A prison for your mind
Since I will not pay even a single cent for an online subscription to a 146th-ranked newspaper, I guess I can only quote from the free (money-wise, that is) Chinese newspaper :)
I am not him, and he is not me. In fact, he may not even be writing about what I think he is writing about. But well, it's up to me to interpret whatever I read in whatever way I want. Ha!
联合早报, 副刊, 2007-01-04
Hmm, didn't I already say: Animals in captivity do not breed?!?
Of course 你不能 lah! Don't say 拍胸膛哦依哦, even if all you want is to exercise your 熊性, to roam around freely, also must see if the guards will let you exercise your bear's rights or not leh!
Typical ignorant bred-in-captivity bear cub's response. How else does one expect him to respond?. How does one tell such a cub which does not regard his little luke warm swimming pool as a constraint, that it is his rights to be roaming FREE among freezing cold polar ice? How?
The cute naive little cub supports the very people who imprisioned him!!! He is contented with just the basics, for it is only the basics that he knows: 有得吃有得穿, 不好么? Freedom to 拍胸膛哦依哦? What's that, mummy?
Oh? 送去 where? Batam Retirement Village? Batam Zoological Park? Hmmm.
Yalor. After sending you to Batam, we can import some 热带雨林 and transfrom the zoo beyond recognition. Thank you, both mother and son, you have helped bring lots of profit to our zoo. Now that you are old and useless, off you go! Xie Xie. Bu ke Qi. Haha!
Morpheus: The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work... when you go to church... when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind.
Labels: In Chinese
how come mummy bear lost so much hair and look somewhat greenish?
surely you mean fur? :) I think the greenish colour is due to algae infection
ghjk of China's Chongqing Province:你一而再,再而三地来此网散播垃圾广告留言。诅咒你全家不得好死!女子代代为娼,男子代代为奴。。。
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