Saturday, March 31, 2007


If a Human Battery, retrenched and in his 50s, approach you one day, and ask you to recommend him what job to apply, would you tell him to go drive a taxi?


He won't qualify!

联合早报. 今日观点. 2007-03-28
申请德士执照的困惑 - 何镜强






Non-literal summary: "Nowadays, if you cannot read and write in English, you cannot even take the taxi-licencing exam, conducted 100% in English. How can be like that? Many of our retrenched 50 years old cannot read or write in English. But they can speak and understand simple English. Isn't it good enough for them to be able to take a passenger from one location to another? Why be so unreasonable, force them to take written english exam and deprive these people of an option to self-help..."

This is the consequence of having an artificially-created caste system where the elite ruling class grows up in an exclusive school environment due to repeated streaming at multiple levels. Their classmates, classmates' parents, friends, friends' parents etc come mostly from the same background as them.

When these elites become policy maker straight after obtaining their foreign university education on elite scholarships, they don't understand that the people they had mixed around during their school days is not representative of the larger society at all!

Therefore the needs of those who cannot speak English never enter their mind. They cannot imagine the predicament and great difficulties these people face everyday.

They do not even know of the existence of a large number of human batteries who cannot read or write in English: "Got such people on this Island meh? Cannot be wat, all my friends and their parents can speak English, even if broken"!

They do not know that these people, in fact, are a majority, the silent majority - human batteries who have eyes but cannot read, who have ears but cannot hear, who have mouth but cannot speak! Human Batteries who live like foreigners who cannot comprehend the natives' language, even though they are in their own country!

That's why we need politicians who are attuned to the people's needs, who are from the masses, who are commoners! While the best civil servant may well be defined as an academically intelligent person who can analyse issues well and come up with various solutions, the best politician is one who can understand his people's constraints and needs well, such that from among these many policies, he can sieve through and pick one which will serve his people best! This precisely is the one thing that separates a politician from a civil servant:.

And in Singapore's context, the more academically elite a person is, the more frog-in-the-well his education experience is, and the less suitable he is to be a politician!

So yes, we want the best politicians. But the best politicians is not the super-academic type that supposedly can only be enticed to enter politicis by millions of dollars. Let these academically-bright people be bankers, or entrepreneurs, or be in academia, and let the private sector pays them millions of dollars. It's good for the economy.

Citizens should vote for the best politicians based on how "in tune" they are with the commoners. Such politicians can be ordinary folks doing ordinary jobs such as taxi drivers, actors (Ronald Reagan was one) etc - jobs which allow them to come across people from all segments of the society, and which broadens their understanding of the people's needs and constraints. Such politicians do not require millions to employ and they make great politicians, as we have seen in many western countries with real democracy. (Such politicians will have academically bright civil servants working for them, remember?)

But alas, human batteries have taken too much red pills: they vote for politicians based on which politicians has more brain!

These gullible human batteries are allowing virus to spread all over our beautiful Matix Island - human viruses who demand and demand until every bit of our money is consumed!

Agent Smith: I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague and we are the cure.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Human history

I chanced upon the following on this forum, and decided to archive it here for my future reading pleasure. Hahahahaha!

The original ancient poem:




The modern versions:












The first poem is about 朱元璋, the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty. He chased out the Mongolian invaders.

The others are about our very own 猪源赃, who opened his arms to welcome....

Some history:
Emperor Choo decreed that his eldest son should take over his throne when he dies. But alas, his son died before him (Emperor Choo lived to 70 yeas old - a ripe old age in those days, I would think). And his eldest grandson died young too.

So after Emperor Choo's death, his second grandson took to the throne. However, barely a year later, the other son of Emperor Choo (i.e. the uncle of the grandson) rebelled. Uncle Choo fought with little Choo for 3 years and Uncle Choo won.

The dynasty then continued for another 200+ years. That was the most repressive and close-minded regime China has ever had. The decline of China, which until that point was the most powerful nation on earth, can be traced back to this regime and its refusal to accept new ideas and viewpoints.

It was replaced by the Qing dynasty, whose Manchurian rulers were foreigners from the north. Further repression took place, including several notorious mass death penalty for all the relatives of those who wrote books and poems against these foreigners. Qing lasted another 300+ years.

It was the last dynasty. After booting those foreigners who had overwhelmed and taken over his country, Dr. Sun Yat Sen (a medical doctor) and his comrades abolished monarchy and instituted democracy for China for the first time in its history.

Some opinion on the history:
Oh well, China is a hugh place. So the Emperor lah, Uncle lah, Grandson lah took some time to settle their scores and by the time the good Doctor came along to preach and fight for democracy, it was already 600 years later with a foreigners-ruled-locals period in between.

If China were much smaller, for example, the size of a little dot, maybe history would have been made much faster. For example, 60 years instead of 600?

Morpheus: Throughout human history, we have been dependent on machines to survive. Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony.


Monday, March 26, 2007

Wild Goats

Aesop's Fable
The Goatherd And The Wild Goats
Translated by George Fyler Townsend

A Goatherd, driving his flock from their pasture at eventide, found some wild goats mingled among them, and shut them up together with his own for the night. The next day it snowed very hard, so that he could not take the herd to their usual feeding places, but was obliged to keep them in the fold. He gave his own goats just sufficient food to keep them alive, but fed the strangers more abundantly in the hope of enticing them to stay with him and of making them his own.

When the thaw set in, he led them all out to feed, and the eild goats scampered away as fast as they could to the mountains. The Goatherd scolded them for their ingratitude in leaving him, when during the storm he had taken more care of them than of his own herd. One of them, turning about, said to him: "That is the very reason why we are so cautious; for if you yesterday treated us better than the goats you have had so long, it is plain also that if others came after us, you would in the same manner prefer them to ourselves."

Aeosop: Old friends cannot with impunity be sacrificed for new ones.

Human Battery: 66.6% of my fellow human batteries are stupider than wild goats!

Sunday, March 25, 2007








这是 2006-09-16《台視,齊天大勝,吳宗憲,憲在不准笑》之"中文音樂課"。


祝你们官运亨通 - 国家虽只是“鼻屎”般大,薪水却比美国总统多好多倍!恭喜发财!年年发 - 发油

Human Battery: 甘霖老母趕羚羊!发油!


Saturday, March 24, 2007

Dodge this

联合早报 2007-03-24
本地近三成老人 对生活不满意
● 洪艺菁
。。。本地老人自杀率在1995年曾一度成为世界上第二 高,仅次于匈牙利,不过随着当局积极地为老人提供多种支援服务,并且教育家庭医生如何确认出有自杀倾向的老人后,自杀人数已逐年下降,从1991年的每 10万名老人中有40.1人自杀,下降到2000年的每10万名老人中有17.8人自杀。







抑或他们没学过成语,不懂什么是唇亡齿寒, 没读过谚语,不明何谓兔死狐悲,物伤其类

看来本岛的愚民政策非常奏效,培养了如此多的笨蛋! 难怪越来越多人移民。正所谓:眼不见为净也!

Trinity: Dodge this.


Friday, March 23, 2007

See it for yourself

The Truth about Brain Death

Brain-dead woman gives birth, then die
01:08 AM EDT on Monday, June 12, 2006
Associated Press
ROME — A brain-dead woman kept alive artificially for more than two months gave birth to a premature baby girl, doctors at a Milan hospital said. A few hours after the Saturday birth, the machinery artificially keeping the 38-year-old woman alive was shut off, doctors at Milan's Niguard hospital said.

The baby girl, born two months early, was breathing on her own Sunday, doctors said. The baby, named Cristina after her mother, was born by emergency Caesarian section and weighed just over 1.5 pounds, the doctors told reporters. The woman's last name was not released to protect the family's privacy. Doctors decided to deliver the baby after the woman's blood pressure plunged and the fetus experienced heart rhythm problems, the hospital said.

The woman was hospitalized in March after suffering the rupture of a cerebral aneurysm, and she was soon declared brain dead, the hospital said. She spent 78 days in a brain-dead state, it said.
The mother's kidneys and corneas were donated for transplant, the hospital said. Her liver was donated to another patient at Niguarda hospital, news reports said.

©2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

Meanwhile, on this Matrix Island, a mere 24 hours wait had rendered Mr. Sim's liver unsuitable for harvest, according to Khaw, the Minister of Health! And a further 24 hours cannot be granted lest other organs fail too, and so we have to ignore the 69 years old mother leading the entire family in kneeling!!

What the F? In the eyes of our Matrix masters, we Human Batteries are really so ignorant and gullible? Now that's insulting! Mr. Sim's sister said here: "

(When the needle dun poke on u, U Wont Feel the Pain!...)"

Well said. But, Human batteries, do you really need the Matrix Master to poke you with a needle before you pluck up the courage to swallow your red pill? You want to wait till you are 40, retrenched but discriminated in your job search, sick but receive no welfare, before you embrace check and balance, free press and human rights?

That would be way too late, as the Sim family found out the hard and tragic way! Now is the time. We may not be as brave as these people, but we can still make a stand through various anonymous ways.

Here's some other brain "dead" cases, all of which benefited from not having occurred on this Matrix Island:

What more new reports do we need to complete our "conspiracy theory"? Go see it for yourself!

Morpheus: Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

So are you

Shameless English Media:

Singapore sees decline in tuberculosis sufferers
Channel NewsAsia, 20 March 2007
Singapore looks to be winning the fight against tuberculosis (TB). There has been a steady decline in the number of TB cases over the past ten years - from 1,712 cases in 1997 to about 1,256 in 2006. The incidence rate fell from 54.9 per 100,000 in 1997 to 37.0 per 100,000 in 2005. The Health Ministry said such an improvement would not have been possible without the efforts of the medical community...

Much more truthful Chinese Media:

短期逗留非公民 结核病案例激增

(Rough translation:
Singapore sees increase in Tuberculosis-infected foreigners
The number of foreigners in Singapore who are infected with TB, increased dramatically from 12 in 2004 to 350 in 2005! These people are mostly work permit holders, followed by tourists...)

If Mr. A got his news only from the English media, and Mr. B got his only from the Chinese media, they would think they are living on two seperate Island!

Mr.A would be writing a bootlicking English letter to the Straits Times forum to congratulate MOH and "the medical community" on "winning the fight".

Mr. B, meanwhile, would be scolding in Chinese: "Ta Ma De! Why didn't the Ministry of Manpower require chest X-ray and do some careful checks before granting work permits? My health and my children's health are in danger"! He will think the country is losing the fight, especially since he knows the number of foreigners to be imported is set to increase by a few millions in the future.

Morals of the story?
  • The Straits Times - and in fact, other English media such as Channel Newsasia - is not ranked 146th for nothing! Zaobao is much better if you want a balanced news report. (Note the contrast in how Straits Times and Lianhe Zaobao initially reported the organ robbery incident)

  • Being under the Matrix Master's radar is no good - see my Sat Mar 10, 10:36:00 PM comment on another post.

  • It pays to be billingual, or better still, multi-lingual; One more language means one more pair of eyes and ears, which means one more source of info, literature, and entertainment.

  • We can all be living on the same Island, and yet be fed different news (and hence be drawing diff conclusion) depending on which language we speak! How much more ironical can life on this Matrix Island get? Access to truth is dependant on which language used!!!

  • Many English-educated elites think they are "one class up" and more informed when it comes to political issues, compared to the Chinese-educated elite (which is not the same as dialect-speaking non-elite heartlanders). They are wrong. It's a case of the pot calling the kettle black. In reality, both groups comprise of the same human batteries, divided artificially by the Matrix Master into two social classes, and pitted against one another, for easier control via divide-and-conquer:
Agent Smith: You're empty.
Neo: So are you.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The rabbit hole

Transfer to diff hospital not allowed!
Discharge not allowed!
Organs must be harvested.

When I first started this Matrix-themed blog, I was prompted merely by the similarity of how we are being fed a dream-like ideal world via government-controlled news media and how those humans in the Matrix movie are being fed such similar things by the matrix program.

Little did I know that the similarity is much more than that -- we are literally being harvested for our organs, not much different from those humans in the Matrix movie having their organs being used as an energy source!

Don't take my word for it. Just judge the similarity for yourself as you read the latest insider's info on what happened to the Sim family:

"I (Uncle Yap) visited a Buddhist Temple in Bedok today where late Mr. Sim's ash was deposited, and over there I met with more Sim family members including old Mrs Sim the mother.

At the same place next Sunday morning, they will hold the final 7X7 ritual as most relatives and friends will be expected to turn up. This morning was the 6X7 ritual. Traditionally Chinese has a ritual for the dead, every 7th day until the 49th (7X7)day.

It is confirmed that the famiLEE LEEgime disallowed Sim family's request to transfer him to Tan Tock Seng hospital where better neuro / stroke care is known to be in Singapore. At TTSH is National Neuro-Science Institude (NNI), where LKy's daughter Dr Lee Wei Ling is the head of NNI.

The Sims were told by HOTA / SGH that no ambulance will accept the call to transfer Mr. Sim from SGH to TTSH, and that TTSH will refuse to accept Mr. Sim.

This sounds very rediculous. Stroke patients are allowed to be transfered. My own late granny was also stroke case and I was also told by hospital that she couldn't be healed, but I paid for ambulance service and transfered my granny between hospitals including TTSH more than once. With my personal care my granny managed to live 9 months longer than the doctors told us she would be. My family indeed transferred her on ambulance from TTSH to all the way to Malaysia.

Not only disallowing Sim family to transfer Mr. Sim, the famiLEE LEEgime also disallow Sim family's demand to discharge from SGH. They just find every excuses and threat as well as brute forces were used to prevent late Mr. Sim to leave their hands before they plundered his organs.

All the Sim family members I met had confirmed that, and I have no doubt about it.

The reason I can see very obviously is that SGH has the transplantation dept awating for Mr. Sim's organ, they want the organs there and ASAP, they won't let Mr. Sim go even to TTSH to seek better chance of treating his stroke.

I personally know that NNI at TTSH specialize with strokes, because 3 family memebers of mine - my granny my uncle and my mom were treated for stroke at TTSH NNI, I had been a frequent visitor of the NNI neuro specialist clinics as well as the wards and had even been to the ICU.

Mr. Sim admitted to SGH on 1.Feb.2007, he was still able to talk to visiting friends and family member after being found with stroke. He became unconcious on 3.Feb and was plundered his organs on 7.Feb. They back dated his Cert Of Death to 5.Feb

Actually Ms Sim gave me a photocopy of Mr.Sim's cert of death that I want to scan and web publish. But I cock-up today must have lost in on my way back. :-Z Need to ask for another photocopy.

I tried to ask the Sim family details of late Mr. Sim's medical treatments, they could hardly tell me much, but seemingly, nothing much was done by SGH to prevent Mr. Sim's stroke to worsen from a mild stroke as the SGH called it, into a brain-death again according to the SGH's own defination. I am interested because beside CT scan & blood pressure etc things, there are a lot actually that can be done to prevent Mr. Sim from worsening so drastically, from being able to talk and wanting to get down from sick bed to walk to toilet, until coma & so call braindeath.

My personal experience, I was told by doctor that my uncle will surely die from his stroke, on doctor's instuction, my aunt ordered coffin and funeral services for my uncle. The hospital pushed him into a empty room removed his oxygen etc. But in his coma I tube-fed him Chinese herbal medicine, he recovered already for about 4 years, already discharged to family home, and could ride at the back of his son's motorbike.

I was also told by doctors that my mom's stroke was very leathel, and she will either die or be long term bed-ridden or wheelchair bonded, thank heaven, we managed to defy all of that, and stroke recovered like it never happened.

My granny died in Malaysia almost a year after her stroke, I exhausted all my money on her medical, I was then still bankrupt and wasn't able to raise more money to stay in Malaysia to help her. Sadly she left me. But I was able to put her on recovery path, and see her improvements. She was bed-ridden, and requires lot of care, without my lost ablity to stay with her, she worsen quickly in Malaysia and died of resulted complications. I put in about one solid year of intensive care for her.

Speaking to Sim family, just floated up all my own painful memories... and losses.

We are all aware that China's journalist Chow Hai Ruo was declared brain-dead in London after train crash. China flew her back to heal her to excellent recovery. How fortunate that UK didn't plunder her organs when she was declared to be brain-dead, otherwise... would be just like late Mr. Sim.

I think it is fair as a hospital that you can tell patients' family that you already tried you best, you can not help the patient any better, and you think the patient is going to die very soon. I think the family can accept it. But like myself I didn't give up hope for my own family members, I did whatever I could to save their lives, even after hospital told me to prepare that they are to be dead. I will thank the hospitals for all their care and help provided still.

It just puzzle me very very much, why this does not apply to Mr. Sim Tee Hua who is a Singaporean and served NS? Why disallowed him to be transfer to TTSH? Why disallowed him to be discharged?

Mr Sim was pushed into OT to have his organs plundered, with his heart beating alive, breathing and hands warm according to Sim family, by dirty deception tricks and brute forces against strongly opposing family members' will, kneeling begging and crying. The Sims were pushed, held to the wall and handcuffed by so many matas to have the loved one's heart put to stop and organs plundered. Mr Sim's slaughted carcass was returned to his family cold hours after the plundering.

This is very unbelievable but true.

And that mata can challenge Miss Cally Sim and her 15 year old nephew , to take his mata gun from him in the process of that!

There is no way I can look away from this and don't do anything about it. Those supporter who help us on this campaign share this same feeling. And again I thank these supports. :-)"

I read the above from here and I am reproducing it on my blog for my own archival purpose. Let us recap what happened:

First, we were told by Straits Times and Channel Newsasia that the family of a dead man had a scuffle with hospital staff.

Then, it was leaked that actually the man was not dead in the conventional sense at all! His heart was still beating and the family was refused even one more day before the slaughter. We also learnt that it's not hospital staff, but 20+ police officers and security guards!

Then, it was exposed that the police yelled at and taunted the victim's family, and in fact were even more agitated than the victim's family! They tricked the family to leave the patient's room and then wheeled the patient away through a secret door.

Then, we found out that a police officer actually challenged the victim's family to a gun fight, while a hospital CCTV was recording their disgraceful behaviour!

And now, in the latest installment, it has been exposed that the family had wanted to transfer the patient to another hospital, or failing that, to discharge him, but SGH refused!!!

So tell me,
  • How much more dirt are lying there, having been buried by our Matrix Masters and waiting to be exposed?
  • What will come out if there is an open inquiry?
  • Are the above not enough to tell you that something is amiss here?
Increasingly, I am beginning to find it not a conspiracy theory and not far-fetched at all to suspect that one or more organs have gone to a local or foreign VIP, or some rich man who was able to pay SGH lots of money for the transplant! Hence SGH's determination and "desperation" to get the organs by hook or by crook!

I do not believe this is unfounded allegation or defamatory remarks. I think there is enough cause to raise reasonable doubt and for a reasonable man to make such an fair comment and intelligent deduction - nevermind if they are eventually found out to be true or false.

But that's the point isn't it? The truth of the matter could have been discovered easily if the Matrix Masters choose to have an open inquiry. But no, they would rather have we, the human batteries, cast doubts and aspersion on their integrity day after day all over the internet, than to open an inquiry!

WHY? Are they afraid that an open inquiry with CCTV played and identities of receipients revealed, would back fire upon them by exposing The Truth?

What lesson can we learn from this shameful episode? We learn that Free Speech, Free Press, alternative voice and Human Rights are all very important subjects - we cannot and must not sell away these principles in exchange for some estate upgrading.

Just think for a moment: if you had no internet access, if you had read only Straits Times, would you have known all these? What would have been your conclusion about the entire saga? Who would you be supporting? Who would you be labeling as "selfish"?

Remember: the Sim family is no different from our families - it's a typical Singaporean family! Any one of us - I, you, he, she - could have ended up like them. That's the frightening part.

Without Human Rights and Free Speech, what safeguard do we have against any abuse of power?

Absolute power corrupts absolutely, remember?

Morpheus: I imagine that right now, you're feeling a bit like Alice. Hmm? Tumbling down the rabbit hole?
Neo: You could say that.


Monday, March 19, 2007

Bringing her down

Police challenge citizen to gun fight! - Part 2
警察挑衅良民枪战!- 第二章


Police Goh: "You shut up! None of your business"!

(Police Goh) reminded me abt the CCTV in SGH's ICU, and said that they may use that as proof of what I hv done... (He say i bit & kick the policeman which I not aware. Did I...?!?)

I tell him I oso want to see what happen as I know Im Not Doing Any Wrong... What Im doing & ALL I Know is Juz to Save My Brother by Stopping them to wheel him to the Operation Room to be "slaughter" & End His Life In SUCH A CRUEL WAY...

(You can read all about it at

So, there was a CCTV!

My goodness me! Mama Mia!

All along, our Matrix Masters knew exactly what had happened!

But they act blur, treat us like fools and choose to cover up everything!!!

Why don't they dare to release the CCTV recording?

Why didn't they tell us there was a CCTV?

Anyway, the end of Goh's career as a policeman is near. Soon, someone will be sacrificed as scapegoat and someone will be a good guy. Haha!

We want to see the CCTV!


Lieutenant: I think we can handle one little girl. I sent two units, they're bringing her down now.
Agent Smith: No lieutenant, your men are already dead.


Sunday, March 18, 2007

Free my mind

Police challenge citizen to gun fight!

You thought you had already seen everything, when you saw such photos a few months back:

Sorry to disappoint you: you have not seen anything real! That's just a wayang show our men-in-blue put up specially for the benefit of the foreign press. This is how they behave when no one is around to expose them:

"...Confirmed by both Miss Cally (Sim) and her elder sister, a police officer by a Chinese name Goh, with his hand signal and clear verbal expression OFFERED MISS CALLY SIM A CHANCE TO TAKE HIS LOADED POLICE PISTOL FROM HIM, in a intimidating threat to dare this angry and agitated Miss Sim repeatedly, by inviting her to pull his gun from his holster belt. This took place at Singapore General Hospital on 7th Feb 2007 near the ICU where late Mr. Sim was harvested his organs...".

The above insider's information is from Uncle Yap's website. He has interviewed the family. 向有胆量抛头露面,仗义执言的叶叔致敬!

Notice that the police were trying to get Miss Sim to fire a gun - a capital offence punishable by death under Section 4(2) of our firearms control law!

No, wait, the police were trying to shoot her to death right on the spot! Once she had grabbed the gun, the police would have the perfect legitimate excuse to open fire on her.

Why did the police want to do such a thing? They want to rob another 2 more kidneys, 1 more liver, 1 more heart and 2 more corneas?

Luckily, to her credit, Miss Sim managed not to lose her cool, in spite of her grief, pain and emotional distress. But what about others?

Every day, how many Singaporeans are taunted by the police to commit crimes? Ask yourself that, the next time you read that another of your fellow citizen had been sent to jail for assaulting a police officer. Things are never what they appear to be in our 146th-ranked government-controlled news media.

Fellow Human Batteries, how long more do you need before you are willing to take the red pill and free your mind? What about your family, loved ones, and friends?

Sure, we may not be as brave as Uncle Yap. We may not dare to stand up and be counted. But, even as anonymous cowards (just like me!) , we can help our own family and loved ones understand the truth. In fact, isn't that our duty and responsibility to people we love and care? So, email those people. Direct them to Uncle Yap's web and the relevant sammyboy link (see comment page) - he said on his web that he will be revealing even more things. Help free their mind!

Remember, before this tragic incident, the Sim family was just an ordinary typical family, no different from yours or mine. Never before could they imagine that such things could happen to them on this "fine" Island! If it can happen to them, it can happen to you, or me, or any one you love! FREE YOUR MIND (and theirs too)!

Those days where the police confined their abuse of power only to political prisoners detained under ISA are long gone. STOP living in the past!

Without any check and balance, such yaya PAPaya abusive behaviour has become a pervasive and ubiquitous "disease", afflicting many people (I will be objective and refrain from saying "all") in authority from the top gun right down to the rank-and-file i.e. 上梁不正下梁歪!Even an ordinary police man dare to threaten a citizen in a semi-public place like that. Such audacity!

Thus, the importance of check and balance, free press, free speech, human rights and a two-party system cannot be over-emphasised. Tell me, without these, what is there to "remind" those in power that they cannot anyhow suka suka abuse their power and get away with it?

Politics and voting should not be about bread and butter issue only. Ultimately the above "empty-talks" will affect us big time and in fact is a bread and butter issue! This is the most important concept that we need to FREE OUR MIND in order to grasp.

I have freed my mind. Have you?

Neo: Okey dokey... free my mind. Right, no problem, free my mind, free my mind, no problem, right...


Saturday, March 17, 2007

What do you need?

This Matrix Island is getting to become a very funny Island; Not only are statisticians not doing a statistician's job, police officers are also not doing a police's job!

Our police only know how to bully meek human batteries in hospitals. Do they dare to arrest thugs who harrass others at their homes at 3am repeatedly, and who look fiercer than the police officers themselves? Read on!

早报 2007-03-16
收账公司太嚣张 - 张良伟







(Rough translation: In front of the police, (at 3am!!) the debt-collectors challenged their victim (who did not owe any money): "you dont talk to me about the LAW! owe money, pay up"! The supposed enforcers of the law responded on the spot: "we cannot do anything". I was disappointed... neighbours harrassed, i no mood to work, kids' studies affected).





Summary: Company A owed money to company B. Company B employed debt collector to harrass Director of company A in the middle of the night. Director explained to police and to debt collector that he, as an individual, is not responsible for his company's debt because the company is private-limited, and any debt issue should be settled via court company-to-company. Police told poor guy (paraphrased): "we cannot do anything. If they harrass you (at 3am) 100 times, you call us 100 times lor".

Paint sprayed on his door. Poor guy harrassed for past 8 months, more than 10 times, called police 7-8 times, made formal police report at police station 5 times and the police had only one answer for him each time: "we are still investigating".

Poor Guy wrote to police HQ. Police HQ pushed to Central Police Station. Central Police Station's officer pushed it to his boss! Poor Guy finally wrote to the press.

Guy asked (paraphrased) : "F you govt la, talk wat shit about encouraging entreprenuership? If an individual can be harrassed in this way for the debt of a private-limited company, and the knnbccb police can say they cannot do anything about it, who the F dare to be entrepreneur and start a company here?"

This is not the first time. The last reported incident i heard was about a doctor who was beaten up by gangsters in Geylang, and the police who arrived said they cannot arrest the gangster! How many more such cases occur unreported?

Our govt organisations do recruit very interesting people: statisticians who are good at answering poltical questions during interview, and police officers who are better at robbing organs than arresting gangsters who beat up others or who harrass and threaten people (who owe no debt) in the middle of the night!

Let's see how much more such mess will be created once the casinoes start operating and more people start going into debt - personal debts, mind you - unlike this case of a private-limited company.

Anyway, the Human Battery reminds himself again of what he wrote earlier about becoming an entrepreneur.

(If the poor victim had ask the police "what do you need to see in order to arrest them", maybe the police would respond with what Neo said? haha! Maybe that's when they will arrest a person? Or will they take cover immediately?)
Tank: So what do you need? Besides a miracle.
Neo: Guns. Lots of guns.

Friday, March 16, 2007

What a mind-job

"My gf went for a interview for the post of statistician at the Dept of Statistics of Singapore this morning. She had to sit for a written test. Guess wat the questions were?
  1. Increase in GST will improve the economy. True or false.

  2. The workfare scheme will enhance the employability and increase the savings of the older working population. Discuss.
Can you belive they actually asked these kind of questions?"

I read the above from here. I am impressed! The Department of Statistics (DOS) is really good at making sure that they employ the right type of statistician! Maybe that's why they can come up with creative terms like "Singapore resident". Haha! This is how one would describe the job of a statistician employed by the Matrix Master:

Cypher: What a mind-job.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

The lesson for us

"The lesson for us is: never be dependant on any one source for anything, whether it is water, granite, sand. We have to have many sources and sources can be further away..." - Goh Chok Tong in Tehran, 14 March 2007.

That's absolutely right, especially the part about "anything"! "Anything" includes our well-being and the well-being of our nation:
"The lesson for us is: never be dependant on any one political source, namely PAP, for our well-being, whether it is in the area of health, education, or finance. We have to have many sources, and sources can be..." - The Human Battery on the Matrix Island, 15 March 2007.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Shove that red pill

This is a blue pill:
Schools run programmes to integrate foreign students into local community

Channel NewsAsia, 13 March 2007
...And some foreign students have already bought into the experience. Between 1996 and 1999, two-thirds of foreign students who enrolled at universities in Singapore took up citizenship or permanent residency after graduating.

"We will go (on) end-of-term activity together; local friends will teach us how to bowl. I have never gone bowling before in China, and my local friends teach us how to hold the ball," said Hwa Chong Institution student Wang Shizhi, who comes from China.

This is a red pill:
Schools run programmes to confuse foreign students about local community
The Human Battery, 14 March 2007
And most foreign students are not brainwashed by the experience.
After 1999, from 2000 to 2007, a span of 7 years up till now , very few - if any - foreign students who enrolled at universities in Singapore took up citizenship or permanent residency after graduating.

"We will go (on) end-of-term activity together; After bowling, we will go to the hawker centre or food court for dinner. I have never seen so many 80 years old grandpas and grandmas cleaning tables and washing toilets and struggling to make a living, before in China. My local friends teach us how to hold the balls of their Matrix Masters, instead of staring at those helpless senior citizens. But that's when I tell myself - this is not the place to settle down,and to grow old in!" said Hwa Chong Institution student Wo3 Bu4 Ben4, who comes from China and who will grow old one day. Mr. Wo, like most of his peers, has decided to leave for greener pastures (where he can marry, settle down, have kids and grow old gracefully and enjoy his golden years) after getting his scholarships and free education at Singaporeans' expense.

Sigh, the red pill is bitter. It has lots of side effects - one of which is to make you feel even more depressed than ever before about your future. Most people prefer to swallow the blue pill - they would rather lie to themselves. Something like taking drugs, becoming high, going into hallucination, then forgetting all the troubles in real life. They dont dare to face the truth, which is what the red pill is about. 66.6% in fact dislike the red-pill dispensing Chee, the way Cypher dislikes Morpheus!

[talking to the unconscious Morpheus]
Cypher: If you'd told us the truth, we would've told you to shove that red pill right up your ass.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Our way

"whoever opts out, if he or she ever needs an organ, he or she goes to the bottom of the waiting list. The only alternative is to persuade someone really altruistic to donate to you..."
- National Neuroscience director Associate Prof Lee Wei Ling reminds those who opt out of hota.

"Reminds" was the word used by Today Online on Feb 28. Reminds? "The only alternative"?!? In the context of what had happened, this sounded much more like a threat: "Human Batteires, you are hereby warned - your organs belong to us, you had better not opt out, OR ELSE..."

Throughout your life, you have been "reminded" of many things: You have been "reminded" that if you vote for the opposition, your estate will not be upgraded (with tax payers' money). You have been "reminded" that if you don't vote for the Matrix Masters, the army will step in. You have been "reminded" that if you don't shut up, you will be sued till you lao sai!

In fact, you were issued your first "reminder" when you were merely a little boy or girl - if you refuse to study hard, let the Matrix Masters "remind" you that you will be dumped into certain "caste" at 9 years old (streaming used to be at pri 3) and then again at 12, and then again at 16!

And now, even for your own kidneys and corneas, you are "reminded" that if you do not allow the Matrix Master to do with them as it pleases, you will be put at the bottom of some list!

At some point, enough is enough! Is this not the last straw that breaks the camel's back? Show that you do have some bravery (bravery is said to come from the liver - do you still have a liver, or has it been robbed from you?). Opt out of hota - firstly, spare your family any unnecessary distress. Secondly, show your moral support for the Sim family - if there is enough support, there may be a chance that a formal inquiry is conducted to investigate what really happened. But most importantly, demonstrate that while we agree with the principle of hota, we will never agree with the way sgh abused it and the way the police behaved like gangsters!

Switch: Our way... or the highway.


Monday, March 12, 2007

a bowl of snot

PM Lee opens Cheng San-Seletar Neighbourhood Club - Channel NewsAsia, 11 March 2007
Residents in Cheng San and Seletar now have a Neighbourhood Club. It was officially opened on Sunday by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

...Besides a cultural dance performance, residents in the largely private housing estate were also treated to a buffet of some of the best hawker food fare in Singapore. ...After the opening, Mr Lee mingled with the residents.

Cheng San? Wasnt that the now-defunct GRC that was nearly won by the Worker's Party in 1997, and thereafter immediately "absorbed" into the Ang Mo Kio GRC - the one that garnered less vote than the national's average in the 2006 election, despite having the Prime Minister as its anchor?

Haha, a brand new clubhouse. Best hawker food. Soon, it's going to be best restaurant-catered food and bowls of abalone porridge! Who is footing the bill? Oh, peasants as usual lor, as I said here.

Tank: Here you go, buddy; "Breakfast of Champions."
Mouse: If you close your eyes, it almost feels like you're eating runny eggs.
Apoc: Yeah, or a bowl of snot.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

You all look the same

Watch this government-controlled tv program
(notice that the program answered
none of the questions raised below)

Sometimes I am amazed by my, ahem, accurate instinct in the way politics works on this scary little Matrix Island. keke.

Some time back, I wrote this. I predicted that in whatever case, whenever the pressure from the public is strong enough, the Matrix Masters will sell out their running dogs, even though those runnings dogs were carrying out their Masters' orders, and that it was from the Matrix Masters that these dogs had learnt their dictatorial and abusive behaviour .

And guess what? It happened! Watch the tv program and contrast it with how Straits Times initially reported it. Both the printed media and TV are govt-controlled. Why the sudden shift from out-right censorship (and lies) to granting interviews on national tv?

I believe that's because the family has been pushing to let more people know about the issue: literally thousands have come to this blog to read the family's letters; Online forums have been carrying them, and people are emailing them to friends too. In fact, the Singapore Democratic Party linked it up on its website, and when that happened, it means foreign human rights advocates who regularly browse its website, get to read it too.

And so, the cover-up is no longer meaningful, and in fact, it will reflect badly on the government, and the credibility of its media. So the Matrix Masters chose a new strategy: let the family member talk about their side of the story (and then censor away the crucial parts e.g.. how the police really behaved), and then on the same program, present the Matrix Masters' side of the story fully, and interview doctors and man-in-the-street to support its case.

After lots of clever editing here and there, they hope that the human batteries can be deceived to reach the false conclusion that the family's better judgement had been eroded by their emotional state, whereas SGH, while not being sympathetic enough, had been acting in good faith.

This is an errorneous conclusion, because there are lots of unanswered question:
  • why was CT scan (the 1st step of a stroke treatment process) not done within 2 hours of admission, as the Matrix Master had promised?

  • why were blood tests done to check for the suitability of the kidneys even before brain death was declared (see comment left by Mr. Sim's sister on Fri Mar 09, 12:25:00 AM). The intention to rob the organs seem to be there even while SGH regarded him as alive!

  • Did the police abuse their authority? Why did they deploy male police officers to restrain and have body contacts with Mr. Sim's sister? Why werent they punished?

  • Was the receipient of at least one of the organs some VIP or rich foreign patient? If not, why insist on operating even at 1 am etc?

  • SGH claimed that organs will deterioriate if not harvested immediately. Yet we know that brain-dead patients can been kept alive for years! How can that be possible if the liver and kidneys are not functioning? Clearly there is more to such simple claim. So, it's back to same old question: why the rush?

  • And most important of all, has hota been abused by SGH?

and that's just to name a few questions. There are many more hard questions if you think about it. None of these dirt will ever come out, unless and until a full inquiry is conducted. Note: there isn't even going to be a Coroner's inquiry!

And that's another reason why the TV program was done. The Matrix Masters were hoping that by allowing the family to say what they want to say, they will find closure, be satisfied and not pursue the case further.

But if the family does pursue the case further - engage lawyer to demand Coroner's inquiry, sue SGH, talk to international human rights organisation e.g. Amnesty International etc - and people opt out of HOTA by the thousands each day (just as people opted out of monthly donation to NKF), that's when the betrayal becomes complete just like how the officers in the commando dunking case were charged in court, and how TT Durai is now in being prosecuted.

By the way, was it not Khaw who said that in the NKF case, he had been the good guy who helped expose Durai?

Haha, soon he will again the "good guy", who helped expose the wrong-doings of SGH!

The power of money
. Haha! Politics is dirty.

(Good guy? Aren't they all part of the same gang?)

Agent Smith: The great Morpheus. We meet at last.
Morpheus: And you are?
Agent Smith: A Smith. Agent Smith.
Morpheus: You all look the same to me.


Saturday, March 10, 2007

Just the messenger

联合早报 2007-03-07





每年一百多万元 - 收买良心,绰绰有余!

本岛的 66.6% 电池人实在是蠢到无可救药 - 他们支持这种比美国总统还高的薪水时,来来去去就只是在争辩部长们值不值得此价码。


就拿我电池人来说吧,明天,如果许文远来找电池人,答应每月给他 $14,000,且退休后, 什么都不必做,每月也给近一万元, 叫电池人马上闭嘴,去当国会议员,充满“正义感”的电池人还真要犹豫不决一番。哈哈!

但是,如果你每月给电池人 $150,000 的工资,且电池人 60 岁后,再每月给多加 $100,000 “退休金” (即一手拿工资,又同时另一手拿“退休金” - 虽然还没退休),叫电池人去做部长,那电池人就不必再犹豫了。电池人会马上把网页关掉,把黑说成白,把白说成黑。你要电池人如何颠倒是非,如何背书,都没问题。电池人不但可以唯命是从,还可替你出些馊主意!

Everyone Nearly everyone can be bought. It's just a matter of price!

You peasants are forking out millions of dollars each year to help your tyrannical ruler buy over its opponents - opponents who could have stood up for you otherwise!






来来来,大家欣赏欣赏每月$14,000 所能发挥的威力:

What Singapore's MP said about the 2007 budget:
10. Ms Irene Ng (Tampines GRC): “incredibly generous”

9. Mr Hri Kumar (Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC): “Comprehensive and forward-looking”

8. Dr Ahmad Mohammed Magad (Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC): “Inclusive and a landmark budget”

7. Madam Ho Geok Choo (West Coast GRC): “(Workfare is) Pragmatic, innovative and exemplary”

6. Mr Wee Siew Kim (Ang Mo Kio GRC): called Budget 2007 “generous” and “forward-looking”

5. Dr Amy Khor (Hong Kah GRC): “Good intentioned” and “Made in Heaven”

4. Mr Ong Ah Heng (Nee Soon Central): Said that the generosity of the recent budget is possible under the stewardship of the ruling People’s Action Party.

3. Mr Inderjit Singh (Ang Mo Kio GRC): “This is one of the best, if not the best budgets, I have seen.” and “Wonderful”

2. Ms Lee Bee Wah (Ang Mo Kio GRC): “Pang sai ka che jamban” (Want to take a dump then look for toilet).

And the Number One position goes to (drum roll please):

1. Dr Fatimah Lateef (Marine Parade GRC): “Let me share with her that nowhere else in the world can you get a Budget which includes love and compassion in abundance as this one.”
(reproduced from



Anyway, they are just the messengers - it's the voice of money you are listening to.

Trinity: God damn you Cypher!
Cypher: Don't hate me Trinity... I'm just the messenger.

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Thursday, March 08, 2007

déjà vu

拿刀斧狂奔被捕 散工送院离奇身亡
刘丽仪 2007-03-08






Hmm, another 2 kidneys, 1 liver, 1 heart, and 2 corneas.

Nowadays, go hospital very dangerous. Better be careful.

I am not alleging that the hospital has deliberately not rendered proper medical attention in order to harvest organs. But I am asserting that with or without HOTA, Singapore's hospital medical care has always been terrible to begin with.

Firstly, the ratio of doctors and nurses to patients is not up to developed countries' standard, and secondly there is no check and balance - the judiciary almost always ruled in the favour of doctors in malpracice suits, in its misguided attempt to contain medical cost. Thus there is hardly any motivation for hospitals to improve their procedures or systems. Likewise, doctors are not motivated to be extra careful.

That's not to say we do not have excellent doctors. We do. But the two points mean that mistake due to heavy workload (pt 1). carelessness and apathy (pt 2) is somehow inevitable.

I am expressing my fear that with hota, the possibility of such poor quality care escalating to abuse, becomes very real. Even if it had not happened in this case, it may happen in future or it may already have happened in the past.

Who knows? Nobody knows! No press freedom (zaobao is already quite "daring"). No open inquiry (Police said in the report that there will be a coroner's case for this man, but tell me, will there be one for Mr. Sim?). No freedom of speech. It's a very scary little Island, where all skeletons are kept in closets under double locks! (In NKF's case, the skeletons were buried for more than 10 years).

Hence, nowadays, better go private hospital (Gleneagles, Mt. Elizabeth etc) if can afford. Better be safe than be sorry. Better be called a paranoid, than make our families worry. Peace of mind is everything. To our Matrix Master, the life of human batteries are very cheap...

Trinity: A déjà vu is usually a glitch in the Matrix. It happens when they change something.


Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Do you believe in fate?

联合早报 07-03-07

   “毛泽东是一位伟大的领导人和战略思想家... 他以农村包围城市的新颖概念去解放中国,但是他之后也实行了一些不切实际的概念... 。刘少奇、邓小平等人和他意见分歧,他之后又发动文化大革命,要培育一批新的革命分子。国家被搞得天翻地覆,学校、大学遭关闭,使中国失去了一整代人。”


Alamak. 真是五十步笑百步,你这老贼还不是一样?你当年,本也可当个“伟大的领导人和战略思想家”。后来呢?还不是一样“实行了一些不切实际的概念”。



而如今,你发现亲手栽培出来的 “young English-educated radicals”(是你在电视上,如此破口大骂他们的)也开始反你了(呵呵,报应!)。于是,你又“发动(第二次)文化大革命",妄想把本土人和本土文化赶尽杀绝, 要“培育一批(外国人组成的)新的革命分子”来取而代之。国家再一次“被搞得天翻地覆”,新加坡就快又再“失去了一整代人” - 一整代被外国人取代的可怜电池人!


偏你不但不“一上任就去世”,反而不知进退, 变本加厉,搞了两次文化大革命,比毛泽东还过份!



他, 林清祥,几乎成为新加坡总理。他被最亲的战友李贼出卖,惨遭批斗。奈何他没能如邓小平般三起三落。老贼发动一场“文化大革命”后,他所属的华文派势力从此没落。这是否可称为新加坡“命运的造化“?倘若他能如邓小平般东山再起,真不知迷幻小岛如今又会是如何一番景色?时也?命也?(pic is from this blue pill's blog)

Morpheus: I see it in your eyes. You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he is expecting to wake up. Ironically, that's not far from the truth. Do you believe in fate, Neo?
Neo: No.
Morpheus: Why not?
Neo: Because I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life.


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Good shit

Foreigners came.
Foreigners saw - 80 yrs old granny cleaning tables.
Foreigners conquered - their illusion that the country is utopia.

They realise quickly that the Matrix Island is good only for making money - via free scholarships all the way from secondary school to university, and through low income tax. When they have leeched enough, they will go back to their own country move on to those truly great countries which take care of their 80 years olds. There, they will give up their wander lust, settle down, have families, raise kids, work hard, pay lots of tax, and become citizens. They know that forcing them to do menial work at 80 years old would not be "the top priority" of those government

And since these foreigners won't make the island their permanent home, what is the point of throwing money at them now? To equip them to become our future competitors, at the expense of Human Batteries? And why should our paid-by-citizens MPs work so hard for these foreigners? It doesn't make any sense...

...that is, until we remember that all policies, big or small, are made by one Matrix Master (MM), who is out of touched with his own people's thinking, let alone the mentality of those foreigners he is trying to woo!

[Neo tries a drink made by Dozer and winces]
Cypher: Good shit, huh? It's good for two things: degreasing engines and killing brain cells.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Breach of Contract

"Keeping the elderly employed (at cleaning up tables, washing toilets or some other back-breaking job, at 80 years old) is top priority for the Ministerial Committee on Aging, according to its chairman Lim Boon Heng, who will be spelling out the details of the committee's plans in parliament this week" - Channel NewsAsia 4 Mar 07. Words in parenthesis by this Human Battery.

There is a social contract in every developed (and even developing) country, which works like this: you agree to work and to pay tax to the government for X number of years. In return, upon your retirement, the government agrees to pay you a monthly pension, till you pass on to the next world.

Singapore used to have such a social contract too, and it's called CPF (which is a form of tax). Alas, it has failed, thanks to how the money was siphoned away to pay for unsubsidised public housing and under-subsidised tertiary education, in addition to the low interest rate earned and a host of other reasons, beyond the scope of this short post.

The Matrix Master knows that it has breached its social contract with the Human Batteries. Did it choose to find better ways to fulfill its end of the bargain? For example, increasing earned interest rates for CPF, start subsidising housing so that less cpf need be used for mortgage etc?

No! It chose instead to abandon the contract, and to find ways to "keep the elderly employed". In fact, it made this its "top priority"!

66.6% of Human Batteries said "No problem, Sir. We will oblige and work till we drop dead". They have indeed been conditioned well since young - 1 blue pill a day (courtesy of the Shitty Times) keeps the Oppositions away!

These 66.6% do not seem to realise that they will grow old one day too. They also don't understand that there is such a thing called a cruel twist of fate - no one can guarantee that he will remain rich, healthy and employed his entire life. Most importantly, they dont seem to comprehend what retribution means:

Today, they voted to bully the sick, the poor, the disabled and the aged. Tomorrow, when they themselves become....

Searched high and low, but cannot find even a remotely relevant matrix quote - the Machines seemed not to have breached any contract that they had made with the Humans. Looks like our Matrix Island is even more "matrix" than the movie. haha!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Lee Kuan Yew is an honest man

Insider's Information

This is what they do, when they "beo" your kidneys, liver, eyes, the moment you are admitted to hospital:

Thurs 1 Feb 07:
5 am: admitted to SGH
X am: diagnosed as having had a mild stroke

No active medical treatment (eg. CT scan) given for the next 2 days, plus
- not allowed to urinate in toilet
- hands tied to bed
[thus patient got emotional]
[thus brain condition became worse]

Sat, 3rd Feb 07
[thus patient went into coma]

100+ hours (more than 4 days) later after admission...

Mon, 5th Feb 07
X am/pm:
- did a CT scan, solely to cover SGH's backside (as explained below)
- declared patient as brain dead
- issued death certificate
- immediately wanted to remove organs

100+ hours? 4 days? What the F?

Lee Kuan Yew has told all Singaporeans that in Singapore, anyone who has a stroke, would been given a CT scan "within one-and-a-half to two hours flat". He further explained that our system is superior to the UK system where if someone had a stroke in the middle of the night (as did happened to his wife), he would have to wait for several hours till daytime for a CT scan, because unlike in Singapore, they dont have 24 hours CT scanning facility.

Lee Kuan Yew never lie. And he never ever make any mistake, no matter big or small. His views on the danger of welfarism and free healthcare system are absolute truth cast in stones. Indeed, all of the western healthcare systems, Britain's included, are no match to Singapore's pay-and-pay system.

So since he said so (with his voice almost choking), then that is indeed the time frame that SGH -- he specially mentioned SGH -- has been operating on all these year, before it abused HOTA!

Human Batteries must therefore ask these questions:
  1. Why was Mr. Sim not given his CT scan within 2 hours, which LKY said is the norm?

  2. Why instead did SGH wait till he became unconcious and even then for another 2 days, and then just before harvesting his organs, before finally doing the long over-dued CT scan?

  3. Was the CT scan done, not for treatment purpose - because if it were so, it would have been done within 2 hours, remember? - but to cover SGH's ass, in case someone questions whether the patient was really brain dead or not?

  4. Why was his hands tied? (cannot tell him nicely that he must pee in bed meh?)

No one is against the spirit, principle and good intention of HOTA, but every one is against the abuse of HOTA! So all you pap moles all over the various forums, stop your "the-family-is-selfish" diversion. We know your tricks - you are trying to divert away from the crux of the matter: ABUSE of HOTA!

SGH has "under-treated" and/or delayed rendering treatment to Mr. Sim, in its attempt to harvest organs and this constitutes an abuse of HOTA. Granted, this statement cannot be substantiated fully at this stage (which is why we need a full-scale investigation, as would have been done in a country with real democracy!), but, hey, it is by no means an unfounded allegation - there is probable cause to raise doubt.

Lee Kuan Yew is our star witness. His wise words are our key evidences.

的走狗们, 你们说对不对?

CT scan - see comment in this post
Hands tied - see zaobao's report in this post.

The Human Battery: Lee Kuan Yew is an honest man. He has always been one.


Saturday, March 03, 2007

The informant is real

It's time for some history lesson.

In 2003, our Matrix Master (MM) claimed that UK's free health system was very lousy; it had required his wife, who was having a stroke, to wait till the morning before getting a CT scan. He boasted that Singapore's Pay-And-Pay health system was much better:

"We run a (healthcare) system where you have to co-pay ... but you get the attention. There, no attention, just join the queue... In Singapore, within half-an-hour (of having a stroke), you would be in SGH... TTSH... and within one-and-a-half to two hours flat, you'd know what went wrong (because a CT scan would have been done in that time frame)".

I would like to ask Mr. Sim's sibling:
  1. Did poor Mr. Sim has a Computed Tomography (CT) scan - it looks like this - done, at all?
  2. If so, did SGH do it within "2 hours flat" after he was admitted?

I am a very objective Human Battery. So I will reserve my judgement until I read the reply from her. In the mean time, let's refresh our memory of how a commercial airline kicked out its first class and business class passengers for one person:

"Even though doctors initially advised that Mrs Lee stay put in London for three weeks, Mr Lee decided fly her back once her condition stabilised... Within 48 hours, SIA had fitted out SQ321 with medical support of oxygen tanks and other fixtures for a drip. "No other airline would have done this," Mr Lee said, looking visibly touched. On board were also two Intensive Care nurses from Changi General Hospital, two doctors, as well as officials from SIA who made sure all the equipment worked."

So, for his wife, it was a jumbo jet, and with doctors and nurses thrown in too. But for a peasant, the poor man cannot even be put on life support for just one more day!

If Mr. Sim had been on life support, how could it be that his organs would deterioriate if they were not robbed immediately? Thousands of brain-dead people all over the world have survived for years on life support machines!

Oh, by the way, more than 3 years have past. Has that robber, to quote Confucius, paid up the money that he had promised to pay SIA yet? How much did the total bill - removal of seats, setting up of equipments, loss of business (10+ 1st class seats and 30+ business class seats to and from london!!), accompanying doctors and ICU nurses - come up to? Hey, SIA belongs to Singaporeans, supposedly!

Note: For detailed analysis of what happened in 2003, read here (how the journalists were scolded), and here (why he should just go).

Agent Brown: She got out.
Agent Smith: Doesn't matter.
Agent Brown: The informant is real.


Friday, March 02, 2007

The time has come

Wednesday February 28
Scuffle for organs sparks donor debate in Singapore
By Koh Gui Qing

"...But as Sim's 68-year-old mother and about 20 other relatives knelt weeping before the doctors, begging them to wait, nine police officers entered the ward and restrained the distraught family while Sim's body was quickly whisked away.

"The hospital staff were running as they wheeled him out of the back door of the room. They were behaving like robbers," said Sim Chew Hiah, one of Sim's elder sisters".

Wiow, what a hugh contrast compared to the initial report by Straits Times!

Hahaha! What happened?

Well, our Matrix Master (MM) is not stupid. As it realises that forummers and bloggers are getting some sense of the truth, it will start to take action - it will reveal some truth, distance itself from the wrong-doers, pretend that they were not acting under its (indirect) command, and even turn around to punish them instead!

By doing so, it hopes it can minimise political damage to itself. That's precisely what happened in the NKF and commando dunking case, and today, under pressure, the English press is finally revealing some truth!

The morals of the story?
  1. Running dogs should quit having this yaya PAPaya attitude: "If I do as ordered by my Matrix Master, it will back me up when people complain about me". Wrong! When the tide is turned against you, the matrix masters will simply betray you in order to save its own ass!

  2. Free Speech and Free Press are very very important because they act as effective check and balance against abuse of power. They will force the authority to be accountable for events that have already occured. But more importantly, in the long run, they will make those in power think twice before abusing their power, since they know that whatever they do can be exposed easily.

  3. We should not forget that NKF, Commando Dunking, Organ Robberies are all just the result of a corrupted leadership. If the pillar at the top is straight, the lower pillars won't be crooked either! 上梁不正下梁歪! We should not allow the Matrix Master to distance itself from wrong-doings at the lower level!
In a way, we have "won". The Matrix Master has been forced to reveal some truth.

But that's not enough. More truth will come out and the police officers may even be charged with abuse of power in court, if pressure is kept up.

For example, if the Matrix Master senses that the Sim family, as well as sympathetic Human Batteries all over the Island, is gravitating towards Uncle Yap and the likes of him, why would it want such a situation? It might as well stand up for the family itself, than let others - in fact, its political rival! - be the good guy.

The time will come for the Matrix Masters to make a choice, and guess who they will be sacrificing this time to cover their own ass?

SGH 的走狗们,你们欺负沈家时,好爽 hor? 一副不可一世的嘴脸,满脸得意洋洋的霸气。盛气凌人。好威风,好嚣张,好神气!

你们就快做 T. T. Durai 了!




Rhineheart: The time has come to make a choice, Mr. Anderson. Either you choose to be at your desk on time from this day forth, or you choose to find yourself another job.

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