If a Human Battery, retrenched and in his 50s, approach you one day, and ask you to recommend him what job to apply, would you tell him to go drive a taxi?
He won't qualify!
联合早报. 今日观点. 2007-03-28
申请德士执照的困惑 - 何镜强
Non-literal summary: "Nowadays, if you cannot read and write in English, you cannot even take the taxi-licencing exam, conducted 100% in English. How can be like that? Many of our retrenched 50 years old cannot read or write in English. But they can speak and understand simple English. Isn't it good enough for them to be able to take a passenger from one location to another? Why be so unreasonable, force them to take written english exam and deprive these people of an option to self-help..."
This is the consequence of having an artificially-created caste system where the elite ruling class grows up in an exclusive school environment due to repeated streaming at multiple levels. Their classmates, classmates' parents, friends, friends' parents etc come mostly from the same background as them.
When these elites become policy maker straight after obtaining their foreign university education on elite scholarships, they don't understand that the people they had mixed around during their school days is not representative of the larger society at all!
Therefore the needs of those who cannot speak English never enter their mind. They cannot imagine the predicament and great difficulties these people face everyday.
They do not even know of the existence of a large number of human batteries who cannot read or write in English: "Got such people on this Island meh? Cannot be wat, all my friends and their parents can speak English, even if broken"!
They do not know that these people, in fact, are a majority, the silent majority - human batteries who have eyes but cannot read, who have ears but cannot hear, who have mouth but cannot speak! Human Batteries who live like foreigners who cannot comprehend the natives' language, even though they are in their own country!
That's why we need politicians who are attuned to the people's needs, who are from the masses, who are commoners! While the best civil servant may well be defined as an academically intelligent person who can analyse issues well and come up with various solutions, the best politician is one who can understand his people's constraints and needs well, such that from among these many policies, he can sieve through and pick one which will serve his people best! This precisely is the one thing that separates a politician from a civil servant:.
And in Singapore's context, the more academically elite a person is, the more frog-in-the-well his education experience is, and the less suitable he is to be a politician!
So yes, we want the best politicians. But the best politicians is not the super-academic type that supposedly can only be enticed to enter politicis by millions of dollars. Let these academically-bright people be bankers, or entrepreneurs, or be in academia, and let the private sector pays them millions of dollars. It's good for the economy.
Citizens should vote for the best politicians based on how "in tune" they are with the commoners. Such politicians can be ordinary folks doing ordinary jobs such as taxi drivers, actors (Ronald Reagan was one) etc - jobs which allow them to come across people from all segments of the society, and which broadens their understanding of the people's needs and constraints. Such politicians do not require millions to employ and they make great politicians, as we have seen in many western countries with real democracy. (Such politicians will have academically bright civil servants working for them, remember?)
But alas, human batteries have taken too much red pills: they vote for politicians based on which politicians has more brain!
These gullible human batteries are allowing virus to spread all over our beautiful Matix Island - human viruses who demand and demand until every bit of our money is consumed!
Agent Smith: I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague and we are the cure.
You are as much of a nut case as Chee! Read what I wrote about how he wrongly compared our ministers salary with that of the US president.
Yeah, it takes brains to come up with alternative solutions, but common sense (which unfortunately seems quite uncommon amongst MIW elites) to pick the applicable solution.
Btw, congrads! Your blog is irritating the powers that be so much that you've got a young-pap comment, ha ha ha :D Keep up the good work!
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