Sunday, April 01, 2007

He doesn't know

"Low salaries will draw in the hypocrites
who sweet talk their way into power in the name of public service,
but once in charge will show their true colour,
and ruin the country." - July, 1996.

Huh? Har? What?

Isn't it the other way round? High salaries will draw in the hypocrites...

Low salaries will act as a filter - filtering out those hypocrites who sweet talk their way into money, in the name of public service...

Low salaries ensure that only those who are sincere in wanting to serve the country will run for office!

This is like our local social service field. Social workers are so poorly paid that nobody is in it for the money. Only the most dedicated remained behind to serve the people. (Note: however that actually these social workers should be paid more. They are underpaid such that even those who are reasonably dedicated have left. But that's another story for another time).

Sigh! 老胡涂! 说话近乎语无伦次. 狗屁不通!

人家是豹死留皮,人死留名你呢, 却是不知进退!

你即不肯急流勇退, 看来只好遗臭万年了!

Agent Brown: What were you doing?
Agent Jones: He doesn't know.


At Sunday, April 01, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess we can all now go tell our bosses that low salaries will draw in hypocrites and demand a 50% increment. The old fart say one. LOL

At Sunday, April 01, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Old fart getting senile lah, doesn't even know the contradiction of his words. Tsk, tsk, he is turning his own fame into infamy.

At Friday, April 20, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That old bastard is a master hypocrite.


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