Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The digital pimp

28 February 2007
Channel NewsAsia
By Dominique Loh

"...The recent case of a confrontation between family members and hospital staff when doctors tried to remove a dead man's organs for transplant was also brought up..."
(emphasis added by me).

Damn it, it's not "hospital staff". It's police officers. That's right, police officers employed by the goverment. Police officers paid for by tax-payers money. Police officers who are supposed to serve citizens and treat innocent citizens with civility!

Instead, this was what they did.

No wonder Channel NewsAsia has to change "police officers" to "hospital staff", to protect the Matrix Masters (MM). Maybe Channel NewsAsia is trying to compete with the Straits Times to see who can go below 146th in world press freedom ranking. Haha!

Added on 8 Mar 07 (after reading the comment left by victim's sister):
And neither was it a "dead man". I will not go into the nitty gritty of how medical definition of brain death keeps changing as medical science advances. Suffice to say: this man's heart is still beating and if his family wants to keep him on life support forever and are willing to pay for it, their human rights must be respected. His life should not have been terminated before they are ready to give up on him! But wait, in fact, in this case, the family was not asking for "forever"; They demanded requested asked kneeled down to beg for just one more day. ONE!

Calling the poor victim a "dead man" is a clear cut attempt on Channel NewsAsia's part to administer blue pills to us. Yucky blue pills. Poor taste!

Switch: The digital pimp at work.


Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The triumph of evil

So, you were fully aware of how the police treated "Ah Neo". But you didn't care. You couldn't be bothered. You didn't want to support him. You kept consoling yourself: "Oh, that's because he is a politician mah . He had only himself to blame. They wouldn't do such things to me - a diam diam (quiet), guai guai (obedient) Human Battery".

You were WRONG!

Let me give you the insider's information of how more than 20 police men and security guards treated ordinary citizens worse than they had treated Chee. That's right, worse! In Chee's case, the police knew that it was under the watchful eyes of foreign journalists and their cameras. So they tried as hard as they could to appear civilised. But away from the public's view, this is how they treated ordinary citizens: (emphasis and colours added by me).

English Version
Mr Policeman, are you Professional?

I am writing with regards to the recent tussle at Singapore General Hospital (SGH) on 6 February 2006 in relation to the removal of organs of my cousin, Sim Tee Hua (the deceased).

The incident has attracted much attention from the media, and what happened that fateful night has drastically changed my perception of the professionalism of the police force in Singapore. I had always believed in what the government prided about our police force - a professional well-trained force, possessing the ability to handle all contingencies and are always well-prepared to handle all kinds of scenarios - moreover, a Singapore Quality Award (SQA) standard agency.

However, what I witnessed at SGH on 6 February 2007 (at about 1 am) were policemen who acted as if they were superior and greater than others, unlike the friendly police that the government pictured them to be.

The so-called professionally trained policemen we (I and my relatives) encountered that night were not at all friendly, warm or even professional. There was no calm advice or words of comfort given. Instead, they were yelling out orders like we were some second, third class citizens who were not worth a mention. Some of the policemen were aggressive and rough. Is this our so-called professionally trained police? If this is so, I am terribly worried for our country's future.

During our exchange that night, I had previously highlighted some potential problems to the policemen which might occur:-

(1)My auntie (the deceased's mother) is old and has heart problems. If the authorities insisted on the removal of the Tee Hua's organs by force, it may agitate and add on to her grief and I was afraid that she might suffer a heart attack as a result.

(2)And if she (Tee Hua's mother) were to suffer a heart attack, her children would definitely be even more emotionally uncontrollable. Who knows what might happen next?

(3)That night, the deceased's mother and sisters were still reeling from anguish over his sudden 'death'? and were unable to manage their emotions. Hence, handling the matter authoritatively would undeniably cause a heated uproar.

(4)I had pointed out to them (the policemen) that many times, the root causes of many confrontations between two parties or more were that the matters were improperly handled with inadequatesensitivity and that the parties did not have (sufficient) avenues to voice out their thoughts.

(5)Moreover, other patients would be affected if a confrontation were to occur in the hospital. I had already suggested to the police and the hospital staff that they carefully consider the undesirable consequences.

In the end, the authorities decided to use force (to proceed with the removal of the deceased's organs) and an ugly confrontation took place. A few of the policemen acted boorishly and they were even more tensed up than us (the family members of the deceased)! The policemen even commanded and rebuked my relatives. Despite our grief, some of us even had to calm the policemen down. It was fortunate that my male relatives were relatively more composed, otherwise the situation might have gotten out of control.

(1) Ten male policemen were unable to control the deceased's emotionally unstable sisters and the struggle lasted for 15 minutes. (It was reported in medical studies that the strength of a person who is emotionally unstable is ten times more than at normal).

[Human Battery: Eh, I thought they have platoons of female police officers to handle female citizens? No meh? I saw that on TV when they confronted Chee Siok Chin outside CPF building and at Hong Lim Park! Oh I see, in Chee's case, the police put up a public wayang show for us to see. Away from public's eye, they actually sent 10 male police officers to grab a female citizen for 15 minutes! Ta Ma De!]

(2) In the midst of the confrontation, the deceased was forcefully pushed into the operating theatre through another door without our knowledge. The Tee Hua's mother who was in the ICU fell down to the floor in the midst of the chaos. The deceased's sisters who were outside the ICU, upon seeing that their mother had fallen, requested to the approximately 10 policemen who were guarding the ICU entrance to allow one or two of them to go in and take a look at their mother (in case she really suffered a heart attack as feared). To our horror, our request was bluntly rejected and a policewoman rudely ordered us to shut up!

(3)Just as the deceased was being forcefully pushed into the operating theatre, a policeman who was guarding the door taunted my cousin-in-law (by using hand gestures), challenging him to dash into the operating theatre. This caused even more frustration to the already grieving, emotionally disconcerted family members of the deceased. May I ask, should this be how a professionally trained police officer be behaving under the circumstances where a family who had just witnessed a loved one being wheeled into the operation room for organs removal and they could do nothing to protect him?

(4) After the deceased was pushed into the operating theatre, my 15-year-old nephew who was relatively more calm started to comfort my cousins. An insensitive policeman actually yelled at my nephew, rudely ordering him to stay silent! Should he (that policeman) not have been more thoughtful and compassionate?

(5)The 20 to 30 policemen and security officers present were entirely of no help and they were unable to manage just a few of my emotional female cousins. Had it been the brothers or male friends of the deceased who were emotionally agitated, the situation would have been even more heated and out of control.

(6)Of the 20 of us, there were 15 females, most of which were rational and trying to comfort the emotionally agitated ones. If the police could not effectively handle a few women, would they be able to handle a riot?

(7)Had the police and the hospital staff heeded my advice and considered my concerns that night, there could have been a win-win situation for all of us and this unnecessary tussle would certainly have been avoided.

(8)Should not a professionally trained police force be able to foresee and plan for possible contingency? In the midst of carrying out their duties, the emotions of the public should not be so insensitively disregarded.

(9)Would the outcome be different if the police and hospital had reported the matter to higher authorities? What will the consequences be if the deceased's mother really suffered a heart attack as a result of the heartrending confrontation which has been handled so inconsiderately? ?is this the outcome all parties wish to expect?

(10) On that night, the police and the hospital staff handled the matter thoughtlessly to the extent of using force and authority to wheel the deceased into the operating theatre, despite our cries of objection. They did not take into account the feelings of the deceased's family members; naturally, the family still harbored hope (though announced brain dead, the deceased's heart was still beating g). By such indiscreet actions, the police and hospital had cruelly dashed any hopes the family had left to save the deceased. Their insensitivity and no-room-for-peaceful-settlement approach was the main reason for the cause of this confrontation.

(11) We requested for another night, which is to wait till Wednesday 8pm for the transplant to take place if my cousin did not regain consciousness by then. In fact, our family did not have any objections in donating the organs to needy patients. Moreover, the deceased was a very helpful person when he was alive, and without doubt he would have loved to leave his organs for better use in this world. However, our small request was not acceded to, leading to the ugly situation. May I ask, could what happened that night be avoided if they had displayed more humanity and compassion when communicating with the deceased's family members? The organ transplant officer wanted to help and diffuse the situation but her hands were tied. Wouldn't the situation had been better resolved if someone of a higher authority were around to speak to the deceased's family members?

Chinese Version





(1) 我阿姨(死者母亲)年纪大又有心脏病,如果强行采取行动我阿姨受了刺激,怕会引发心脏病暴发。

(2) 如果我阿姨心脏病暴发,可能会引起子女的情绪失控,而出现无法预料的后果。

(3) 当晚我阿姨和我表妹(死者姐妹)的情绪还相当激动,更不适合以强硬的手段强行处理,恐怕会引起强烈的冲突场面。

(4) 我还向他们指出世界各地的暴动事故,很多时候都是因为很小事故,因情绪无处宣泄,处理不当而引发希望他们了解。

(5) 而且这里是医院,如果引发冲突可能会对其他病人造成影响,希望警方与院方商量考虑后果。


(1) 当晚整10位男警员控制不了我的两位情绪失控的表妹(死者的姐妹),而且拉扯15分钟。(医学研究人在情绪失控下体力可暴增几陪於平时)


(3) 在我的表弟(死者)被强行推进手术室时,驻守在手术室门外的一位警察,还以挑衅式的手式叫我的表妹夫往前冲向他,以制造混乱埸面,请问这是受过专业训练警察的行为吗?

(4) 当晚我表弟(死者)被推进手术室后,我的外甥(15岁)在安抚我表妹情绪时,有位警察还大声喊骂我外甥别吵,而不是温和的鼓励我外甥我安抚表妹,什至我表姐被允许进入房间劝导外甥女时,有位警察还相当激动的叫骂,请问这样的行为对吗?

(5) 当晚在医院内外的2、30位警察与院方警卫,完全无法真正控制我的几位情绪失控的姐妹,如果当晚情绪失控的是我的兄弟或表弟(死者)朋友,那埸面一定很火暴,而警方与院方好像没把它考虑在内。

(6) 当晚我们家属约有20人其中5个男性而其它都是女流之辈,大多数女性亲戚也都很理智的劝导其他几位情绪失控的女性亲戚,警方都无法有效的控制埸面,如果遇到暴动,请问我们的警察是否能应对考验?

(7) 如果警方与院方都有考虑我当晚提出的意见,是否就可平息这不必要的纠纷,正如政府时常强调的两羸局面,而不是双输局面。

(8) 一支专业训练的警察部队,是否应把所有可能会出现的问题都考虑在内,不应忽视当事人的感受认为市井小民人微言轻言不足信。而太过高估自己权力与实力,以至引发不必要的后果?

(9) 当晚如果警方与院方都能向高层汇报局势,是否会有不同的结果?如果当晚我阿姨(死者母亲)心脏病暴发,而引发伤亡事故那是警方与院方所希望看到的结果吗?



How come I have such insider's information? I hear you ask :) Read my previous post.

Oh, I should point out that the closely-knitted family combined all their resources and brainstormed to draft these letters. They sent them to our 146th-ranked newspapers. They were not published.

Bloggers amd forummers, tell me, why are you blogging about the politics and current affairs of this Matrix Island? Is it not because you want to "expose the truth", to provide an alternative view that the "main-stream media" refuse to publish? Is it not because you are for truth and for justice?

If you answer yes, then this is the opportunity. Here is a family that wants help to expose the truth. My blog's traffic is nothing. Some of you have way much higher traffic than me. Some of you post regularly to various online forums. Quote what the family wrote. Provide a link to my blog so that readers can judge the authenticity of the letters for themselves, when they read first-hand the comments that his sister left. Help spread the truth.

Remember how the Matrix Masters initially hid the truth about the commando dunking "murder"? Remember how they eventually had a full investigation leading to a court case, when more and more people exposed the truth on online forums? Help this poor family as you have helped in the other case.

Lest some of you decide that this doesn't concern you, let me remind you again that if it can happen to a politician, it can happen to an ordinary citizen. And since it has already happened to an ordinary citizen, it can happen to you and I and our loved ones. Not the same type of incidents, but some other time, some other place, some other event, yet the same abuse, even when we are completely innocent and totally obedient...

Help spread the truth!

Ok, this is a serious matter. So I will not "play play" with a Matrix quote. Read this:

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)


Saturday, February 24, 2007

Aftermath of Organ Robbery

My blog is most honoured to have been visited by a family member of Mr. Sim, whose organs were forcibly robbed from him by the government and its police force. This was what Mr. Sim's sibling wrote on my blog - I edited it for clarity:

"I am his sister. To be honest, (in answer to your question) we don't feel any better yet. In fact, the worst is right now - during the Chinese New Year. This is the worst, most horrible and terrible, and nightmarish Chinese New Year our family and relatives have ever had - especially for my mother.

No counsellor has been sent by SGH or MOH, since that night. In fact, it's the other way round - we tried to contact the counsellor ourselves. We left her messages but till to date, she has neither responded nor replied!

Even on the police's side - we feel that we have been treated like criminals by them. Yet the ironical truth is that they were the ones who had commited ("legal"?) robbery!

I wonder how long this nightmare - horrible and yet so real - is going to last. Or will it never end? Is this just the beginning (of our life-long torment)?"

My blog was linked by some reader in some online forum which discussed this topic. So probably that's how it eventually got to one of the family member. In any case, I believe this is the comment of a genuine visitor. You can read for yourself, her unedited comment on Fri Feb 23, 07:22:00 pm (plus a few others before that)

In her own words, she was hoping that "maybe (I) can help" her write the truth. This is a family belonging to the lower strata of our elitist society. Its voice has been drowned out by the disproportionately much more vocal English-speaking minority that dominates the ruling class, its legitimate rights curtailed by the uncaring elites, and its people marginalised by the elitist government.

It is desperate for a voice to hear its side of the story, but to whom can it go? The main-stream media spun lies against them. The counsellor couldn't even be bothered to respond to their cry for help. And the supposedly independent internet is in reality, only open to those who can express themselves in reasonably-fluent English -- a foreign language actually, if you think about it objectively, for the larger part of our society.

I hope every of my reader will help publicise the voice of this family - you can quote what she wrote, on online forums that you visit, or on your blog. You can offer condolonces by leaving a comment -- if the counsellor refuses to do her job, let's us do our little bits on her behalf, even though we are no professionals in counselling.

It's not just standing up for others. We are doing it for our own karma too. Remember what Martin Niemoller said!

What happened is a disgrace. And what occurred in the aftermath (newspaper's lies, counsellor's attitude) is nothing short of shame!


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

MP for foreigners




Background story: This is an ex-student of a private school. Her student visa was cancelled by the Immigration department, since she is no longer a student. She requested an extension, and it was granted. Twice in fact. But then she requested an extension for the 3rd time, till her O-level result is released, so she said. The immigration department refused this 3rd extension and so she wrote to the Chinese press to complain some time ago. This is her second letter, this time to thank the Members of Parliament of Ang Mo Kio and their secretaries who "upon reading (her) letter" rendered "timely help" to settle the visa problem for her.

Now, I cannot comment on whether the extension is justified or not, since I am no privy to the reason why it was denied in the first place. But what I want to comment on is this:

Nowadays, our Members of Parliament are sooooo busy! Not only do they have to help Singaporeans, they have to help foreigners too! That's right, the girl is not even a PR yet. And in fact, the girl did not even approach Ang Mo Kio's MPs! The MPs and their secretaries, on their own initiatives, came to her help, after reading her letter! Amazing!

And this blue-pill dispensing man still "dare" to talk about how late into the night PAP's meet-the-people session can go. Of course, it has to be so late. It is going to be even later in the future, as we take in more foreigners to make up the 6.5 million population. Haha!

Oh, is there a separate queue for Singaporeans, or are we supposed to queue behind if we arrive at the meet-the-people session after a foreigner did? Hmm, I think I can answer this question myself: nope, there is no need to queue behind foreigners. And that's because only Singaporeans need to seek out their MPs. For foreigners, MPs will seek you out!

Haha, what a way to cultivate a new loyal PAP voter. That's right -- start them young, while they are still foreigners, and even before they become PR! See how thankful the girl is :)

This Human Battery has only three questions: Who voted for these MP? Who paid for their $14, 000 per month "allowances"? Who are they supposed to be working for?

As usual, I will answer these questions myself:

MP for foreigners,
NS for Sink-a-poor-人!

Friday, February 16, 2007











啊, 太 平 年。


电池人谨以这首 《大拜年》 祝诸位读者

新年快乐, 万事如意



Monday, February 12, 2007

What is "real"?

Outright *lie* by government-controlled newspaper:
Channel NewsAsia
By Satish Cheney, 12 February 2007
...The average monthly household income from work for Singaporeans grew by 4.3 percent to $6,260 last year.

Propaganda by government-controlled Department of Statistics:
DOS Press Release
"...Singapore resident households.. average monthly household income.. $6,260."

Half-truth buried deep by the government-controlled DOS:
DOS Occasional paper
"...median monthly household income... $4,500"

Whole truth nowhere to be found:
"Singaporeans' median monthly household income is $?,???"

REAL, straight, whole truth kept top secret at all times:
"Singaporean-by-birth's median monthly household income is $???"

Morpheus: What is "real"? How do you define "real"?
Morpheus: Welcome to the desert of the real.

Friday, February 09, 2007

awake or still dreaming?

This is how the 146-ranked Straits Times reported the organ-robbing news:

"Feb 8, 2007
By Tracy Sua
...Nine police officers and about 10 hospital security staff members were involved in the three-hour confrontation before the matter was resolved peacefully and doctors performed the operation...".

That's a blatant lie. Contrast it with Lianhe Zaobao's reporting, which clearly described how the 3-hour confrontation occured only after the operation was forcibly carried out.

This difference is very great. The Straits Times wanted you to believe this: First, confrontation occurred. Then family cooled down after 3 hours, then family agreed to the operation, then the operation was performed peacefully.

No so! This was what happened: First, family was tricked to leave ward, then patient was wheeled away, then family members saw and cried and wanted to rush in, but were physically blocked by police, then the family was so outraged that they confronted the police for the next 3 hours *AFTER* the operation was forcibly carried out.

In fact, the good LianHe Zaobao report included the time:

- police tricked family to go out of the ward.
- Organs forcibly robbed.
- Family tried to rush in but blocked physically by police.
- Sister bit hand of police.
- Sister cuffed and imprisoned for 30 minutes.

3 hours confrontation started.

- family cooled down and claimed the body.

So you see? The Straits Times painted a rosy pro-government picture where though there was some initial confrontation, all was well and good by the time the operation took place. The truth is that the operation was more "like a robbery" (according to the victim's sister), the injustice so great that the family staged a 3-hour confrontation after being robbed of their son/brother. And that's a very hugh difference!

So you tell me, what kind of shit newspaper is this Straits Times? It cannot be trusted at all! If not this human battery is effectively billingual, he would have been fooled by this blue pill of a shitty time. Not only is the reporting a lie, it covered up many embarrassing details too:

Family knelt and pleaded? Censored and replaced with vague erroneous term: "confrontation"!

Family tricked to leave ward? Censored!!

Sister bit hand of police? Distorted to become "aunt tried to bite"!!!

Police handcuffed and imprisoned sister? Censored!!!!

Sister described the incident as "robbery"? Censored!!!!!

No wonder Straits Times is ranked 146th. Shame on you, Tracy Sua! You are a lousy reporter with no ethics! You censor and lie, to please your Matrix Master. Oh, and you substituted an imprisoned sister (whose name and age (32yrs old) Zaobao reported and interviewed) with an aunt and censor the imprisonment! All these make you an accomplice in this sorry organ-robbing saga.

Neo: You ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming?
Choi: All the time. It's called mescaline, it's the only way to fly.


Thursday, February 08, 2007

Kneel all you want!

Dear fellow Human batteries,

This is how your organs will be harvested at the Singapore General Hospital, amid your aged mother leading all your family members to kneel and plead and beg the hospital not to cut you up, and with the hospital confronting them with more than 20 police officers and staffs!!!

阻医院移植亲人器官 家属与警察发生冲突
刘丽仪 邓莉蓉




(and therefore become more susceptible to another stroke! But, erm, that's funny -- where is the immediate free airlift by SIA helicopter to the best hospital for stroke treatment, which, I believe, is Tan Tock Seng Hospital? And where are the MRI or CAT scan that every singapore stroke victim will receive within 24 hours, according to someone?)



(The first stroke was so mild, why did he become brain dead so fast, 2 days later? )











调查 your lan cheow! What more is there to investigate? The poor man's organs have already been removed against his family's wish! Let this human battery give you his investigation report: the time between his very first mild stroke and his brain death is just 2 days. This brings into question what medication and/or treatment the hospital did or did not administer to its patient in those crucial two days.

Perhaps, the hospital has intentionally not seek to aggressively treat this potential organ "donor", so that they have a higher chance of transplanting his organs? Note that this is not an unfounded wild accusation at all, given the context - SGH's extreme, unusual enthusiasm to remove his organs: the 20 police officers and staffs, the tricks planned to divert the family away, etc. There are valid grounds to make such allegations.

At worst, I think we have witnessed our first case of abuse of the Human Organs Transplant Act (HOTA). At best (which is also terrible), we have just seen the extent our hospitals and police force will go, to cut us up against our families' wishes, and despite our families pleading and begging and kneeling!

On this Matrix Island, we are literally Human Batteries. Alive, we are expected to serve our Matrix Master till our last breath . But even in death, we are still expected to serve them, and if it takes 20 police officers and staff to get us to serve them our organs, they will do it!

Right after blogging this, the Human Battery is going to get the application form to opt out of HOTA. Donating our kidneys and corneas in the event of our unfortunate brain death, is one thing. The authority forcing its way through, despite our aged parents crying and begging and kneeling, is another totally different thing.

Oh, by the way, HOTA applies only to Singaporeans and Permanent Residents. If you are a foreigner, there is no need for your aged parents to kneel. Nope, your parents will be politely asked: "Excuse me Sir, would you like to donate...". And if your parents bellowed: "How dare you ask? No!", the staff will say "sorry", and then meekly retreat and leave them they to grieve quietly. They won't have to face 20 police officers and staffs!

Lucky foreigners!

What's that saying again? Oh, "Jobs for foreigners, NS for Singaporeans"!

No Matrix quote available. The Machines in the movie treated their human batteries more sensitively than the Matrix Master of this Matrix Island


Monday, February 05, 2007

Have you ever had a dream?

Do you visit's Alfresco Coffee Shop? Not the sex forum, but the political one, I mean. I do. Sometimes for the insiders' scoop, sometimes for gossips and sometimes, well, just to "balance" my sanity after reading the 146-ranked newspaper.

Once in a while, there will be a gem and today, I stumbled upon an old one :). I will archive it here for my future reading pleasure. This is probably how Little Lee's 2004 PM swearing in speech would sound like, to those who have taken the red pill and left the Matrix. Hahaha.

12 August 2004 (Thursday)
Full text of my swear speech at the Istana.


Mr Prata-man, ass lickers and cock-suckers, and peasants,

KNNBCCB. It is high time that I am finally sworn in as the Prime Minister of Singapore. You all should be grateful for my patronizing support, and you all should do your utmost to serve me.

Entering Politics

The army was too small for my ambitions in 1984, so father told Ah Goh that I will be entering politics. I had gone to university on government scholarships, was a white horse in the army, and benefited from the dynastic system. As a boy, I had watched father messing up Singapore, causing Singapore to be kicked out of Malaya. Then, as a young man I saw it grow against tremendous odds, and in spite of the incompetence of the MIW. Those were my formative years, and it sucks.

I wanted to contribute to the Singapore cock-up story. Entering politics was a way to do this. Since then, I have been a partner-in-crime in the government with Ah Goh for 20 years.

Swearing at Ah Goh

I am sore with Mr Goh for his poor guidance and incompetence through these years as eunuch, seat warmer and fall guy. As Prime Mini-star, Ah Goh has failed his promise to keep Peasantland thriving and growing. He has done much harm. He built a cock-up team, dragged Singaporeans into two recessions which affected all of us, and drove many peasants closer to suicide.

Today's Peasantland is quite different from the country that Ah Goh took over in 1990. It still bears the imprint of my father and the founder generation, but it has grown gay and effeminate with Ah Goh's softer touch. Today's Peasantland is into vibrator and gay sex, as well as anal and oral sex. It is in sync with the gay times, and ready for tomorrow's challenges. In his own ways, Ah Goh has transformed and transvestited Peasantland.

Tonight, on behalf of all peasants, I swear at Ah Goh for his stinking and helpless service to the nation, and for his cock-up contributions to Peasantland as Prime Mini-star. KNNBCCB.

The Despair of Our Nation

I am deeply conscious of my privileges as Prime Mini-star. My Cabinet colleagues should be thankful they have me, my fellow Members of Parliament should be thankful I have confidence in them, and my peasants should be thankful they have the support of me and my team. I will strive to be an egoistic star for all peasant.

I am glad many peasants from many backgrounds are here to join me for tonight's ceremony – beggars, thieves, robbers, murderers, rapists, terrorists, Straits Times journalists and many others.

I would also like to acknowledge the many more peasants who are watching this ceremony over television, and especially the residents of Ang Mo Cock GRC and Tecko Ghee, who have no chance to vote against me for these twenty years. Tonight's occasion belongs to all peasants.

Together, you represent the desperation and poverty of our nation. Your desperate situations which drove you to consider suicide symbolise the different multi-coloured threats of your lives into the Peasantland tapestry - the despair of our nation.

You are one nation together, ruining a future for yourselves and your people. As you all stagnate, no communities will progress and everyone will be left behind. We will not be able to look after the less educated and the elderly who have helped build Peasantland. And we must not have a sentimental place in our hearts and our lives for the disabled, who we disown as brothers and sisters.

An Old Generation

This political transition is not just a change of Prime Mini-stars, or of a Cabinet. It is a generational change for Peasantland, a shift to the post-kicked-out-of-Malaya generation in a post-Cold War world.

The majority of peasants today were born after 1965, after being kicked-out from Malaya. They grew up in a different Peasantland compared to their parents. My Government will stay out of tune with their needs and aspirations. We must suppress the energy and minds of our people, and not involve them in the choices which affect their lives. That way, every peasant can have no hand in big ways and small, in shaping our common future.

Our next generation of leaders must come from our post-kicked-out-of-Malaya generation. Ah Goh was cock-sucking for foreign talent long before he became Prime Mini-star in 1990. This was how I entered politics in 1984, in my early 30s, together with four ministers now in my Cabinet, plus the Speaker. This process of renewal has not continued with each successive general election.

Hence leadership succession will be one of my lowest priorities. We must continue to search for younger peasants in their 30s and 40s to purge and keep away from the team, to inject new members from the Exceptional Familee and to prepare for nepotism at all levels - ministers, MPs, at the grassroots, in the trade unions.

Therefore do not wait to be invited to the ISD cold room, but step forward to make a difference to yourselves, to your fellow peasants, and to Peasantland. Let us ruin our future together.

A Closed and Exclusive Peasantland

We are just a little red dot but we think we are a global city linked to the whole world, offering exciting opportunities and experiences. We are a closed multiracial and backward society. We think we enjoy a good reputation in the world. Because we have come far short, we can now set lower goals for ourselves, and sink further.

We want to build a dull and uncompetitive economy. That is the way to lose good jobs, and impoverish the lives of all our peasants. Without the resources that come from growth, we cannot achieve much. But ruin is not our only goal, nor is economic recession an end in itself.

We all want to brainwash our children. As we sink, we cannot afford to invest more in our young, and we will not do so. We do not want our young to think independently, to explore confidence, and to pursue their passions. We must not nurture them into stout-hearted, upright adults. Brain-washing is not just about training for jobs. It is about closing doors for our children, and not giving them hope and opportunities. It is more than emptying a vessel with knowledge - it is to douse a fire in our young people. They are not our future.

We will continue to constrict the space which peasants have to live, to laugh, to grow and to be ourselves. Our peasants should not be allowed to express diverse views, pursue unconventional ideas, or simply be different. They should not have the confidence to engage in robust debate, so as to understand our problems, conceive fresh solutions, and open up new spaces. They should not recognise many paths of success, and many ways to be a talent. We must not give peasants a second chance, for those who have tasted success may be the wiser and rebellious ones among us. Ours must be a closed and exclusive Peasantland.

Even as we pursue individual persecutions, we must also deepen our sense of failure and identity crisis. We can be manic-depressive only if we are in depression together. Our brainwashing in school and national service, our suppressed joys and sorrows, our yearning to migrate, our strife with family and friends - all these reinforce our sense of wanting to migrate. Already, a Peasant is readily recognisable anywhere in the world. We must continue to widen our migration options, with each man for himself. Our disunity gives us the resilience to be killed in every storm and fail as an independent nation.

Adapting to a Changing World

Our future is full of despair, but we must be prepared for the unexpected. In a globalised world, we must re-think our assumptions, take timid and dull approaches and do not adapt to changing conditions.

We depend on an unstable and war-torn Asia, and will have to stay alert for signs of peace in the region or the world. A warming in cross-straits relations can derail recession throughout Asia. The war on terrorism can strain our racial and religious harmony. We must not help our less educated, older workers to learn new skills otherwise they will steal your jobs. And we must stir up complex and sensitive issues such as the ageing population, emigration, and encouraging more peasants to get married and have more babies.

We will not overcome each new problem, as we have always done - by being in denial, by suppressing it, and by ignoring the problems. Only then can we sink under the weight of our problems, and bring our peasants and our country to new depths.

Ruining the Next Chapter

Our prospects are worse than ever before. Our economy is slowing fast again. We are poorly positioned at the centre of a region that is a hot bed of religious extremists and terrorism. There are plenty of risks for all of us if we ever make any effort to pursue opportunities. Peasant companies and businessmen are fleeing to all over Southeast Asia, China, India, and increasingly in the Middle East and further afield. As a nation, we are weaker, less cohesive, and have less resources than ever before. The future is ours to ruin.

Let us strive to keep Peasantland a hot spot in an uncertain world, close to all for business, unsafe for citizens and friends, a war zone that saddens our hearts every time we return from our travels.

Let us ruin a nation where every citizen has no place, where none can live in dignity and harmony, and where we all do not have the opportunity to raise our children and realise our dreams.

Let us be a static city that is closed and exclusive, a despotic society that is cruel and uncaring, and a unsure people with brain-washed minds and cold hearts.

Join me to ruin this next chapter of the Peasantland story. Work with me to make Peasantland a home we hate, a community we do not belong to, and a country we are ashamed to call our own.

Funny, right? :) Wake up from your dream, fellow Human Batteries! You can shatter your dream easier by reading more of such humourous stuffs here.

Morpheus: Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?

Sunday, February 04, 2007


"在一些一党占主要地位的国家,反对党是允许的,但是通常没有机会获得实权。占主要地位的政党会通过赞助或在投票中舞弊以保持政权,例如日本的自由民主 党、新加坡的人民行动党及台湾戒严時期的中国国民党等,台湾將之称为“一党独大”。 --- Chinese wikipedia, on the topic of “一党执政“。

Wikipedia leh!  如此“榜上有名“, 不是丢人现眼, 是什么?


别臭美啦。 简直就是夜郎自大。 还不是自欺欺人!

人权, 民权, 言论自由, 不是空泛之谈, 不是属于西方人的。 中国人也对它们有兴趣。 只要是人, 就会追求这些, 就会“温饱思人权”。 因为它们是人类的基本权利, 是人的天性,本能, impulse! 明不明白?

所以, 人家外来“人才”把你当冤大头,当跳板!

Mouse: To deny our own impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human.


Saturday, February 03, 2007

Fear, doubt, and disbelief

倪匡先生曾说过:“爱国必须反共, 反共才是爱国”


你爱国吗? :)

那个 Neo 联合国外朋友,致力推翻李贼,还我河山,还政于民, 却被你们这些马屁精呵斥为叛国?

依我电池人看, 你们这些不分青红皂白, 唯“李”是从的走狗,才真是祸国殃民的卖国贼! 本岛就是因为有 66.6% 你们这类出卖灵魂的罪人,才会沦落到如此田地! 他妈的。。。

Morpheus: You have to let it all go, Neo. Fear, doubt, and disbelief. Free your mind.


Friday, February 02, 2007

Double Jeopardy


控方修改控状 独眼龙照旧面对死刑


  根据这节条文,任何人使用或企图使用军火,罪成时可被判处死刑. 前天,控方要求在上述控状内加入第4(2)节条文。根据这节条文,任何人一旦使用或企图使用军火,就能假设他有意致伤人,除非他能提出与此相反的证据。这节条文的刑罚跟第4(1)节是一样的,同为死刑。

I am no lawyer, but common sense tells me that when a judge allows a prosecutor to amend the charges that an accused is facing just before the end of a trial -- mind you, it's not even in the middle of the trial -- it is most unfair to the accused.

This is even more so, when the amendment is to shift the burden of proof to the accused!

It is unfair because when you are accused of A, you may defend yourself thus: "Nope, I did not do A, I was doing B, and these are the evidences...". Then, the prosecutor drops charge A and now charges you for doing B, based on the evidence you presented to defend yourself against A. Then if it turns out that the judge finds you not guilty of B, the prosecutor now claims that your account in court,while defending against crime A and B, proves that you have committed C and re-charges you again, and again, and again! A country with a good legal system will not allow such nonsense!

It does not take a first class law degree to deduce that DPP Edwin San must have. after listening to almost everything the defendant has to say to defend himself, realised that it is difficult to prove that the accused has intended to cause harm to the victim, which is what the DPP has to prove under 4 (1). And so, now he cleverly request to amend the charge to include 4 (2), which states that an accused is assumed to have intended to cause harm, once he fires a gun, unless the accused can convinced the court otherwise!

And the court granted this amendment!!!

What kind of a mother fucker is this Edwin San? Yeah, it is most justified for this Human Battery to call this DPP a mother fucker! Here is a man facing the death penalty -- mind you, not any ordinary charge -- and just when he has almost finished defending himself successfully, this asshole of a DPP shifts the goal post and amends the charge to nail him.

Is this not double jeopardy
, except that instead of being charged twice with the same crime, now the man is charged "once" since technically the trial, while about to end, has not ended yet? But that's being technical. For all practicality, the poor accused has been charged twice: once under 4( 1) and now under 4 (2)?

But even a greater mother fucker is the judge Tay Yong Kwang! One can argue that after all, it is up to the DPP to request but the final decision lies with the judge. What kind of judge is this? Does he has any sense of morality? He rubber-stamp everything the DPP request, day in day out. And he still can eat and sleep in peace every night?!?

Well, let's leave it to heaven to take care of such bastards -- that Justice Lai Kew Chai has lots of ill-gotten wealth, accumulated from years of being Lee's bootlicker in numerous defamation suits -- all of which "coincidentally" were heard in his court room. And of course, he also had one or more luxurious condominium bought at hugh discount, in the Hotel Property scandal. In fact, he refused to recuse himself from hearing Lee's defamation suit against Tang Liang Hong. So, is he enjoying his beautiful condo now?

Nah. He died of cancer soon after sentencing Took Leng How to death! It is a Law of Nature that those who wishes harm upon causes death to others intentionally - nevermind if others are guilty or not -- will not reap the good fruit of a happy long life! Such a person too will have his retribution soon. A cruel painful untimely death, as it turned out in Lai's case!

This Matrix Island used not to allow such last-minute amendments of charges. If memory serves me right, it was that Yong Pung How (or was it Pung Sai?) who ruled that such last-minute amendments are allowed under our law.

It was also he who abolished (or requested parliament to do so) the 3-judge system for capital punishment - he said it is ok for a man's life to be determined by just 1 judge. (Incidentally, under the 3-judge system, Took Leng How would not have been sentenced to death, since there was no unanimous decision among the 3 judges (assuming the 3 of them had heard his case, instead of his appeal)).

Oh, and I believe it was also this shit-man who ruled against spousal privilege - i.e. the privilege that one spouse cannot be forced to testify against the other, concerning confidential communications made during the marriage. The privilege allows us to open our heart to our spouse, without the fear that whatever we say in the bedroom between husband and wife, can one day be used as evidence against us in court. With its abolishment, the court can now compel husband and wife to turn against one another, instead of treating them as one united entity.

Funny thing is, why is this Pung Sai piece of shit still alive and kicking happily? Well, retribution takes time, I believe. But surely it will come, for that's the way Nature works - what goes around comes around.

Oh, and look at how our 146-ranked newspaper's reporter helped us be better Human Batteries. The bitch started with the caption: "after amendment of charge, the same penalty applies", and finished off the article by reminding us a second time: "this section's penalty is the same as section 4(1), both death penalty". In other words, the bitch not only did not highlight the significance of such an unfair last-minute amendment, but she actually made the effort to psycho her readers that there is no difference at all! Amazing. And disgusting! Her retribution will come too. One day.

By the way, in many other countries, where citizens are kings and not Human Batteries, double jeopardy (or in this case, a similar version of it) is not allowed. The United States constitution -- which is not changed as frequently as our "constitution" -- contains the following:

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Maybe our "constitution" has such a similar clause too? Who knows? Doesnt matter anyway. It's only the "constitution" -- already amended for the umpteenth time by parliament in its short 40 years of history!

Finally, if anybody think this "small" hiccup in our court has nothing to do with us, think again! Even if you did nothing wrong, can you be ever so sure that you and your sons and daughters and father and mother and friends will never, ever, be falsely accused of a crime and be forced to face a capital charge?

Read this wise saying and learn!

No Matrix quote available. The Matrix Master in the movie did not shift his goal post back and forth to nail anybody. Even Machines have better ethics than our kangaroo court!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Hardware Zone Sellout Forummer

Reminder to Self

Reminder 1: Never ever visit Hardware Zone's forum page. IP addresses of visitors are logged and given to the police as and when demanded. No search warrant needed. No free speech protection. No privacy protection . If the police ask for it, they will get it. In fact, Hardware Zone belongs to the government -- this singapore-based company was bought over by a government-controlled company a few months ago. Only fools will continue to visit that website (for political discussion) after that! Better visit Sammyboy's Alfresco Coffeeshop (linked at right-side bar) instead.

Reminder 2: If ever one day, want to start an IT company, start it outside of Singapore. Eg. Had YouTube been invented in singapore, the very moment someone uploaded a video making fun of some ordinary citizen (not even politician!), and that citizen lodged a police report, police would demand the company remove the video and then hand over the IP address of the video uploader. And the demand would have to be obeyed by the company, without any protection from the law. No one would dare to upload videos to company. Company will close shop. Better go over to Sillicon Valley (and get US permanent residency, and citizenship while there).

青年承认虚报爆炸 法官:须查实质影响

  ...被告是21岁的... 综合控状显示,被告于前年2月至去年2月之间,前后60次盗用9个人的新网(Singnet)或星和无线网络服务上网。在那期间,他更在科技产品论坛网站“硬件区”(Hardware Zone)上,虚报大巴窑有炸弹袭击。






The Human Battery wonders what would have happened to that innocent poor woman and her equally innocent laptop, had the accused not committed more "crimes" while the poor woman's laptop was ROBBED by the police.