sg and Ms NG Ooi Hooi, Quality Service Manager,
mha_qsm [at] mha.gov.sg of Ministry of Home Affairs.

Get to the right people.

At Wednesday, February 28, 2007, Blogger uncleyap said...




Please refer to above blog publications, I sympathize with the Sim family and stand strongly against famiLEE LEEgime's HOTA. I am able to help expose this brutality further. Can help to put Sim family in touch of UN and human right e.g. Amnesty International as well as conduct Internet video interview or arrange speeches at relevant conferences.

Please email me at gmail@uncleyap.name

At Wednesday, February 28, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

'The love of money is the root of all evil... and the profits of snatched fresh organs are very great.Tell you all the truth: don't expect any of those snatched organs to save that poor heartlander across the block who had been queueing for a transplant for years. NOPE. The rich ones get priority... especially those rich medical tourists from overseas. Medical tourism - great boost for GDP eh?'

WHEN I WAS HOSPITALISED IN ICU at age 46, After I had a HEART ATTACK, THE DOCTOR INCHARGE OF MY CASE HAD ABSENT MINEDLY COMMENTED THAT "You, look fit,your Organs must be GOOD can get Good price" At that time under Drugs and unstable position I did not Understand fully what his comments meant,Infact I had thought that the 'Good Doctor' was refering to my HEART, as in being strong and in good condition such i should recover well. NOW AFTER THIS INCIDENT, recalling that statement, I feel like I have been treated like a BUSINESS COMMODITY, I think I survived all by the GRACE OF GOD.Had I, CLEARLY heard what he was whispering under his breath, then , I would walked out of ICU,AND AWAY FROM THE BUTCHERS, FOR SURE.
My heartfelt condolences to the family...

At Wednesday, February 28, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They don't call Singapore a police state for nothing.

At Sunday, March 04, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

they are not police, they are shit eating PAP dogs!

At Monday, March 05, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My sympathies to you and your family.
If we can do as a passerby or happened to withness/es the scene, we ought to at least cam it with our cam phone and youtube it to every passionate human on earth.
It may be hard as "friendly" enforcement officers will be watching and restricting it but when all of us play our part, their are corner.

It is a good lesson that makes us the fellow heartlanders more united against disatisfactory.

At Wednesday, March 07, 2007, Blogger Aaron said...

I have decent blog traffic, and I will add this link to the entry I wrote on HOTA. Your insider information will be helpful for the public to understand the issue better. :)

At Wednesday, March 07, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please list down all the names of the police and doctors/nurses involved. Wash their dirty linen in public. It never felt more shameful to be singaporean. This message should be broadcasted to overseas media as HOTA applies to Permanent Residents as well.

At Friday, March 09, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mayb most of them r not singaporean or they r 'Walk Dog'(走狗)

At Friday, March 09, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read this post with sadness and utter disgust; sad that you've lost a member within your family. I hope you and your family are coping well.

I'm disgusted by the entire fiasco you and your family have to go through with the abuse.

If you have the will and determination, perhaps you can do what this guy did:


Truth be told, I am very inspired by what the writer did, and the lengths the writer will go to get the answers and MAKE THEM ACCOUNTABLE. Enough is enough.

At Friday, March 09, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tried to post this at Sammyboy forum but was not successful.

This is what I heard from my mother about her friends sister death. Let call my mother friend Alice.

Sometime last year, Alice’s sister (age early forty) was found unconscious at home. When she was rushed to the hospital, she was pronounced brain dead by the doctor. However, Alice’s sister was kept under observation in the hospital. The family hoped that she would wake up. A week had passed and she was pronounced really dead, i.e. heart beat stopped. The family decided to donate her organs for good cause but the doctors rejected the offer. Reason given was that all the organs are useless because the patient was dead.

So does that mean that the SGH only wants “live” organs? I thought that organs are only harvested within a few hours after the person had died.

During that week, the family was not pressurized to quickly donate Alice’s sister organs when she was pronounced brain dead. This is in great contrast to what happen to the late Mr. Sim. When Alice read about the late Mr. Sim incident at the hospital, they were quite surprised.

Why was the doctors at SGH very eager and urgently wanted to remove the late Mr. Sim‘s organ when he was pronounced brain dead?

Very interesting, isn’t it?

To me, brain dead is not dead. A person is not dead until he/she is truly dead, that is, all organs cease to function.

At Friday, March 16, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear all.

A thread has been started at Sammyboy's forum in show of support to the grieving family of the late Mr. Sim.


Do pop by and drop a note of condolences and support for the family...

P.S. Do not be intimidated by certain writers there who have been trying to cover up the misdeeds of their masters. They will be hostile and intimidating.

Do not be afriad of their Antics.


At Friday, March 16, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My blog traffic my be low. But whatever it takes to show how corrupted the police force are, a small gesture as to link this entry is always a good start.

It makes me sick to be leaving in Singapore along with this bunch of ugly Singaporeans.

At Saturday, March 17, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks to UncleYap & ALL Supporter to my Family here(Forums/Blogs ect...)!!!


Mata Abuse FIREARM to Threaten Sister of Sim Tee Hua
This is a copy of GMAIL which I just sent to Wong Kan Seng, it briefly stated yet anothe bit of shocking details what famiLEE LEEgime matas did to Sim Tee Hua's family in SGH on 7th Feb 2007.

"k.h. Yap" to wong_kan_seng,
show details 11:44 pm (5 minutes ago)
Dear Minister Wong,

I personally interviewed the family members of late Mr. Sim Tee Hua - victim of organ plundering scandal today to discover a series of shocking police abuses. All the relatively non-urgent matters and the politics aside, I urge you answer to the public regarding the police officer misusing live loaded pistol to threaten young lady Cally Sim.

Confirmed by both Miss Cally and her elder sister, a police officer by a Chinese name Goh, with his hand signal and clear verbal expression OFFERED MISS CALLY SIM A CHANCE TO TAKE HIS LOADED POLICE PISTOL FROM HIM, in a intimidating threat to dare this angry and agitated Miss Sim repeatedly, by inviting her to pull his gun from his holster belt.

This took place at Singapore General Hospital on 7th Feb 2007 near the ICU where late Mr. Sim was harvested his organs.

As a member of public I am very shocked that we have this sort of thug officer in our FIRST WORLD HOME TEAM.

It is urgent that such an officer must be disqualified to be armed, for the sake of public safety as soon as possible.

I can assure you that I am not biased to write this email in my political position against your ruling party or government. Regardless if Workers' Party or SDA were the ruling party I will write without a difference.


Plunder Organ mata abused GUN on family-

At Wednesday, April 04, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, i dun have an account but my name is Siyu.

i can't say i understand entirely what you and your family members have gone through.

My mom has been in the hospital for more than a year and it is a direct case of medical negligence. They pacify us at the beginning (fearing that we will go to the media, esp when NKF was in the limelight then) and bo chup us after 3 months, we had to engage a lawyer before they speak to us again. My mom is left bedridden.

Hence, i understand why you want to let everyone know about this. To wake most ppl if not all that this image they are portraying, whether it's the police or hospital, it's not really as what it may seem. Of course, i m not writing everyone off, but the ppl u mentioned, i abhorred such behaviour. Rest assured, i ll tell my frens about this incident.

Govt hosp sucks. u are subsidised and they treat u like shit.


My heart goes to your family. be strong. they need u

At Wednesday, April 04, 2007, Blogger The Human Battery said...

Siyu, I am sure it must have been hard on your family, just as it has been on the Sim family.

All these abuses and negligence are the reasons why we need check and balance in every aspect of our government. Without free speech and free press, and with a judiciary system inclined to rule in the doctors' favour in medical negligence cases, what incentive is there for doctors and hospitals to be extra careful, and to treat us as well as if they are treating their own parents or children?

We cannot expect a political party to "check" itself, anymore than we can expect doctors to "balance" themselves. Nor can we expect the police force to discipline itself (instead of covering up its rotten apples) and so on.

We MUST have free press, free speech, 2-party system, independent judiciary etc to ensure real check and balace, because "absolute power corrupts absolutely" (and so we cannot let power becomes absolute)!

To wake up only to the understanding that the police or hospital is not what it really seem, is to have taken only half a red pill. Only when we realise what is in bold and italic above, are we fully "awake" and have we taken the full dose of the red pill :)

Btw, Govt hospital sucks because we spent only 4 percent of our GDP on healthcare, putting us among the African nations at rank 149!

At Wednesday, April 04, 2007, Blogger chian chai said...

We should all opt out of HOTA as a protest. I have already done so, and received my yellow opt out card.

At Thursday, April 05, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, but are you from some like opposition party, trying to create drama that did not happen, or whatever? What's there to spread? Maybe away from the public's eye u say the policemen do injustice. In that case Singapore wouldnt be the safe country it is now. like wth? Don't just look into one article and rebuke the whole police force. I happen to feel tt singapore is very safe. continue spreading and believing that our country is unsafe, and it will be. Don't forget that words are powerful. even if the story is not created. I'm 100% sure it was highly exaggerated. The hospital would never have allowed something like that to happen. Have you even weighed the possibilities?!

At Thursday, April 05, 2007, Blogger The Human Battery said...

Anonymous above,
Sorry, but are you some balls-carrier from the ruling party, trying to help your Matrix Masters defuse an embarassing situation by (a) questioning my motive without any evidence and (b) pretending that things did not happened when it did, or (c) whatever?

Note: You started getting personal first by accusing me of an ulterior motive ("opp party creating drama that did not happen"), so don't blame me for calling you a balls-carrier in return. In fact, it is not just tit-for-tat. You are indeed one such balls-carrier, for otherwise, why would you claim that the incident did not happen when it did happen! Were you at the hospital? And by the way, I don't appreciate your "sorry" when it is followed by a double accusation (opp party, drama). Quit your hypocrisy. Do you appreciate my "sorry" followed by calling you a balls-carrier?

> What's there to spread?

Ans: the truth of what happened, so as to counter the media's cover-up! Can you not read? I wrote it in bold in the 2nd last para of my post! If you can read, why ask a dumb question (dumb because the answer is in bold and in red!)?

> Maybe away from the public's eye u say the policemen do injustice. In that case Singapore wouldnt be the safe country it is now. like wth?

Singapore is NOT safe:
(1) Doctor kana beaten up in Geylang but police refuse to arrest gangster.

(2) Family pleaded for one more day, but police insist on robbing organs AND challenging family to gunfight

(3) Innocent ordinary citizen arrested and forced to admit to murder after being tortured by police in cold room, strip to underwear etc. Later, passport vindicated him. This was reported in newspaper a few years back.

(4) For 45 years, pt (3) is the only case we heard. This is highly improbable when we compare to western countries whose police do not even use "psychological strategy" (your master's word, paraphrased) on criminals. Therefore this means there are many who have been sent to death row or in prison, due to police-forced confession.

(5) Ordinary citizens who helped JB Jeya were arrested and tortured by police/ISD ini the "marxist" saga.

Do you not know of the above 5 pts? Of course you do! Then why are you telling me sg is safe? Is it because I sounded stupid and gullible and naive and "brain-washable"? Look, I don't like to insult the intelligence of balls-carrier, so please don't insult mine with such no-brainer. You may sense some irritation in my tone. That's because I feel insulted. You are not talking to a fool. So either you argue at a higher level with more logic or get me another of your comrades who can do so. Thank you.

> Don't just look into one article and rebuke the whole police force.

I did not. You are insulting your own reading skill. In fact, I used the words "rotten apples" - see my comment (in bold somemore) two above yours.What I did imply however is: No one is safe from police abuse, or, any abuse by any ROTTEN APPLES in power - be it in the civil service or medical sector or judiciary branch etc - because there is no external check and balance (eg. free press, free speech, strong opp party) to ensure that there is no cover-up!

> I happen to feel tt singapore is very safe.

Good for you. Indeed, sometimes, taking a blue pill and living under an illusion is happier. You are just as happy as Mr. Cypher in the Matrix. I prefer the truth that the red bitter pill offers. To each his own :)

> continue spreading and believing that our country is unsafe, and it will be.

From one group of police men who abuse their power, you first upgrade it to accuse me of implying that the "whole police force" is bad. And now you further upgrade it to become "our country". Just what is your problem? But now that you mention it, it is indeed true that our country is unsafe from cover-ups and abuse of power by rotten apples, because we lack external check and balance in the form of free speech, free press, robust 2-party system - absoutely power corrupts absolutely

> Don't forget that words are powerful. even if the story is not created.

Is there a typo here? You mean the story IS created? It is NOT. The "story" is true. In fact, a real-life family has been hurt. For you to call it a "story" is disgusting. Now, I know you need to carry balls for your Matrix Masters, but you should remember that there is such a thing call retribution. Heaven has eyes, as they say -- you have accused a family in grief of fabricating a "story" and that's a very serious karma/sin (pick your religion). Your Matrix masters cannot save you from that, can they? On the other hand, if the "not" in your statement is not a typo, i dont know what you are talking about - no logic: since the incident is real ("not created"), of course we should let more people know the truth and I am glad that words are powerful and more people are hearing the truth that your masters would like to cover-up. Why are you troubled that "words are powerful" if these powerful words are used to spread the truth? What do you have to hide?

> I'm 100% sure it was highly exaggerated.

Rubbish! You were not an eye-witness. You were not there. You had not interviewed the family (but Uncle Yap had - face to face some more and unlike you, I will not make unfounded accusation that people will "create drama that did not happen"). Again, please bootlick at a higher level. Saying an unfounded statement 100 times is not going to fool a person of even average intelligence - unless you think I am way below average, which would be insulting to me, as i said earlier.

> The hospital would never have allowed something like that to happen

You can argue 100 times that they *would* not. But the fact is, it has happend and they *did* actively (not merely "allow") commited such an atrocious act. So we should restrict ourselves to us why they *did* so, as opposed to why they *would*. As mentioned in other posts, They could have done so because the person who need the organs is VIP. Or they could have done so simply because they were "robotic" - we witnessed that recently in the airport-cannot-say-bomb case. But of course, we cant know their real motive until and unless there is a full investigation and that was what the family is asking for, but denied by your matrix masters.

> Have you even weighed the possibilities?!

Yes! (A) Possibility that the victim's family is speaking the truth: very high! They were there. Plus my previous knowledge as I outlined in pt 1-5. (B) Possibility that you are anyhow accusing the family of lying: very high! You were not there. Plus, you need to suck up to someone higher (If I can be from opp party according to you, then of course you can be from ruling party according to me, right? :)

By the way, there were CCTVs which recorded what happened at the hospital. Since you have so much doubt, why don't you go ask the police to release the CCTV. Maybe it will be easier for you to do so? I note with "pleasure" (or should it be disgust?) that the authorities have refused to reveal the CCTV recording or to conduct a full investigation, despite literally thousands of people making all these **founded** accusations.

What does this tell you? Have you even weigh the possibilities?! :)

At Monday, April 09, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do police officers do when they don't have a case to handle? They play with their mobile phone. If anyone ever go to a police station, observe the officers carefully.

Somehow, they don't quite understand who is the Public and who is the Servant.

And I can't help to wonder, why do people choose to join the force? Is it because they know they can't find a decent job elsewhere?

Big joke isn't it? Our police force is a shame to our country.

At Saturday, January 23, 2010, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey ppl you guys are just bull shitting man!!!!!! All employee of a company is also subjected to be protected from uncivil citizens like what you guys have done. Please read up more medical stuffs b4 you guys comment! If a patient can be saved, they will be saved if you only think of your own sadness how about those that because of your stupid delay that could not wait for the transplant. Life is destined. No one person even if the doctors would like to pronounce Brain death, otherwise there wounldn't be so many people involve in the process of certifying brain death!!! Don't try to lie to everyone and play the innocent ones. Cause you guys are never innocent!!! Do the police and security needed to be involved if you guys ( fanmily members of the late Mr Sim Tee Hua) did not become rowdy and aggressive?? Have anyone thought of it this way???
Before you blame of the government, please put yourself in their shoes especially if you are the medical staffs having to handle a big group of more than 20 people strong against their small numbers. And don't say that the doctors did not give time as they did give a 24 hours extension.
After something have happened anyone can always make sure of the opportunities the media has given to turn the tables around that you guys have accepted the fact of Mr Sim's brain death and that you guys are only asking for another 24 hours. This is all just BULL SHITING!!!!!!!!!!!

At Friday, March 19, 2010, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous above,
You carry the balls of a murderer-govt who murdered a living man for his organ. To do that, you ignored commonsense, ignored truth, ignored testimonies from people involved (they wanted only 2 more days, you f**king piece of shithead!) Shame on you! How much are you paid by the murderer? I curse you and hope one day your father, your mother, your son, your daughter is the one lying ALIVE unconcious in SGH and you are the one kneeling down begging SGH not to murder them.

BASTARD uncaring piece of shit, you! Your retribution will come one day.


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