Tuesday, May 08, 2007

A really good deal

So, the Mountbattan Citizen Consultative Committee (CCC) held a fund raising dinner at suntech city yesterday, the proceed of which would go towards helping the poor residents of that constituency. And so:
  • The CEO of Kim Seng Heng holding bid $6,800 for an XO wine with SM Goh's signature on it.
  • The boss of Yafriro International bid $19,800 for an extra large Heineken, also signed by SM Goh.
  • This same boss donated a $29,000-worth Parmigiani Fleurier watch.
  • Someone bid $33,000 for this watch.
  • Another bid $5,500 for an OSIM massage chair.
All in all, these generous people raised $200,000 for charity.

Erm, what about the wooden one himself, whom I supposed was the guest of honour? Of the $200,000 total, how much did he contribute to help the poor residents of Mountbattan?

Make a guess!
Ans: $0.00! That's right, zero dollar and zero cent!

But, oh, the wooden one promised that if the CCC's Chairman, togther with the Vice-chariman of the sports club were to run 217 km across the Death Valley in California, USA, he would donate some money thereafter.

How much?


(The newspaper lauded his yet-to-be-seen, subject-to-condtions action thus: "he will donate more than $5000").

This human battery suddenly remembers two idioms that his Chinese Language teacher has "forced" him to memorise (and for which he is now reaping the good fruit) :



The first - to be rich and yet not benevolent - of course does not apply to SM Goh. How can it? Firstly, our leaders are very benevolent (they said so. We accept. That's the way things work) and secondly, they are not rich - they had all made undue "financial sacrifice" to enter politics, as we were reminded recently.

The second applies to him - he is such a generous man, ever happy to provide and to donate. I am impressed.

联合早报 2007-05-08
吴资政两瓶亲笔签名酒 为贫寒居民筹获2万6000元





  丘金雄昨晚也捐出了一支市价2万9000元的Parmigiani Fleurier豪华表,该表以3万3000元成交。另一项投标项目Osim按摩椅则以5500元成交。这四位成功投标者都将获得由吴资政签名的合照。



Neo: Yeah. That sounds like a really good deal. But I got a better one. How about... I give you the finger... and you give me my phone call?
Agent Smith: Mr. Anderson... you disappoint me.


At Tuesday, May 08, 2007, Blogger young-pap said...

>I am impressed.

Do I sense some sarcasm here? It is indeed impressive what! You must understand that the $5000 is a burden on top of his "undue financial sacrifice", to borrow your words. Other people can donate more, but that's because they do not have to bear "undue financial sacrifice"! And of course, nothing can be for free in Singapore, so of course he must make sure someone run 200km before he donte. To do otherwise would be to encourage welfarism which we all know is bad since we have been told it's bad. So quit that sarcasm.

At Tuesday, May 08, 2007, Blogger The Human Battery said...

I assure you that there is no sarcasm. I am truly impressed with SM Goh's his yet-to-be-seen, subject-to-condtions future donation. You are reading too much into what I wrote.

At Tuesday, May 08, 2007, Blogger young-pap said...

>there is no sarcasm.

In that case, may I ask why you are trying to steal my rice bowl, like what this ugly bitch did? Ass licking and Apple polishing is the specialty of young-pap. Please do not try to rob me of my job! ;)


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