Thanks, Mom
Mother's Day is here.
Just what kind of mother do you have?
What moral values did your mother teach you?
This is what George Yeo's mother taught him:
"我妈妈对我们的教诲,我们是个大家庭,必须善待陌生人和客人,因为你对来客感到害怕。你对来客一定要比对家人好,因为他是难以预测的,也可以对你造成伤害,所以你必须确保他能融入"。-- 杨荣文, 早报 2007-04-29
"My mother taught us thus: we are a big family. we must treat strangers and guest well, because we are afraid of them. You must treat a guest better than you treat your own family members, because the former is unpredictable, and can also cause you harm, therefore you must ensure he can assimilate" - Foreign Affair Minister George Yeo, in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao on 29/4/07, translated by the Human Battery.
The Chinese said: "养不教,父之过" - to raise a kid and not teach him any moral values, is the fault of the father (and in the modern days, mother too). How true! Some parents really need to be spanked for raisinig kids with no moral values. This means parents like yours or mine, who have no sense of morality, unlike George Yeo's mom.
The Westerners said: "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world". How true, too! The fate of human batteries on this Matrix Island was sealed, not in recent years, but many years ago - the day some mother taught her son that he must treat outsiders better than the way he treats his own family members!
On this Mother's day, this human battery would like to express his gratitude to his mother for not having taught him the "values" that George Yeo's mum had taught George!
Heng ah!
Human Battery: Thanks, Mom!
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My mother must had taught us the wrong value. She said charity starts from home, we have to take care of our own children and close family members first. It only when we handle our family well, then we can stretch out to others. She said only a dsyfuntional family will think of taking care of other people first and not their own children.
BooGer Yeo is a piece of shit. Period. A traitor to Singapore and Singaporeans.
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