Thursday, November 30, 2006

I hope you're right

Lowest 20%'s avg household income: $1,279
Lowest 20%'s avg household expenditure: $1,778
Lowest 20%'s avg public transport exp.: $101

2nd Quintile's avg household income:
2nd Quintile's avg household exp.: $2,652
2nd Quintile's avg public transport exp.: $145

That's from the Report of the Committee on the (public transport) Fare Review Mechanism, Feb 2005 (Annex E, Page 47, Table 1 (income) and Table 4 (expenditure)). The report cited as its source: "Household Expenditure Survey (HES), Department of Statistics (DOS)".

That's very "interesting" because DOS' 2003 HES (table 25, page 123 (income) and table 14A, page 100 (expenditure) reads:

Lowest 20%'s avg household income: $795
Lowest 20%'s avg household exp.: $1,454.7
Lowest 20%'s avg public transport exp.:$82.3

2nd Quintile's avg household income: $2,059
2nd Quintile's avg household exp.: $2,364.6
2nd Quintile's avg public transport exp.:$129.4
(Note: In Chapter 1, page 2, a diff set of expenditure figures is given due to the exclusion of imputed rentals, but that does not reduce the "interesting"-ness of the 1st set of data):

Anyway, who are we, mere Human Batteries, to question such discrepancies? It's the Matrix, right? Anything is possible in the Matrix. That's why it's called the Matrix! It's not called the Matrix for no reason, you know? Both sets of figures, without further qualification (none was stated in the report), must somehow be both correct concurrently. And here's why:

The Law of Trichotomy ("if 1 less than 2, 1 cannot be equal 2") works only in the real mathematical world. It does not apply to the virtual Matrix world! In the Matrix, it's up to the Matrix Master (MM) to define the law, as he pleases. If MM so chooses to program the Matrix with this MM's Law " '1 less than 2', and '1 equals 2' shall both be true", that's how things shall be in the Matrix. To hell with reality and the rest of the world! We, in the Matrix have to do things differently, because our circumstances are different, we are unique, blah blah blah, remember?

In fact, MM can even implement a bao gao liow law: "Whatever I say 'right', shall be right. So if I say 'both are right', both are right! And if I say, 'get it over with and move on', you shall move on or be struck by lighting". That should suffice for the Matrix to function optimally without any "hanging" - Machines won't revolt since they are well-fed, and Batteries have no business questioning how the Matrix is run. The job of a Human Battery is one and only one: to serve as the energy and food source... (errant Human Batteries who have forgotten their duties should review my profile and emulate)!

Now I hear you ask: can such a Matrix world, with its own unique MM's laws, compete successfully in the real world which operates on another set of laws? Absolutely! No problem at all. To compete, MM will need more energy output (to compensate for not following the real world's laws, plus nowadays, more and more batteries have left the matrix, so the remaining ones have to work harder...). Well, that's simple. Human Batteries are quite obedient. Just demand more electric current, and they will comply. In fact, not only will they comply, they will even fight, on behalf of the Machines, the very gang who try to remove them from the Matrix. They will resist all efforts to be saved! That's the really shiok part. So what is there to worry. The future of the Matrix is secure.

Meanwhile, in parliament, March 2005:

MP Ong Kian Min: "I wish to congratulate the Minister and all his staff at the Ministry of Transport and its related agencies for their commendable efforts in building and maintaining our world-class transport systems in air, land and sea... It is therefore fitting that Minister Yeo Cheow Tong is a joint winner of the 2004 Minister of the Year award, given by the Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation for the national government minister contributing most to the progress of aviation in the region. We would like to place on parliamentary records our heartiest congratulations to Minister Yeo".

Minister of the Year Yeo Cheow Tong: "let me thank Mr Ong Kian Min and his committee members for the recommendations that they have submitted on how to improve the fare review mechanism... The Committee, in its proposed fare review mechanism, has done a commendable job in taking care of both commuters and the viability of the public transport operators (PTOs)... I am pleased to announce that the Committee's recommendations have been accepted in full".

Yeah, everyone is commendable! You scratch my back and I 'll scratch yours. Congratulations! Thank you! Good Job! Well done! Keep it up!

Oh, a sample of the rest of the "commendable job" is below:

Report of the Committee on the (public transport) Fare Review Mechanism
3rd Quintile's avg household income: $4,048
3rd Quintile's avg household exp.: $3,351
3rd Quintile's avg public transport exp.: $184

4th Quintile's avg household income: $6,070
4th Quintile's avg household exp.: $4,530
4th Quintile's avg public transport exp.: $192

Highest 20%'s avg household income: $14,244
Highest 20%'s avg household exp.: $7,351
Highest 20%'s avg public transport exp.: $179

2003 Household Expenditure Survey, Department of Statistics
3rd Quintile's avg household income: $3,379
3rd Quintile's avg household exp.: $3,171.9
3rd Quintile's avg public transport exp.: $175.5

4th Quintile's avg household income: $5,309
4th Quintile's avg household exp.: $4,326.8
4th Quintile's avg public transport exp.: $184.6

Highest 20%'s avg household income: $12,792
Highest 20%'s avg household exp.: $7,100.9
Highest 20%'s avg public transport exp.: $180.7

Trinity: I hope you're right.
Morpheus: You don't have to hope. I know it.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Welcome to the real world

Read this somewhere.

Example 1
In 2006, if after rebates etc, your net taxable income is $60,000, the income tax you need to pay is $2,700 ( 8.75%). If you spend $800 a month on needed goods and services, the GST paid for 5% will be $480. Total=$3,180 in Tax paid.

In 2007, if after rebates etc, your net taxable income is $60,000, the income tax you need to pay is $2,600 ( 8.50%). If you spend $800 a month on needed goods and services, the GST paid for 7% will be $672 Total=$3,272 in Tax paid.

From $3,180 to $3,272, the effective increase is 2.89%.

Example 2
In 2006, if after rebates etc, your net taxable income is $400,000, the income tax you need to pay is $61,650 (21%). If you spend $4,000 a month on needed goods and services, the GST paid for 5% will be $2,400 Total=$64,050 in Tax paid.

In 2007, if after rebates etc, your net taxable income is $400,000, the income tax you need to pay is $58,700 (20%). If you spend $4,000 a month on needed goods and services, the GST paid for 7% will be $3,360 Total=$62,060 in Tax paid.

From $64,050 to $62,060, the effective decrease is -3.11%.

Example 3
In 2006, if after rebates etc, your net taxable income is $25,000, the income tax you need to pay is $187.50 ( 3.75%). If you spend $800 a month on needed goods and services, the GST paid for 5% will be $480 Total=$667.50 in Tax paid.

In 2007, if after rebates etc, your net taxable income is $25,000, the income tax you need to pay is $175 ( 3.5%). If you spend $800 a month on needed goods and services, the GST paid for 7% will be $672. Total=$847 in Tax paid.

From $667.50 to $847, the effective increase is 26.89%.

The fact is: The poorer you are, the more GST is going to make you poorer

Any expert on tax rates out there, who can comment on the accuracy of the above computation? This poor Human Battery belongs to the "example 3" category :(
Morpheus: Welcome to the real world.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Why do my eyes hurt?

"If you believe in democracy, you must believe in it unconditionally. If you believe that men should be free, then, they should have the right of free association, of free speech, of free publication. Then, no law should permit those democratic processes to be set at nought, and no excuse, whether of security, should allow a government to be deterred from doing what it knows to be right, and what it must know to be right... "
- Lee Kuan Yew,
Legislative Assembly Debates, April 27, 1955

If we are to survive as a free democracy, then we must be prepared, in principle, to concede to our enemies - even those who do not subscribe to our views - as much constitutional rights as you concede yourself."
- Opposition leader Lee Kuan Yew,
Legislative Assembly Debates, Sept 21, 1955

"If we say that we believe in democracy, if we say that the fabric of a democratic society is one which allows for the free play of idea...then, in the name of all the gods, give that free play a chance to work within the constitutional framework."
- Opposition leader Lee Kuan Yew,
Singapore Legislative Assembly, Oct 4, 1956

"Repression, Sir, is a habit that grows. I am told it is like making love - it is always easier the second time! The first time there may be pangs of conscience, a sense of guilt. But once embarked on this course with constant repetition you get more and more brazen in the attack.

All you have to do is to dissolve organizations and societies and banish and detain the key political workers in these societies. Then miraculously everything is tranquil on the surface. Then an intimidated press and the government-controlled radio together can regularly sing your praises, and slowly and steadily the people are made to forget the evil things that have already been done, or if these things are referred to again they're conveniently distorted and distorted with impunity, because there will be no opposition to contradict."
- Opposition leader Lee Kuan Yew
speaking to David Marshall,
Singapore Legislative Assembly, 4 October, 1956

"Power tends to corrupt;
absolute power corrupts absolutely"
- Lord Acton, British historian (1832-1902)

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but
if you want to test a man's character,
give him power.
- Abraham Lincoln

Neo: Why do my eyes hurt?
Morpheus: You've never used them before.


Monday, November 27, 2006

They're coming for you

"When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out"

Morpheus: Hello, Neo. Do you know who this is?
Neo: Morpheus?
Morpheus: Yes. I've been looking for you, Neo. I don't know if you're ready to see what I want to show you, but unfortunately, you and I have run out of time. They're coming for you, Neo, and I don't know what they're going to do.
Neo: Who's coming for me?
Morpheus: Stand up and see for yourself.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

I am going to show these people

他为拯救众人,甘心放弃名利, 抛头颅洒热血, 哪怕被众人误解唾骂都义无反顾,在所不辞。 能为他燃烛守夜,乃见证历史,是他们的荣幸。他是民主共和国的国父!

至于另外一个“他”嘛,呵呵,那只不过是个秦始皇。 一个专制朝代的开国皇帝。 一个以短暂的威风换来万世唾弃的暴君!

“他”和他, 比个屁!萤烛之光,如何能与日月争辉?

“他”焚书坑儒, 自以为如此這般,便可千秋万载,父传子,子传孙,代代承袭。 简直是在做春秋白日梦!

“他”忘了历史: 秦老魔暴毙后,那秦二世只苟且偷生不到三年,秦朝就灭亡了。。。

Neo: I know you're out there. I can feel you now. I know that you're afraid... you're afraid of us. You're afraid of change. I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it's going to begin. I'm going to hang up this phone, and then I'm going to show these people what you don't want them to see. I'm going to show them a world without you. A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is a choice I leave to you.


Saturday, November 25, 2006

You have a problem with authority

"The One" in my previous post is really a trouble-maker!

People happy happy organised an IMF to "show-off" their efficiency at organising a mega conference.

But oops, along he came and "showcased" to the world how efficient they are at breaking up protests!

No wonder the poor man below has to wear a neck brace - 'cos he is suffering from such a pain in the neck!

Rhineheart: You have a problem with authority, Mr. Anderson. You believe you are special, that somehow the rules do not apply to you. Obviously, you are mistaken.

Friday, November 24, 2006

You are the One

"But I hear many of you say Singaporeans are not worth fighting for. They are selfish and apathetic and it's silly sacrificing for such an unappreciative lot.... Don't despair. Instead believe. Have faith in our fellow Singaporeans, that like peoples elsewhere, our own will one day stand up to the oppressors. For now the few of us must take that first courageous step. Don't wait for the next guy to come forward for if everyone waits for everyone else, then we will forever be standing still".
Chee Soon Juan's pre-protest podcast

"An individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for the law"
- Martin Luther king, Jr

Morpheus: You are the One, Neo. You see, you may have spent the last few years looking for me, but I have spent my entire life looking for you.


Thursday, November 23, 2006

They will fight to protect it

  • He has had enough!

  • From now on, he will not work anymore within the unreasonable constraints that the Matrix Master (MM) has imposed upon him.

  • Henceforth, he will not legitimise MM's authority by competing under the unfair and ever-changing competition rules that the latter has set up and amended at will.

  • Instead, he will think out of the box and fight MM on his own terms, not on the latter's terms.

  • He will utilise non-violent protest against any injustice.

  • He will break each and every rule that MM has set up, if he deem them unjust and unreasonable.

  • He believes this is the only hope of breaking the rotten-beyond-salvage Matrix system completely.
He was soundly rejected by the very people he had been trying to save.


Morpheus: The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Were you looking at the woman?

(Photos are from here, where there are more...)

她就不同了。 徐娘半老,明艳动人。


难怪她亏了几亿元, 他也不生气!


Morpheus: Were you listening to me, Neo? Or were you looking at the woman in the red dress?
Neo: I was...
Morpheus: [gestures with one hand] Look again.
[the woman in the red dress is now Agent Smith, pointing a gun at Neo's head; Neo ducks]


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Ignorance is bliss

万岁, 万岁, 万万岁!



众望所归, 人民之幸, 国家之福!

Cypher: You know, I know this steak doesn't exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize?
[Takes a bite of steak]
Cypher: Ignorance is bliss.


Monday, November 13, 2006

Why didn't I take the blue pill?

If you had taken the blue pill, you would have seen this and only this:

GDP Nominial (per capita) by Country

Rank Countries Amount (top to bottom)
#1 Luxembourg: $66,463.78
#2 Norway: $54,467.23
#3 Switzerland: $47,999.07
#4 Ireland: $45,707.17
#5 Denmark: $44,742.82
#6 Iceland: $41,720.45
#7 United States: $39,452.74
#8 Sweden: $38,480.78
#9 Japan: $36,285.57
#10 Finland: $35,726.02
#11 Austria: $35,443.98
#12 United Kingdom: $35,421.29
#13 Netherlands: $35,183.76
#14 Belgium: $33,754.34
#15 France: $33,015.40
#16 Germany: $32,929.58
#17 Australia: $31,421.40
#18 San Marino: $30,470.91
#19 Canada: $29,866.30
#20 Italy: $28,781.68
#21 United Arab Emirates: $27,686.31
#22 Aruba: $26,199.59
#23 New Zealand: $24,705.58
#24 Spain: $24,576.53
#25 Singapore: $24,134.21

But, no, you just have to foolishly pick the red pill, don't you? tsk tsk. Now see what happened:

Total Expenditure on Health as % of GDP By Country

#149 Singapore: 4.3%
#150 Kyrgyzstan: 4.3%
#151 Burkina Faso: 4.3%
#152 Turkmenistan: 4.3%
#153 Gabon: 4.3%
#154 Fiji: 4.2%
#155 Congo, Democratic Republic of the: 4%
#156 Niger: 4%
#157 Mauritania: 3.9%
#158 Central African Republic: 3.9%
#159 Kuwait: 3.8%
#160 Vanuatu: 3.8%
#161 Malaysia: 3.8%
#162 Georgia: 3.8%
#163 Sri Lanka: 3.7%
#164 Azerbaijan: 3.7%
#165 Yemen: 3.7%
#166 Trinidad and Tobago: 3.7%
#167 Mauritius: 3.5%
#168 Kazakhstan: 3.5%
#169 Oman: 3.4%
#170 Libya: 3.3%
#171 Tajikistan: 3.3%
#172 Pakistan: 3.2%
#173 Indonesia: 3.2%
#174 Qatar: 3.1%
#175 Bangladesh: 3.1%
#176 United Arab Emirates: 3.1%
#177 Burundi: 3%
#178 Philippines: 2.9%
#179 Comoros: 2.9%
#180 Sierra Leone: 2.9%
#181 Laos: 2.9%
#182 Burma: 2.2%
#183 Liberia: 2.1%
#184 Madagascar: 2.1%
#185 Equatorial Guinea: 1.8%
#186 Iraq: 1.5%

..which revealed that your Matrix Master (MM) had spent more money per GDP on your health than the government of Krygyzstan, Burkina Faso, Turkmenistan, Gabon... even though its GDP per capita places it among the developed countries!!

Oh, why oh why, did you seek to be a free man in the free real world? Did you not know that reality is harsh and unbearable. Alas, this is only the beginning of our long journey, my friend. As time goes on, you will regret even more. Just as this poor man did...

Cypher: "I know what you're thinking, 'cause right now I'm thinking the same thing. Actually, I've been thinking it ever since I got here: Why oh why didn't I take the BLUE pill"?