Sunday, March 11, 2007

You all look the same

Watch this government-controlled tv program
(notice that the program answered
none of the questions raised below)

Sometimes I am amazed by my, ahem, accurate instinct in the way politics works on this scary little Matrix Island. keke.

Some time back, I wrote this. I predicted that in whatever case, whenever the pressure from the public is strong enough, the Matrix Masters will sell out their running dogs, even though those runnings dogs were carrying out their Masters' orders, and that it was from the Matrix Masters that these dogs had learnt their dictatorial and abusive behaviour .

And guess what? It happened! Watch the tv program and contrast it with how Straits Times initially reported it. Both the printed media and TV are govt-controlled. Why the sudden shift from out-right censorship (and lies) to granting interviews on national tv?

I believe that's because the family has been pushing to let more people know about the issue: literally thousands have come to this blog to read the family's letters; Online forums have been carrying them, and people are emailing them to friends too. In fact, the Singapore Democratic Party linked it up on its website, and when that happened, it means foreign human rights advocates who regularly browse its website, get to read it too.

And so, the cover-up is no longer meaningful, and in fact, it will reflect badly on the government, and the credibility of its media. So the Matrix Masters chose a new strategy: let the family member talk about their side of the story (and then censor away the crucial parts e.g.. how the police really behaved), and then on the same program, present the Matrix Masters' side of the story fully, and interview doctors and man-in-the-street to support its case.

After lots of clever editing here and there, they hope that the human batteries can be deceived to reach the false conclusion that the family's better judgement had been eroded by their emotional state, whereas SGH, while not being sympathetic enough, had been acting in good faith.

This is an errorneous conclusion, because there are lots of unanswered question:
  • why was CT scan (the 1st step of a stroke treatment process) not done within 2 hours of admission, as the Matrix Master had promised?

  • why were blood tests done to check for the suitability of the kidneys even before brain death was declared (see comment left by Mr. Sim's sister on Fri Mar 09, 12:25:00 AM). The intention to rob the organs seem to be there even while SGH regarded him as alive!

  • Did the police abuse their authority? Why did they deploy male police officers to restrain and have body contacts with Mr. Sim's sister? Why werent they punished?

  • Was the receipient of at least one of the organs some VIP or rich foreign patient? If not, why insist on operating even at 1 am etc?

  • SGH claimed that organs will deterioriate if not harvested immediately. Yet we know that brain-dead patients can been kept alive for years! How can that be possible if the liver and kidneys are not functioning? Clearly there is more to such simple claim. So, it's back to same old question: why the rush?

  • And most important of all, has hota been abused by SGH?

and that's just to name a few questions. There are many more hard questions if you think about it. None of these dirt will ever come out, unless and until a full inquiry is conducted. Note: there isn't even going to be a Coroner's inquiry!

And that's another reason why the TV program was done. The Matrix Masters were hoping that by allowing the family to say what they want to say, they will find closure, be satisfied and not pursue the case further.

But if the family does pursue the case further - engage lawyer to demand Coroner's inquiry, sue SGH, talk to international human rights organisation e.g. Amnesty International etc - and people opt out of HOTA by the thousands each day (just as people opted out of monthly donation to NKF), that's when the betrayal becomes complete just like how the officers in the commando dunking case were charged in court, and how TT Durai is now in being prosecuted.

By the way, was it not Khaw who said that in the NKF case, he had been the good guy who helped expose Durai?

Haha, soon he will again the "good guy", who helped expose the wrong-doings of SGH!

The power of money
. Haha! Politics is dirty.

(Good guy? Aren't they all part of the same gang?)

Agent Smith: The great Morpheus. We meet at last.
Morpheus: And you are?
Agent Smith: A Smith. Agent Smith.
Morpheus: You all look the same to me.



At Sunday, March 11, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

>After lots of clever editing here and there, they hope that the human batteries can be deceived to reach the false conclusion

That's why those who have experienced it first hand, refused to be interviewed by the Media and its reporters, 'cos they know that their words will be twisted or censored to further the cause of the government. Chee, for eg, do not grant such interviews, I think. He chose instead to have some guy, sympathetic to his cuase, do his own documentary for him, if I remembered correctly.

In a way, I think the family has been "conned" when they agreed to go on tv. Would have been better if they did it Chee's way. But alas, Chee is an experienced politician. They are just ordinary Singaporeans with no such experience.

At Sunday, March 11, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As more citizens take the fight to the internet, we will witness more betrayal. NKF is just the start.

At Sunday, March 11, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey! can someone there predict when will the old DOG die? should celebrate the day like Deepavali (the day a demon was killed by a hindu GOD,to save people from misery)

At Monday, March 12, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

> celebrate the day like Deepavali (the day a demon was killed by a hindu GOD,to save people from misery)

Or celebrate it like Deepavali and Chinese New Year rolled into 1 (CNY = the day the man-eating monster "nian" scared out of the village).

At Monday, March 12, 2007, Blogger The Human Battery said...

Celebrate it by singing a Chinese New Year Song. haha!

At Monday, March 12, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is Why I thought U r some1 that my family knw & U r there when this thgs happen...

Cant you predict what will I do next as I oso duno wat should I do...
As 4 ME...I dont mind even it take My Life to fight 4 this as It Like Living HELL 2 me now... but Im oso worry of what I do will cause trouble to my other sibling that hv stop me to do so...

I wonder How Accurated/Truth is the 1 Page(Cost $70+) Medical Report...-

(Brain stem testing done on the 4 Feb 07 show absent brain stem reflexes.Radionuclide brain scan done did not reveal any brainstem perfusion. Findings were consistent with brain death. He was referred to the HOTA (Human Organ Tranplsnt Act) coordinator for organ harvesting.)

***How come the HOTA coordinator hv approach US on the 3rd Feb but it state that he was referred to HOTA on the 4th…???

Do I read or Understand it wrongly...?!?

The 2 HOTA coordinator is juz like a COW HEAD HORSE FACE (牛头马面) fr the Hell to me… & They R here to take my Bro LIFE… So that they can complete their mission on Organ ROBBED…!?!

My sis still cling on the Hope that the Govt will help Us... Below is actually what she 1 2 send out 2 "Our Educated Hell…Oop!… Health Minister " on the day he assumed abt my bro wish in parliament… She still email it aft that… (Guess she dun allow me to post it out but… Sori to her here 1st…)




(1) 当我弟弟入院的第一、二天还能讲话,脑筋也是清醒的能回答我们的问题,只是轻微的左边重风,右手还能活动,而且住在ICA病房,但是在星期六凌晨却突然间陷入重昏迷状态,最后导至脑死。

(2) 请问是什么原因导至他陷入重昏迷至脑死?当晚是否有(高级的)值班医生还是只有见习医生,为何他的病情会恶化至脑死而无法救治?

(3) 院方是否自我弟弟一入院就考虑到器官移植而忽略了医治,因我弟弟很注重健康时常有运动,有良好的器官可供移植而放弃抢救他,为何死亡证书还没出来之前,器官移植组己开始策划着几时要动手术?

(4) 当我弟弟被宣布脑死时,我母亲、妹妹与亲友们跪地苦苦哀求之下,只给了那么一天 我们曾要求移植小组的高层出来商讨有关问题,但却不得要领(而报纸报道有关移植器官部门的资深官员却说;曾有个案被允许延长至5天之久)。在此我们想要了解,为何别人能多给几天而我弟弟却只给一天,是因贫富之别还是贵贱之分?

(5) 在我弟弟住院的同个时期,我妹妹朋友的丈夫(回教徒)同样在中央医院心脏部门,也是脑死但还有心跳,而医生却问家属是否要给多三天的时间,等待看是否能苏醒过来。请问难道就是因为我弟弟是华人,一向生体建康、器官良好,却因为在官方不公平的立法下成了牺牲者。而院方不顾家属的感受与后果(因我们都相信弟弟会苏醒,而且我母亲有心脏病与高压),连欺带骗的强行把他推进手术室(而他的心还再跳动),以便交差完成使命,请问院方于心何忍?

(6) 院方说脑死的人不可能苏醒,但是5年前凤凰卫视主播刘海诺,在英国采访发生车祸。被英国皇家医院宣布脑死,后回国接受中医治疗而苏醒,现在已经回返电台主持节目,而被称为奇迹。那院方为何就不能多等一天,因我们都相信弟弟隔天会苏醒,但院方却用强行夺的方式夺取器官,了结弟弟的生命。把我们几天来的精神折磨,从希望到失望、又从失望到希望、再到最后的心灵破碎,因为目睹弟弟被推进手术室,而却爱莫能助,请问院方为什么要如此残忍的行为?

(7) 当局立法要捐献器官时,是以不寄信去表明退出等同同意捐献。而除夕夜收到的感谢信和直系亲属5年内住院折扣优惠表格,为什么却要填写后寄回去才能生效而不是直接自动受惠呢。好象在向我们施舍似的,要感激院方让我们拥有优惠住院,不知院方是否了解家属的感受?






Mayb Human battery will knw what was the reply...!?!

At Monday, March 12, 2007, Blogger The Human Battery said...

> Cant you predict what will I do next as I oso duno wat should I do...

You can, as I wrote in this post, "engage lawyer to demand Coroner's inquiry, sue SGH, talk to international human rights organisation e.g. Amnesty International etc". All these require money, time, and dedication. As I said before, Uncle Yap is the best person who can help you with these because of his vast experience and because he was the only one who has come out openly to say that he will help you - the rest of us are anonymous verbal supporter only. So it is up to you whether you want to pass up this opportunity or not.

> As 4 ME...I dont mind even it take My Life to fight 4 this as It Like Living HELL 2 me now... but Im oso worry of what I do will cause trouble to my other sibling that hv stop me to do so...

I don't understand why your siblings think that doing the above will cause them trouble, because "trouble" means they think the government is very bad and will illegally suka suka give them "trouble" even when you did nothing against the law. But yet, at the same time, you said that your sibling "still cling on the Hope that the Govt will help Us". This means, your sibling thinks the govt is very good. A very good govt will not give them "trouble". So there is a contradiction. 自相矛盾。So I dont understand.

Either they think govt is good, or else govt is bad. If they think good, then go ask govt for help. If they think bad, then go ask Uncle Yap for help. Ultimately, they have to make a decision one way or the other themselves, which none of us can help them make.

Anyway, if you want a more moderate approach, you can refer to my comment at Sat Mar 10, 11:21:00 PM in this post.

At Monday, March 12, 2007, Blogger The Human Battery said...

You asked me if I know how Khaw will reply. I dont know, because I am not a politican - drafting a politically correct letter to hide mistake, cover backside, twist words and turn black to white and white to black, is not my cup of tea. I think politicians - any politican in this world, not khaw specifically - can do that very well. So I will leave it to them. haha.

But maybe I can help point out to you what has happened, as an outside because sometimes outsider can see things clearer - 当局者迷,旁观者清.

This is what happened:
1. What did Khaw say in parliament? WHY? - Read my analysis here.

2. How did he react when Low Thia Kiang asked him to investigate further? WHY? See my analysis here.

3. Initially, Straits Times cover things up. But now, you people are granted interviews on TV. WHY? See my analysis in this post.

Together, these posts have analysed how Khaw and the govt will react, why they do so, and how to get further progress (and using the commando dunking case and NKF case as examples too). These is nothing for me to analyse further.

If after reading these analysis, your sibling believe that (a) the progress thus far is due to the govt suddenly finding its conscience, that (b) whatever happened at SGH is a low-level thing that does not reflect on the way the higher-level works, and therefore the way to "希望许部长能为我们主持公道,调查整个事件,包括院方和警方" is to write a letter in the most respectful manner to "敬爱的" "您" and that such a letter by itself is sufficient because politicians, without being pressured externally, do have and can "用您的良知", then so be it lor :)

There are only so much red pills that we - those who have taken the red pills - can administer to those who are still in the Matrix, and the supply is running low. Anyway, when a person is not ready yet, they will regret if they take a red pill. So, it is ultimately up to each person. Increasingly, I am beginning to believe that Morpheus' words are very wise. See those red words that I specially put in bold :)

At Monday, March 12, 2007, Blogger The Human Battery said...

> 小侄几侄女们心灵留下的创伤,未知需多少时间才能康复,他们都目睹我弟弟被强行推进手术室(至今他们还时常说,新加坡的警察很坏不守信用、不可相信警察)。

看来小孩子们还没被洗脑,孺子可教也! 要教会他们明白 ‘应该把“警察”二字,换成“屁鸦屁政府”五字,才算完全准确,因为只有上梁不正,才会下梁歪’ 这道理,是不难的。他们已适合吞下“红药丸”了。哈哈。

至于岛上那 66.6% 的大人们,长年累月,被逼毫无选择地每天从主子控制的报纸,电视吸收“蓝药丸”,已经到了难以挽回的地步了。他们已不适合服用“红药丸”了。哪怕如何被欺压,凌辱,都会好好地当个电池人,鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。

所以嘛,我向来都认为那个 Neo 实在是太乐观了。他老是说要"have faith"。痴心妄想啦。还好电池人不是他,要不然肯定气爆,或早就心灰意冷了。值得吗?No!

At Monday, March 12, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"My sis still cling on the Hope that the Govt will help Us"

Actually, it indeed will, once there is enough pressure on it. So u gotta exert the pressure first, via exposing the truth to as many pple as u can.

At Monday, March 12, 2007, Blogger The Human Battery said...

>(2) 请问是什么原因导至他陷入重昏迷至脑死?当晚是否有(高级的)值班医生还是只有见习医生,为何他的病情会恶化至脑死而无法救治?

“我们的医药水平是世界第一的。我们的医院是一流的。我们的医生都是合格的。他们已经给了病人适当的医疗,然而病人的病情仍然恶化,实在非我们所能控制。对于你们的伤痛,我深深领会,也很难过。但我要让你知道,院方的确已经尽了所有力量,作了所有该做的。这点新加坡人可以放心。你弟弟他生前乐于助人,死后器官救活了他人,遗爱人间,相信你们会以他为荣。希望你与你家人能够早日抚平心中的创伤。我谨祝你母亲身体安康。XYZ 上”


“原因很简单:虽然新加坡的 GDP 世界排名第 25 (和西方国家差不多一样), 但政府花在医药方面的钱,却是全世界排名第 149, 和那些你听都没听过的国家如 kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Gabon 等等非洲国家一样. 晚上要有值班的高级医生是需要钱的。要好好照顾每个中风病人也是需要钱的。钱不够用, 因为都进入口袋啦。让病人自生自灭,看运气,比较便宜。40 年来都如此,且将来也会继续如此,反正还是会有66.6%的人支持的”。


At Monday, March 12, 2007, Blogger The Human Battery said...

>(3) 院方是否自我弟弟一入院就考虑到器官移植而忽略了医治

“当然不是。医者父母心。。。已尽全力。。没有任何疏忽。。我可以体会你们为何会如此想。但请放心。。节哀顺便。。” -- 蓝药丸

“又不是第一次。请看此 's last 4 paragraphs." -- 红药丸

At Monday, March 12, 2007, Blogger The Human Battery said...

4)..我们曾要求移植小组的高层出来商讨有关问题,但却不得要领.. 为何别人能多给几天而我弟弟却只给一天,是因贫富之别还是贵贱之分?

"在新加坡,没有贫富阶级之分,人人平等,都有相同机会。无论是贫是富,政府都一视同仁。请放心。。节哀顺便” - 蓝药丸

“南洋大学被关闭,受华文教育的人如果英文不及格,会被剥夺教育机会,等等等政策已实行了40年了。现在的政府部门高层人士都只会说英语,而这些人看不起不会说英语的“低级人”,不愿和不会讲流利英语的老百姓沟通,就是这些政策造成的。大家都知道这些政策,而大家都支持政府如此做。哪怕受害者是自己和自己的孩子,也不介意。那又怪得了谁呢?比如邓亮洪先生在 1997 年大选,也说过,结果还不是落选?既然大家都喜欢自作自受,那就继续自作自受下去,人充满希望也是好的。反正本人自己已经吃了红药丸,就够了。也没能力像邓先生如此替英语不好的人出头,到最后反而被这些选民出卖” - 红药丸


At Monday, March 12, 2007, Blogger The Human Battery said...


"器官不能再等下去,否则会坏掉。但院方没有好言相劝,做法太过激进,我谨代表 SGH 向你们道歉。以后,我们会吸取教训,对家属温柔些,但器官真的不能等下去。。”


“器官当然可以等下去,一年两年都没问题。但,何必等呢?何必麻烦自己呢?反正,无论我们医院如何霸道过分,多数人都不会知道,因为报纸电视都是主人控制的。既然没人知道,大家不会生气,那我们院方当然可以霸道。其实,就算有几千人知道又如何?几千人也不过几个百分点。根本不成气候。要我们屈服,必须有几万人知道,不过66.6%的电池人如此怕事又怎么敢做大呢?他们哪里敢让外国人权组织替他们出头?他们到头来,还是会找我们主人求助。比如,那个徐顺全老早就说了:必须有制衡,有check and balance. 66.6% 的人还不是照样懒得理。这些平民百姓还不是会照样乖乖地支持我们主人!所以,我们院方,警察,政府等等还是会继续霸道,麻烦你们,方便自己。。希望你们继续对我们主人充满希望,给我们的主人一党独大. 两党制是不好的。一党制还是可以防止政府人员霸道。谢谢”


At Monday, March 12, 2007, Blogger The Human Battery said...






At Monday, March 12, 2007, Blogger The Human Battery said...

But, after talking so much, I am still ultimately not Khaw. I am sure he and his team of "communication experts" (the words he used in parliament) can write an even more touching reply. haha!

At Monday, March 12, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon of 5:11:00 PM,
but the best way to do that is via Uncle Yap. Human Battery, I agree with you on that.

At Monday, March 12, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

regarding pt 4 by Sim7soul, that's because some very important people or someone who pay lots of money to sgh, need the organ transplant urgently mah. You think MOH will tell you that? You must *force* them to tell you that. If you dont want to go thru that Yap Uncle, go sue sgh directly i think also can lah.

At Tuesday, March 13, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brain dead is NOT always = dead.

Published: July 22, 2004 at 12:35 PM

'Braindead' man suddenly wakes up
DULUTH, Minn., July 22 (UPI) -- A Minnesota man, given up as brain-dead from a heroin overdose, suddenly woke up, stunning family and doctors.

John Cordero, 28, of Cloquet, Minn., was taken off life support at St. Luke Hospital in Duluth after doctors told his parents there was no hope. Death can come within hours of disconnection.

But, when the parents, Phillip and Margaret Butler, returned from a chapel service they found their son had snapped out of his coma and was awake and talking, the Duluth News-Tribune said.

"The doctors were astonished," Butler said.

On July 2, Cordero overdosed in his Cloquet apartment and lay there for 12 hours before his fiancee, Kris LeSavage, found him and called for help.

Cordero is able to get out of bed and sit in a chair, sing and occasionally talk.

His parents are planning to move him to a hospital in Pennsylvania to be nearer their New Jersey home.

© Copyright 2007 United Press International, Inc.

At Tuesday, March 13, 2007, Blogger The Human Battery said...


"there is nothing 不公平 about our law. Our Constitution allows for treating different race/religion differently. If you disagree, as a citizen, it is your rights to bring this up to the constitutional court. But the govt is confident that our absolutely independent first-class Supreme Court will rule in the govt's favour".

Read this (reproduced below - emphasis mine)

The PAP-controlled newspapers - the Straits Times and Today - refused to publish my letter to the Forum page regarding HOTA. Please read on:

Some countries have an opt-out organ donation system, just like in Singapore. The following article (in French) concerning the organ transplant opt-out system under French law was found on the Internet. A non-literal translation of the first paragraph of this article:

"In France, any adults is presumed to have consented to the removal of his or her organs and tissues upon his or her death if he or she has not objected during his or her lifetime. For minors, only the parents are authorised to consent, in writing, to the removal (of the organs)".

N.B. Muslims are not exempted from this French law

We should wonder why Muslims in Singapore are exempted from HOTA whereas their counterparts in France are not. We must remember that the Muslim population in France (5 million) is ten times larger than the Muslim population in Singapore (half a million). If the Muslim religious council in France does not have any objections to the organ transplant opt-out law, why does MUIS (the Singapore Muslim religious council) oppose HOTA? Should the interpretation of Islam in one country be different from that of another country? I believe the answer should be no. Why are Singapore Muslims given such special privileges by the PAP? HOTA should not have implemented in the first place if one religious group (i.e. the Muslims) voices its objections to it. The law has to treat all the citizens equally, regardless of race and religions - that is enshrined in the constitution of Singapore.

N.B. According to the last paragraph of the article, the opt-out rate for organ transplants in France is 35%. This is much higher than the opt-out rate (I believe it is only a paltry 1%, if I remember correctly and if the figures given by the Ministry of Health can be believed) in Singapore.

The above article is obtained from this website:

I don't know why some people are unimpressed with the "antics" of Khaw. Personally, I am actually very impressed with Khaw! He can be such an inspiring man, so much so that a citizen who has just had a "bad experience" (understatement?) with his subordinates who report to him ultimately, is inspired to approach him to help challenge the fairness and hence legality of hota under the "equality framework" of the Constitution of Singapore.

Khaw has this charisma to lead people to believe that he will repeal hota and compensate ALL victims of hota for the past 10 years-- which is what he MUST do once hota is found unconstitutional for not treating all races equally. A minister less capable than him, would have had citizens believe that the minister would defend hota's constitutionality AT ALL COST in order to save millions of compensation dollars, and international embarrassment, and his own ass and the govt's ass - mind you, we are not just talking abt money; A govt which has implemented an unconstituaional "unfair" law which resulted in the untimely death of hundreds of people over a decade, will be boot out immediately. So this is abt the entire pap's survival to be defended at all cost. But such is his inspiring apperance, words and actions daily that made the difference!

And I must add that even after SDP kept repeating (till I got bored) that "PAP is a bigger version of NKF" and even kana sued as a result, sembawang voters gave Khaw the best performance among all contesting GRC constituency. Better than Lee Hsien Loong's ang mo kio!

And didn't he say it is a good idea to ship elderly citizens off to bintan, so that singapore does not have to built high-cost housing for them? Despite that, the voters (all of whom will sure grow old one day), supported him over a party which kept talking abt check-and-balance, importance of free press/speech, more welfare for the poor and old (complete with a party website havings lots of photos of such homeless people even)!

So why are you people out there in various forums not impressed and anyhow calling him "the cow"? I am very the impressed with Khaw - he has done the impossible that most, if not all politicians can only dream of. We must all learn from him, if we want to influence people and make lots of friends in our career, social circle, and life.

At Tuesday, March 13, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

because khaw has super powerful concentrated blue pills whereas his colleagues only have the normal-strength version? haha

At Tuesday, March 13, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon above, such a pill is called Viagra. lol

At Wednesday, March 14, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding pt 4 where the family wondered if they had been refused a meeting with the top-level managers at SGH due to their poverty or class, I hate to say this, but I think it would have made a difference to the mind of our English-speaking Christian-dominant elites if the family is Christian and had requested in English:

"We just came back from Church. We believe God has answered our prayers. He will wake up tomorrow. Please give us one more day". compared to: "我母亲和亲戚多方求得神明指示".

Yeah, I know this is a sensitive issue, but it is my belief that many of our "elites" have let their religious belief come into play even when deciding major policies (eg. casino. advertising by crazy horse. gay rights), and this is even more so when it comes to subjective case-by-case request, where there is no standard rule to follow.

A lot depends on whether the "elites" are able to put themselves in your shoes - if you speak their language, and you beg on the grounds of a religion that they believe in, you will have a higher chance that they will acede to your request, compared to someone speaking a langauge that they can barely understand and therefore has no connection/chemistry with you, and giving "excuse" using a religion that they label as idol-worshipping. They will just dismiss your religious reason outright, 'cos they dont believe in it and think you are "talking cock" when you say your god has told you this or that.

At Friday, March 16, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Consider this scenario:

If a Singapore PR holding American or Canadian passport falls into Coma or declared so-called brain dead by PAP's minions, do anyone seriously think PAP has the balls to cut him up and steal his organs?



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