Sunday, May 06, 2007



"Mr Lee noted that one major long-term challenge is the rapid ageing of Singapore's population. The key goal, said the Prime Minister, is to enable workers to work longer and retire later." - PM's May Day message, Channel NewsAsia, 30 Apr 07.




"Free education and subsidised housing lead to a situation where the less economically productive people in the community are reproducing themselves at rates higher than the rest. This will increase the total population of less productive people.

We must... take the first tentative steps towards correcting a trend which can leave our society with a large number of the physically, intellectually and culturally anaemic."
- MM, years ago, revealing the true reason why he would never permit any social welfare on his(?) Matrix Island.





"We want to teach people the government is not a rich uncle. You get what you pay for. We are moving in the direction of making people pay for everything." - SM Rajaratnam, during a time when the "old guards" spoke their mind more freely than the younger Matrix Masters of today. (btw, I got the above two quotes from here).


何必有什么 GST, COE, HDB???



"A Singapore opposition politician yesterday overcame blisters and fatigue to complete his 55-hour protest walk across the city-state to highlight the plight of workers. Chee Soon Juan, secretary general of the Singapore Democratic Party, and his sister Chee Siok Chin finished the 150km journey on May Day at a park designated Singapore's Speakers' Corner to applause from about 20 supporters." - AFP



这就是了。This is it!




所以说嘛,本电池人是蛮佩服 那个 Neo 的。为何他能如此坚持下去而心始终不寒,不死呢?

百思不得其解。因为电池人就办不到!有必要吗?What's the point? They don't deserve you!

In fact, to be more precise, the Matrix Masters (MM) and their human batteries deserve each other!

The rest of us should just "远走高飞" ("walk far far, fly high high [away]"),while we still can!

Human Battery: 令人心寒!

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At Sunday, May 06, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Human Battery,
These quotations, taken from public sources, showed clearly that it is not all about blue pills and smoke screens, as some of us had insisted. Those men-in-white did dish out red pills and truth! But alas, given a choice, their human batteries chose to remain in the matrix! So yeah, what more can we say? Sad.

At Sunday, May 06, 2007, Blogger The Human Battery said...

> given a choice, their human batteries chose to remain in the matrix! So yeah, what more can we say?

哈哈,英雄所见略同!Great minds think alike! 那就让他们去自相残杀,自取灭亡好了。就只可惜赔上了我们这可爱的家园!

At Sunday, May 06, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Human battery said: "就只可惜赔上了我们这可爱的家园"!

Actually, nothing to feel pity about our homeland being sacrificed. Everywhere one goes, it is the ugly singaporean that one sees; Selfish, uncultured, judging people solely by academic attainment and knowing nothing higher than material gains. In short, an exact reflection and precise replica of his leaders! With such simplistic slavish Sinkies around, what is so "cute" about our homeland? Besides, with the influx of foreigners, it is no longer our homeland, is it?

At Monday, May 07, 2007, Blogger young-pap said...

You are right - there is nothing more for you to say! So just go fly kite. You are a loser who doesn't even dare to show your photo.

Look at me! I proudly display my photo and my badge for all to see. That makes me 100 times more credible than you! lol!


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