Sunday, April 29, 2007


So he encouraged China to make positive gestures: "As the premier understood the reasons why China do things in a certain way, it might be understood by the (American) leaders, but it is important that China must be able to reach out to the American people through some gestures which China can make to the Americans."

Who, do you think was the "he" in the above "lecture"?

George Bush?

Some US officials trying to convey American sentiments to the Chinese Premier?


It was the Wooden One trying to "encourage China"! The above quote was from a 25th Apr 07 Channel NewsAsia report, entitled "SM Goh alerts Beijing to "negative vibes" from US towards China".

I am embarrassed, very embarrassed to be part of this cock-sucking, bootlicking, por larm par antics that our Matrix Masters do these days to serve their American Bosses.

With just one stroke of the pen, we became the strongest US ally in the Far East. And with that, we became a terrorist target overnight. But wait, actually "ally" is too nice a word. UK is an ally of US. We are not! Look at what the Wooden One did. Ally? Our little red dot is more like US's lackey in Asia!

And with another stroke of the pen, we now import foreigners at an alarming rate. And with this, all we need is to leave the country for a few months, and we can come back not recognising our homeland.

But the point is not about whether these policies are good or bad. In fact, they have both pros and cons, not cons only. But, the point is:

Has there been any parliamentary debate?

Has there been any consultation with the people?

Have we even been *informed* -- not even asking for a consultation -- before these far-reaching policies are implemented? Or were we expected to find out the truth only when we saw a new naval base built and cheap land given away almost for free in woodland for the American School, and more foreigners from China and India among us?

Please! No more blue pills!

Unplug me from the Matrix!

Choi: It just sounds to me like you need to unplug, man.

Thursday, April 26, 2007


This is how our National University of Singapore (NUS) pays its professors:

NUS terms of service for faculty appointments
  • "Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents receive statutory Central Provident Fund (CPF) benefits, in the form of monthly contributions to the CPF. For those aged below 50, the rates of contributions are 20% and 13% of gross monthly salary, by the faculty member and the University respectively, subject to a salary ceiling of $4,500 pm for year 2006. The rates for those above 50 years of age are lower. Contributions are tax -exempt and may be withdrawn at the age of 55 or when the faculty member leaves Singapore/Malaysia permanently; while

  • Faculty members who are not Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents may receive, in lieu of provident fund benefits, a monthly Special Payment for Foreign Staff which is calculated at 125% of the employer’s CPF contribution rate, on monthly salary, subject to the same salary ceiling as for CPF contributions. For those below 50, the rate is therefore 16.25%, subject to a maximum of S$731.25 for year 2006. The payment is taxable."

Let the good Human Battery help put a monetary meaning to all these mumbo jumbo:

Every month, NUS pays each of its foreign professor 125% of what it pays its local professors. This translate to (16.25 - 13)% * $4500 = $146.25 in cash (and NUS has the cheek to call it a "monthly special payment"). Meanwhile, its singaporean professors get nothing in cash or in cpf! Zero! Ling2 Dan4!

At the end of a standard 6 years tenure period (two 3-years contracts), NUS would have paid its foreign professor $146.25 * 12 * 6 = $10,530 more than an equally qualified local professor.

Q: Meaning?

A: Meaning if you were a Singaporean who had decided to heed the government's call to do a PhD in some biotech field at, say, Harvard University, this is what might happen to you in future: you work closely with a China-born fellow student in your lab. Upon graduation, both of you receive job offers at NUS's science faculty - not a far fetched idea, since Singapore is expanding its bioscience research and the government opens its legs and pussy arms to foreign "talents".

You, the local, get paid about $150 less each month and receive about $10,000 less at the end of the two 3-years contract, compared to your buddy, the China-born foreigner, who is also from Harvard and who is working in that same biotech research field as you and who has more or less the same number of publications as you!

So what's the difference between the two of you that makes you deserve less and he more?

Nothing -- except that in the eyes of NUS/ MOE/ Matrix Master (MM), you are a lowly shitty Sink-a-Poor-人 by birth!

Q: Bigger meaning?

A: Meaning if you -- i.e. my readers from overseas -- don't want to suffer such humiliation and insults, don't come back to Singapore once you have left. You are truly a second-class citizen in your own country, and if previously you had any doubt about this "hunch", NUS has spelt it out in black and white to help you see things clearly in no uncertain terms. What more evidence do you need?

$150 a month is no big deal, especially when you are earning a 5-figure salary. But that's not the crux of the matter, is it? The point that matters is: why do you want to stomach such discrimination in your own country? Why should you? It's not as if you cannot find a job elsewhere where everyone with the same qualification is paid the same wage for the same job!

And do not think for a moment that you are abandoning your own country when you do that. Firstly, you are in effect helping to exert pressure on the Matrix Masters to treat locals fairly, lest more human batteries leave. Secondly, this country has abandoned you first, anyway...

Q: Biggest meaning?

A: Note that NUS has the audacity (or was it "stupidity"?) to state its discriminatory policy openly on its website. But NUS is merely an extension of MOE and takes its cue and instruction from the latter (even though it is supposedly "autonomous")!

So, I leave it to you guys to draw your own conclusion as to what it means in general: how do other ministries and statutory boards and government-linked companies - all of which are "cleverer" than NUS when it comes to publishing their HR policies on the web - pay/treat their employees/customers who are foreigners viz a viz equally-qualified Sink-a-Poor-人?!?

Time to leave!

If you can...

But alas, I can't. Sob!

Neo: Mr. Wizard. Get me the hell out of here.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


早报 2007-04-18
法外也有人情 俄少女获减刑可赶上升学

(当然有人情 - 外国人嘛! 呵呵!)


(她生来命好 (在外国出世,持外国护照,当然是命好)! 换做是本地人, 且别说无法减刑, 首先就会被判至少一年牢以上!果然是同人不同名.明白.明白! )




(当然相信 - 都说了,外国人是人才嘛!至于本地人,那当然是蠢才 - 在自己的国家成了二等公民,居然还鼓掌称好,投票支持.你倒说说看:世上还有那个国家有如此蠢的国民?)



  被告案发时到克拉码头的迪斯科舞厅超级俱乐部(Ministry of Sound)玩乐。当天凌晨2时10分,舞厅的保安总经理和保安员怀疑被告涉及毒品买卖,于是将她扣留。









本电池人当然是没问题. 想几时走,就几时走.天地间任我遨游!

本人深感不解的是: 为何那些没能力移民,没国家愿接受的广大国人,明明就是这些狗屁不通政策的最大受害者,却反而是统治者最忠心的支持者?



又或许,跟犯贱无关 - 或许他们根本不读报,不知此新闻,不管天下事!





哦,一时忘了: 本岛华文水平低落,学校不教这些"高级"水平的"洞洞"!

那就无话可说了. 诸位就慢慢"玩"下去吧.

会越来越精彩哟: 越来就会有越多的精英们离开,而诸位的主子就会越来越引进外国"人才".也就是说,诸位会越来越沦落为二等公民!




Human Battery: 他妈的!


Saturday, April 21, 2007

Make a choice

早报 2007-04-22



Yes, yes, yes, I do know this is an inappropriate time to make the following comment, but I really do wonder: were these two women ardent suppporters of their Matrix Master (MM) in the past, when his well-publicised zero-tolerence for welfarism did not personally affect them?

Was it only moments before the middle aged woman pushed her 80 years old mother down their 13th floor flat (and then jumped down herself), that both of them finally realised that some welfarism is necessary and good?

Or maybe till their last breath, they still thought it was their own bad luck that they had become so poor, and that the State did not owe it to them to give them adequate social welfare benefits, after they had paid taxes throughout their working life?

My point is simply this: If we now read of such news, and we do nothing - when the well-publicised zero-tolerence for welfarism do not personally affect us - who is going to be standing up for us, when we suay suay reach the desperate stage of this pair of mother and daughter one day?

Don't say it will never happen to you or me. Life is unpredictable.

I really cannot understand: how can 66.6% of people think it is ok for a country not to provide adequate social welfare for its people? Then what is the f-ing point of them having to pay taxes via their income, GST, high land price, COE, CPF etc etc?

Not only do I look down on these 66.6% goondus, I think our Matrix Master doesnt think much of his supporters too! Which is why, he is importing more foreigners to replace those who has left - 'cos he thinks those who stayed behind are not good enough!

Let's see 5 years later, what choice is those goondus going to make again!

Rhineheart: The time has come to make a choice, Mr. Anderson. Either you choose to be at your desk on time from this day forth, or you choose to find yourself another job.

Monday, April 16, 2007

He is the one

Videos of his speech entitled
"Singapore Success Story:
A Fairytale by the PAP"
can be found here

"We are reluctant to admit that we owe our liberties to men of a type that today we hate and fear -- unruly men, disturbers of the peace, men who resent and denounce what Whitman called 'the insolence of elected persons' -- in a word, free men" - Gerald W. Johnson

"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him for then it costs nothing to be a patriot." - Mark Twain (Samuel Langhornne Clemens)

A pro-Matrix Master (MM) reader once wondered aloud if I belong to any opposition party.

Relax and sleep easy lah: I don't belong...

I am not a patriot, but a timid human battery.

But one day, when "it costs nothing to be a patriot", I will become one. Haha!

For this reason, I admire The Patriot and his courageous followers. They dare to do what many of us dare not - stand up and be counted:

During the talk, the audience stood up
and held up a piece of yellow card, to
demonstrate their disapproval of the
recent outrageous display of greed .

What about you? Are you a patriot or a timid human battery? :)

Cypher: You like him, don't you? You like watching him.
Trinity: Don't be ridiculous.
Cypher: We're gonna kill him. You understand that?
Trinity: Morpheus believes he is the one.
Cypher: Do you?
Trinity: It doesn't matter what I believe.
Cypher: You don't, do you?


Saturday, April 14, 2007

Define their reality


"The issue which we are most concerned with is the loss of our own people at the very top," said Mr Goh. "These are bright young people,children of very well educated Singaporeans." - Channel NewsAsia, 15 March 07


  • 七十年代,他威迫没受教育的男女节育。

  • 八十年代,他利诱受高教育的女人結婚生子,给她们的孩子优先选校。

  • 九十年代,他驱逐已和本地人结婚的低教育外国男女,离散家庭。


四十年过去了,他由始至终,从没改变想法。 他换汤不换药,他一点都没变!


  • 七十年代,他们甘心断子绝孙。

  • 八十年代,他们为孩子投票出头,但一时之气来得快,去得快。

  • 九十年代,他们助纣为虐,支持现代版的牛郎织女,各分东西。


他心目中的,他政策下的那些精英是非常少数的 - 木头人都说了:“people at the very top”。支持他的绝大多数贱民根本不属于此类人。他们等于是在支持他贬低自己,看轻自己。



而如今,他们的子子孙孙,更因为家庭背景,一出世就招歧视 - 无法享受专为“鼓励”高教育高薪妈妈生产的可观税务回扣,等等等等等政策。








自作贱, 到如此“境界”,简直已到了惹人厌,令人看不起,使人想作呕的地步!





















贱民们,继续受难吧。 自作孽,不可活!




不是吗?像电池人这种双语兼通(嗯,好像还因此而得了个总理书籍奖呢。 呵呵!),能言善辩,思路清晰,说起话来条理分明,掷地有声的人,难道不属于木头人所说的“bright young people"?

如此说来,电池人的下一代,岂不就顺理成章地成了 “children of very well educated Singaporeans"?

政府既然要剥削平民,鱼肉百姓,以便利用高薪以及厚此薄彼的手法来收买我等这类“at the very top”之人的心,而那些贱民们都丝毫不介意,每五年默默地支持。。。。





Your Uncaring Elite Human Battery

P.S. Agent smith can say it better than I. You human batteries asked for it and so deserved it:

Agent Smith: Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world? Where none suffered, where everyone would be happy. It was a disaster. No one would accept the program. Entire crops were lost.

Some believed we lacked the programming language to describe your perfect world. But I believe that, as a species, human beings define their reality through suffering and misery. The perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from. Which is why the Matrix was redesigned to this: the peak of your civilization.


Friday, April 13, 2007





Thursday, April 12, 2007

The posts here are in reverse chronological order. Thus, if you are new to the story, you should start from bottom up, not top down. Remember to read the comments - that's where the sister of the victim first commented and thereby exposed the truth.

If you don't have the time or patience, and would like to read just one posting, read this one: The Triumph of Evil


Has a future

早报副刊 2007-04-10














All hyperlinks are added by me, as per my personal interpretation.

That may not be the intention of the writer.

Maybe the writer was indeed writing about 2 employees grumbling about their unethical office job. haha!

Agent Smith: It seems that you've been living two lives. One life, you're Thomas A. Anderson, program writer for a respectable software company. You have a social security number, pay your taxes, and you... help your landlady carry out her garbage. The other life is lived in computers, where you go by the hacker alias "Neo" and are guilty of virtually every computer crime we have a law for. One of these lives has a future, and one of them does not.


Monday, April 09, 2007

Destroy them

It has been half a year since we swallowed our first red pill. Here's another one:

Prisoners per capita by country:
#1 United States: 715 per 100,000 people
#2 Russia: 584 per 100,000 people
#3 Belarus: 554 per 100,000 people
#4 Palau: 523 per 100,000 people
#5 Belize: 459 per 100,000 people
#6 Suriname: 437 per 100,000 people
#7 Dominica: 420 per 100,000 people
#8 Ukraine: 416 per 100,000 people
#9 Bahamas, The: 410 per 100,000 people
#10 South Africa: 402 per 100,000 people
#11 Kyrgyzstan: 390 per 100,000 people
#12 Singapore: 388 per 100,000 people

Our Matrix Island has more prisoners per capita than any other developed country, except United States (which, of course, is a country where an accused has lots of rights including the right to remain silent, the right to have a lawyer before talking etc).

Executions per capita by country:
#1 Bahamas, The: 6.62712 executions per 1 million
#2 Singapore: 6.32625 executions per 1 million
#3 Sierra Leone: 4.09068 executions per 1 million
#4 Belarus: 3.20388 executions per 1 million
#5 Rwanda: 2.84327 executions per 1 million
#6 Kuwait: 2.56849 executions per 1 million
#7 Oman: 1.99867 executions per 1 million
#8 Congo, Democratic Republic of the: 1.64571 executions per 1 million

We read about DNA- exonerated cases in other countries, but not a single such case has occured on this Matrix Island. Each and every prisoner on this Island for the past 40 years, had been rightly convicted! How amazing!!!

Are you sure innocent people do not end up in prison or on death row, in a system where lawyers have no access to the accused until the police has finished extracting "confessions" from prisoners and where "cold room torture" is common knowledge?

Are you sure your kids will not make any small mistake in life, mistakes that result only in probation and not prison/execution in other countries?

This human battery is not so sure!

Do you dare to have babies on this Matrix Island?

This human battery dare not! Animals in captivity do not breed!

Agent Smith: Find them and destroy them.

Saturday, April 07, 2007


(Click on the image to read the text)

For 40 years, our Matrix Master (MM) has stressed repeatedly that he cannot allow human batteries to make fun of police officers as this will reduce their authority and legitimacy in the eyes of the public and this will lead to chaos in the country and investors leaving and racial riots... blah blah blah.

Towards this end, he forbids the making of any tv drama that depicts any police officer in a bad light, even when it is only fictional e.g. yelling at wife, smoking, beating his own kids etc. (This rule is relaxed a bit in recent years, I think). He also directed the AG's office to seek deterrant sentences whenever members of the public hurt a police officer.

But even as those on the outside are not doing anything to smear the police's reputation, the police force, from within, is causing damage to itself:

Straits Times, April 6, 2007
Death on test drive: Why no action?

I REFER to the report, 'Driver crashes test car, sales exec dies. Now he's shopping for these hot wheels' (ST, April 4).

I was outraged after reading about the nonchalant manner in which Mr Regan Lee commented on his so-called dilemma of having to choose between two high-performance cars, totally devoid of any guilt over his part in the sales executive's death.

However, my outrage was nothing, compared with my dismay that the case has dragged on for 17 months, without even the perpetrator of the accident being charged. In the meantime, Mr Lee continues to drive and is even pondering the purchase of a sports car.

Edmund Khoo Kim Hock

So you see? Even before "your security will be at risk and our women will become maids in other people's countries" as our MM has threatened, one of our women's security has already been breached and she has become "mince-meat" in her own country and the police did NOTHING for one and a half years! WHY? (The police had acted speedily in other cases - Eg. the guy who crashed car into MRT track near Yishun. Eg. the guy who drove the car into a bus stop and killed some people).

New Paper, Apr 07, 2007
I couldn't endure it
By Tay Shi'an
... A police spokesman told The New Paper that investigations for the case are still ongoing.

...Legendkiller also discovered that the driver was an active member of, so he started to visit the website too. That's how he saw the driver's post on 21 Mar, in which he said he was deciding between a Volkswagen Golf GTI and a Subaru WRX STI-S. That post spurred him to act... Even before he exposed the driver's identity, netizens have long been intrigued by the name of the mystery driver, and why the case has not been resolved.

WHY indeed?
What is so special about Mr. Regan Lee?
Is he a relative of former US president Reagan or ...?

Anyway, for every one such inaction "exposed" by our newspapers, you can be assured that there are another 10 (or maybe 100?) cases of injustice that are buried deep inside and which will never see the light of the day, either because they did not attract the attention of the reporters, or because the reporters dare not report on them (cannot put police in bad light, remember?), or there is an official order to cover up (as in the organ robbery case, where the family's plea for a full investigation is ignored).

Do you know what cause all these police problems? Simple! Our police officers are not well-paid enough - hence they are susceptible to corruption and inaction and resignation!

We should increase their salary by 10 -folds. Somehow, with a higher pay cheque, they will work harder (not lesser).

Somehow, the concept that if you dish out too much welfare, people will lose their interest in working will NOT apply to Ministers or police force. So yes, up their salary for their dismal performance!

OK, enough of sarcasm. I want to say this seriously to the parents of this Mr. Regan Lee:

"Shame on you! Your son has just killed a young girl through his reckless high-speed driving (and some said, drink-driving too) - and you are buying him another car?!? And a sports car some more? What kind of parents are you people?

Maybe you are going to receive a terrible phone call at night telling you that you have lost your son on the road soon -- not that I am cursing him; It is a fact that the way you are bringing him up is going to make him even bolder and more reckless in his driving, and thus make it more likely for him to get killed on the road.

Maybe someone should give your son a good punch on the nose - you should thank the person who does that because he is knocking some sense into your son on your behalf (since you two are not fit to be parents), and saving your son from commiting worse crimes and reaping worse karmic retribution!

Maybe one of us should really call up his parents based on the info listed.

Human Battery: 养不教, 父之过! 上梁不正下梁歪!
Human Battery: 你这没家教的败家子!

(Note: The 2nd sentence refers to the junior Mr. Lee in the test driving case, while the 1st is about his father, Senior Lee's, fault for not teaching his son any moral values and for not setting a good example.

They certainly do not refer to any other "Mr. Lee"! Don't read too much into the scolding. Haha!)

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Build the island

(Acknowledgement: picture is from here)

Oh, in that same 1996 speech at the National Trade Union Congress, our Matrix Master (MM) also said:

"I have bucked and gone against popular sentiments and conventional wisdom on several major issues in the past and been proved right. For example I decided that individual accounts (CPF) for retirement was right and rejected the buffet or collective pension fund which has got the advanced countries into grave financial difficulties.

I have also instituted individual accounts for Medisave, plus insurance cover for Medishield against catastrophic illnesses. It has proved right as against the problems which free medical service like the National Health Service in Britain, France, Germany has brought them, or the open system of private insurance in America.

What I did was against popular thinking in Singapore at the time, thinking which was influenced by what Britain and Europe were doing then. Time has proved me right".

Time has proved you wrong, you fool!!!

CPF has now been proved to be not enough for retirement, which is why you are now openly demanding - via Lim Boon Heng - that old people work till they drop dead, instead of retiring.

Medisave and Medishield have both been proved to be useless for health care, which is why everybody dare to die but nobody dare to fall sick! Which is also why you are now - via Khaw Boon Wan - trying various mesasures desperately to mend them and to stitch the big holes together!

In short, what you did "was against popular thinking in Singapore at that time", AND time has proved that your obstinate nonsensical ideas are all wrong!

Increasingly, I am inclined to conclude that our MM not only did not build the Matrix Island, but has always been, in fact, a hindrance to its progress!

"But if he did not build it, who did"? I hear some of you asking.

Answer: Other "old guards" who disagreed with his nonsensical views!

Within PAP itself, many of the "old guards" had political views different from him, and some of those known to the public were: Lim Chin Siong, Lee Seow Choo, Ong Pang Boon, Toh Chin Chye, Devan Nair, and the latest, Ong Teng Cheong.

One can argue that the Island's achievement was due to these old guards' ideas prevailing over MM's contradictory onsenseical ideas.

This is not a far-fetched argument as we do have empirical evidences. For example:
  • Lee was the one who advocated joining Malaysia while Lim Chin Siong and Lee Seow Choo opposed. It turned out the latter were right.
  • Devan Nair opposed the way Lee treated political opponents, and cited JB Jeya as an example in his (Nair's) book. This means that if not for Lee, the island would have been more likely to have achieved a healthy 2-party system even while PAP was in government!
  • Ong Teng Cheong (though not strictly an "old guard") advocated a proper presidential check and balance, opposed by Lee. Thus, one can infer that without Lee, PAP may have instituted more check and balance against itself.
  • See the CFP and Medicare/Medishield issue revealed by MM himself.

And so on, on many high impact issues such as educational streaming, teaching of languages, the kind of economy to concentrate on, human rights etc.

Note that the bullet points above are just glimpses of truth that "leaked" out. Many of their political differences are not known to the public even today, since MM insisted that the party must put on a "united front".

And now for the ultimate test:
  • Look at what happened in the past 15 years (1990-2005), after the "old guards" were all forced into retirement, and MM was allowed to run a one-man show. Unopposed by his peers (who were his equal and dared to speak up against him), and now with "colleagues" more than 20 years his junior. what has happened to this Matrix Island?

Human Battery: You never did build the Island. The Island was built by others - your peers whose views were fortunate enough to have prevailed over your nonsense.
You are the hindrance to this island's progress - whenever your nonsensical views prevailed. And sadly, ever since you forced your peers into retirement, your views have always prevailed!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Worth defending

NUS Graduate Student Society.

32 student officers.

None of them Singaporean!

(You can verify this for yourself from here (my original source).)

I have nothing against foreigners per se.

This post is about how native-born Human Batteries have been betrayed by our Matrix Masters (MM) and how we are now systematically being replaced by foreigners, who in the eye of the Matrix Masters, are better than us because we are "the uneducated, the less well-off (who) will stay here and rot" (Yeah, those were MM's exact word. See the quotes on my previous post).

If you were an NUS alumni, would you donate to your alma mater?

If you were an NSman, would you defend this nation?

Let's not even talk about national identity or other high-sounding terms or abstract concept.

Let's start with something more "concrete" - memories i.e. the concrete buildings, our schools, the physical environment.

All demolished! All went the way of the National stadium, National library, National theatre!

Tell me:

Human Battery: What else is left that is worth defending?
(The brand new toilet bowl from my previous post??)

Monday, April 02, 2007





国家体育馆, 你拆掉.
国家图书馆, 你也拆掉.
国家剧场, 你早拆掉!

National Theatre
(1963 - built with donations from Singaporeans)
(1986 - demolished admist public "protest")



当一块土地已无可眷恋. 那在天涯海角又有什么不同?



家已不象家 - 记忆惨遭蹂躏删除.
国更不象国 - 被外人合法霸占了.

50,000 人去了澳洲.

"And today we've not only lost Malaysians and others who used to come to Singapore, in your last census there were 50-thousand Singapore born persons now in Australia, and more will come over time because they find when they can't make the top jobs and it's easier living here."
- Lee Kuan Yew on Radio Australia, March 23, 2007

What "top jobs"? You have 50,000 $2.2million "top job" available? Even $1 million is now insufficient to attract upright men to do your bidding. But no, until now, you still don't get it; You still stubbornly view nationalism and patriotism in terms of money. You still want to buy patriotism with money! 40 years and you have not learnt your lesson!

"The educated and the well-off will emigrate to Australia, New Zealand, Canada, America. The uneducated, the less well-off will stay here and rot. That's what we're fighting for - to prevent that from happening"
- Lee Kuan Yew 'We're going to get better men and we'll fight', Straits Times, 09 May 2006

And your idea of "fight" is to do a complete "blood transfusion" with "better men" from foreign countries? And trick the people with the excuse that it is about low birth rate - in effect, blaming them for your mistake of trying to buy nationalism and patriotism with money?!?

"Addressing this, Mr Lee said the whole idea is balance - to gain more than you lose. And for now, Singapore is gaining, with more Indians and Chinese coming in. But it remains to be seen what will happen in 20-30 years' time"
- Channel News Asia 'MM Lee shares his vision for Singapore's future', 30 Mar 07.

Your "sons" and "daughters" despised you. Your "grandchildren' left you. But you managed to adopt "step-grandchildren" from overseas. And you are proud that your complete "blood transfusion" has achieved a "balance"? What kind of achievement is that?




心之所系的就叫"家园", "国家".

金钱所能买的只是个企业 - "新加坡有限公司".

这 - 有何难明白的?

Human Battery: 你这迷幻小岛的历史罪人!


Sunday, April 01, 2007

He doesn't know

"Low salaries will draw in the hypocrites
who sweet talk their way into power in the name of public service,
but once in charge will show their true colour,
and ruin the country." - July, 1996.

Huh? Har? What?

Isn't it the other way round? High salaries will draw in the hypocrites...

Low salaries will act as a filter - filtering out those hypocrites who sweet talk their way into money, in the name of public service...

Low salaries ensure that only those who are sincere in wanting to serve the country will run for office!

This is like our local social service field. Social workers are so poorly paid that nobody is in it for the money. Only the most dedicated remained behind to serve the people. (Note: however that actually these social workers should be paid more. They are underpaid such that even those who are reasonably dedicated have left. But that's another story for another time).

Sigh! 老胡涂! 说话近乎语无伦次. 狗屁不通!

人家是豹死留皮,人死留名你呢, 却是不知进退!

你即不肯急流勇退, 看来只好遗臭万年了!

Agent Brown: What were you doing?
Agent Jones: He doesn't know.