Sunday, April 22, 2007


早报 2007-04-18
法外也有人情 俄少女获减刑可赶上升学

(当然有人情 - 外国人嘛! 呵呵!)


(她生来命好 (在外国出世,持外国护照,当然是命好)! 换做是本地人, 且别说无法减刑, 首先就会被判至少一年牢以上!果然是同人不同名.明白.明白! )




(当然相信 - 都说了,外国人是人才嘛!至于本地人,那当然是蠢才 - 在自己的国家成了二等公民,居然还鼓掌称好,投票支持.你倒说说看:世上还有那个国家有如此蠢的国民?)



  被告案发时到克拉码头的迪斯科舞厅超级俱乐部(Ministry of Sound)玩乐。当天凌晨2时10分,舞厅的保安总经理和保安员怀疑被告涉及毒品买卖,于是将她扣留。









本电池人当然是没问题. 想几时走,就几时走.天地间任我遨游!

本人深感不解的是: 为何那些没能力移民,没国家愿接受的广大国人,明明就是这些狗屁不通政策的最大受害者,却反而是统治者最忠心的支持者?



又或许,跟犯贱无关 - 或许他们根本不读报,不知此新闻,不管天下事!





哦,一时忘了: 本岛华文水平低落,学校不教这些"高级"水平的"洞洞"!

那就无话可说了. 诸位就慢慢"玩"下去吧.

会越来越精彩哟: 越来就会有越多的精英们离开,而诸位的主子就会越来越引进外国"人才".也就是说,诸位会越来越沦落为二等公民!




Human Battery: 他妈的!



At Sunday, April 22, 2007, Blogger The Human Battery said...

18 year old Russian girl took ectasy pill. Sentenced to only half a year of imprisonment! She requested to be released after 4 months. Judge said no problem! Then judge specially added: "This reduction in sentence is not because she is a foreigner"!!!

This "humourous" judge really reminds me of this Chinese story about a man who buried 3 hundred dollars in his backyard and then, to deter thieves, put up a sign which read: "there is no $300 buried here". That's exactly what the judge did! haha!

Hmm, is there an English idiom equivalence, I wonder?

At Wednesday, April 25, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reminds me of cedric foo's "The white horse categorisation is not because they are special".

At Friday, April 27, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...


The only skill you need to reach the top of SG politics is ass-kissing.

At Saturday, April 28, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remembered once that there was this New Zealand guy, supposedly a manager working in IBM Singapore. He caused a false alarm saying that there's a bomb in the plane (or was it airport?) and he was just packed to leave singapore without any jail terms or caning. If it is a Singaporean, I bet he will probably end up in jail for a few years. Damn!

Dozens of phony bomb threats have been called in across the USA to airlines, hospitals, shopping malls, recreational areas and government buildings. Bomb threats have been made directly on planes themselves. And these haven’t been limited to the USA. On September 14 a 35 year-old IBM employee from New Zealand emailed a bomb threat to Singapore Airlines from a computer at an airport lounge in Singapore.

At Sunday, April 29, 2007, Blogger The Human Battery said...

Anon above, yeah. One of the most high profile case is that Nick Leeson case, where he was jailed for only a few years and then released on health grounds, whereas the Asia Brewery guy is sentenced to 20 over years jail (and I doubt if he will walk out of prison alive)! Another case is of course the one where the German girl got her drug charge reduced and got away with a few months jail, while a local Indian footballer was sentenced to hang.

Not true lah. the 66.6% voted. So how can you say they have no choice? They chose.

But next election, maybe they will not have a choice any more since their constituencies may not be up for voting. They were to be blamed if that occurs 5 years later, for when now, they were given the chance to vote, they ignored the issue of changing electoral boundaries, the ever-increasing size of GRC, the use of defamation suits resulting in few people daring to stand up for election etc. Since they were not concerned about such issues which could result in them having no chance to vote in future, they have only themselves to blame when they indeed no longer get the chance to vote in the next election. Catch my drift? There is always this cause and effect...


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